
The Josh Speaks

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Bored af on holidays. All sport clubs closed, not motivated enough to draw, no people to hang out with, visits left, so far only attendind driving school. What to do?

Try picking up a creative hobby like drawing, coloring, exercising or something like that?

I'm so confused about this. She gave me her kik and I waited two weeks for a response, but she ignored me. On the last day, we was bonding and when I got home I text her. Waited a day then she ignored me again. What's her deal?

Its hard to tell, it sounds like she may not really be all that interested. i wouldnt invest too much time and energy into trying to understand her behavior, instead let contacting her be a side thing.

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What to do if I ask a girl out and she responds with something like "we will meet for sure, but I do not know if I can do it this day , we will see"

I think persistence is key, keep making plans or trying to come up with new ideas so she can say yes. i made this video on that topic: https://youtu.be/xkDeEnwn0m8thejoshspeaks’s Video 136639052756 xkDeEnwn0m8thejoshspeaks’s Video 136639052756 xkDeEnwn0m8

Hey Josh, You have never really made a video on how to act on a date/a simple meeting with your crush. So my question is, what to do? :)

thats a really good topic, ill make that into a video real soon.

Hey josh there's this girl that I think is cute that is only in my Pe class once a week. We don't talk but she looks and smiles at me. It's close to school holidays and I want to have a girlfriend so I can take her out to a movie. What can I do. Ps nobody knows that I like her. I'm in 9th grade

hey, i think when a girl smiles at you its hard to tell how she feels. The best thing to do might be to ask her out or try to talk to her more. Once you get to know her, you'll have a much better ideas as to where she stands.

How do I start that first deep conversation over text with a girl? We share most classes together. Therefore, we're around each other at school throughout the week. However, our friendship is platonic and playful--she randomly teases me and has entitles me her best friend.

hey, getting the best friend label might be a sign that you're getting close to the friend zone. But I would suggest doing is texting her something like what's the scariest thing you've ever encountered in your life or if you could travel to one country where would you go. Asking these kind of big fun questions might start an interesting conversation, so be sure to dig deeper when she gives you her answer and also share your answer with her so you have a back-and-forth going.

What should I do if the girl I like is in a different grade than me, i.e. I'm in 8th grade and I'm going to high school, but the girl I like is in 7th grade and will still be in middle school

hey, I have a video on whether or not you should date a girl that's younger than you which might be helpful for you here. My rule of thumb is that if they are in a different school level bracket then you, for example middle school high school then I think it may not be worth pursuing a relationship because it's going to be difficult maintaining that when you are in a different world than they are.

What do I do if the girl I like has different interests/hobbies than me, how do I ask them out now?

hey, it's very common for you and your crush to have different interest. I think what would bring you guys together is sharing a few interests but it doesn't have to be all of them. Try to learn more about her interests and see if you can try some of those things out and see if she can try some of your things out too. Be open to getting to know her better and see where that goes.

Josh how can I fix it when I am talking to a girl and I say something nice to her (like complimenting her) and she gets awkward and kind of stops being interactive with me (such as stops being fun to talk to) I really hate this scenario because I don't know how to fix these awkward scenarios.

hey, situation like that usually happen when compliment someone and they don't feel comfortable with the compliments because they don't know whether or not you did it because you like them or you were just trying to be friendly. I think instead of complimenting a girl straight out try to get to know her better, get to a point where you can laugh and joke with her and then if you want to compliment do so because by that point she'll understand your connection with her better.

Josh when i am talking to people they just ignore me or walk away and talk to other people. They gave me their attention and didn't let me finish my sentence in the end. It's been happening a lot lately and I'm getting pissed about it because they act like they're listening and then they don't.tips?

when stuff like that happens I think a good rule of thumb is to try to really think about what you're saying and see if it is engaged. For example are you talking about something that has their interest or are you just talking at them. Try to ask engaging questions like what do you think about this or what your opinion on this to get them involved in the conversation.

Hi!!! I just turned 13, I'm a year younger than everyone in my class and I suddenly feel like I need someone. I love your vids and I'm a new sub. Is it too early for love or not, and how can I ask my crush out If she's older? I think of myself as shy, how can I be more confident? Thanks for anything

hey, I think it's great that at 13 you want to start exploring what it's like to date and understand other people better. I wouldn't rush into ask your crush though, maybe a better thing to do for now is to try to build a good friendship with them so that you can learn what it's like to have friends that are both guys and girls.

Josh your question,"What's holding you back from talking to your crush?" really got to me. It's not so much as rejection itself that I am scared of its the fear of her thinking I am a total wierdo and spreading it around you know like some girls tend to do in high school. I need a solution.Thoughts

hey man, I know what that's like. I've been in that situation before where I was afraid that if I somehow talking to my crush and asking her out it would make everyone else laugh at me, but what I've learned is that if you're confident in what you do and you act on how you feel then at first people may try to make fun of you out of them feeling awkward but ultimately you will come out on top as being a confident person that one after what they wanted.

I yelled at my crush after I found out she didn't feel the same now what do I do?

hey, sometimes when people don't like this back and get very frustrated and they can cause us to do things like that. What I would suggest doing is trying to apologize to her and giving it some time for her to understand that you let your emotions get the best of you.

There's this girl at my church (I'm in 8th grade and she is too) and I'm a little to nervous to sit next by her and ask for her number/insta/snap

hey, a good way to lead into asking her for one if those is to ask her a question where she can share her opinion on something. It can be what she thinks is a good movie to check out in theaters and from there you can share what your favorite movie is. As you talk to her, you can say "you know, you seem pretty cool. Lemme add you on insta or snapchat" very casually since you led into it with the convo.

What is a fast way to get rid of a boner

Try flexing your legs and arms to help increase blood flow to other parts of your body.

I end up asking directly myself. She gave me her kik with no hesitation, but she hasn't replied back yet. Should I wait it out?

Instead of waiting it out i would try talking to her in person again. The more conversations you have in person, the easier it'll be to get her to respond on kik.


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