
The Josh Speaks

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This may be an odd question but what should I do if someone questions my style of dressing? Should I be the Alpha male and not care because I have nothing to prove? Please help Josh because it really hurts when someone makes fun of your style

The person who's making comments probably has no interest in helping you fix up your style, and because of that their opinion isn't worth listening to. Simply ignore them. If you want, try finding a style you like and see if you can have a parent or a friend help you find those clothes.

I am a new kid at a school and I want to hangout with the kids, however how do I know if they are the good group or bad group. I don't have a problem hanging out with them as long as they don't get me in trouble

Watch how they interact with others, are they rude to other people, do they disrespect property or do things a little recklessly? Observing their behavior will give you a good indication of how they act, you can never know right off the bat. The best thing would be to learn how to say no in the event they want to do something bad. Always remember to stand for what you believe and never go along with it just because everyone else is doing it.

Josh, what r some way a girl shows that she's losing interest over texts?

If she responds with one word answers then she's either busy or bored. If you feel like she might be losing interest you can either try picking up the conversation with fun topics rather than saying things like "hey what's up" every day or you can try to lead it into making plans in person with her.

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sometimes when I talk to my crush he mentions other girls.He mentioned them cuz he is describing facts or giving me suggestion that is related to them, that's why he need to mention other girls. but I just can't help but feel jealous and I'm always thinking does he not like me cuz he mentioned them

Hmm maybe take some time to think about why it makes you jealous. Since he's only your crush do you feel like he might secretly like them or want to pursue them? If you do like him, then maybe it's just a matter of stepping up and asking him out sometime. Unless you guys are going out or there is a romance being built he's not really going to be too aware of how mentioning other girls affects you.

Is it bad if I'm the one always starting the conversation with my crush 😔

It's not bad at all. If you're pursuing your crush it make sense that you take the lead because you're the one trying to set this all up. The key is to get them interacting back by being fun and exciting enough to grab their attention.

Hey Josh. I'm in middle school and i have this good friend that I talk to every day of school. Our friendship is so awesome, that everyone in my grade thinks we are gay. (Which i am not.) I don't want to take this too seriously. I was thinking have a fun time with it. Any suggestions?

If you see him as just a friend then people are just being stupid here. There's nothing wrong with two guys having a really deep friendship bond. People will use the word "gay" as an insult here because they don't understand what you guys have nor do they have it themselves. It's their way of deflecting not having a solid friendship. If in any case you do feel something towards your friend, there's nothing wrong with that either. There's no set way to live your life, especially when other people try to define it for you.

Advice on talking to a girl I like for the first time on Facebook messenger? Best time of Day? Should I only do it when she's online? How should I start and how to keep the conversation going? Plus is it safe to do it on a Weekday when I see her the next day or should I do it over the Weekend?

What I would recommend is talking to her when she's online and having a conversation that's short and sweet so that you can save the bulk of conversation for in person talking. a lot of guys want to do all the talking on Facebook but then they don't really know what to say to the girl when they talk to them in person. any day of the week is fine and a good way to start a conversation is after commenting on her pictures or post and going back and forth there for a while leading it into a conversation.

both me and my crush like encoding and sometimes I'll give him codes and he'll decode them I gave him 3 codes tdy and he didn't decode the last one and didn't give me a reply Is he just busy or he's just not that into the codes I gave anymore also I want to call him but I don't know what to talk abt

He might just be busy which is why he's not answering the codes. try calling him up like you said and talking to him about things that you want to know about him. For example ask him what his favorite movie is are there any TV shows if you'd like, or general things that he's into. Learning more about him will help you carry more conversations going forward and make it easier for you to talk to him.

Hey how do a video How to ask a girl out in front of her mom or sister can you do a video of that did you do that Already??..

I haven't done a video yet about asking a girl out in front of her mom or sister but if you're in that situation try to focus on a simple asking out like suggesting you to get together to go for a walk or to check out a food place that looks cool.

Hey Josh, I know this may be an odd question to ask but if someone asks you to go to a party and you don't want to how do you say no without your friends making fun of you and not hanging out with you?

If people are giving you a hard time for not wanting to go, just tell them that its not your scene and there are other things you want to check out. people will always be upset if you don't do the things that they do, don't let others control you and eventually they'll give up.

hey josh is there away u can do two videos a week??

I would love to do more videos a week but I don't have the time for it. If I were able to make more money on YouTube I could justify the amount of time I would put it. if you can rally people together to donate on the channel then I will try to put on more content more frequently.

Josh can u give me 5 things u should text a girl, that keeps the conversation going and entertaining ☺️

I made a video called five ways to keep a conversation going, that should be helpful in talking to her. check it out!

JOSH IS THIS AWESOME YOUR DOING THiS SITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Haha thanks man :)

How can u tell if a girl does not really want to talk to u via text message ?!?!

Usually if she's giving you short one word answers like cool and haha it might mean she's either busy or not unto the conversation

Yo Josh, I'm in 10th grade and I plan on asking a girl out in a week or two. After I work my way in to where I'm gonna ask her out I'm not sure if I should say "Wanna go to the movies?", "Let's go to the movies" or "Wanna go out to the movies with me". I'm probably overthinking this but I'm not sure

A simple way to phrase it would be we should go to the movies together this Friday. are you free? that way you're making a suggestion and jumping from asking her if she wants to go to asking her to pick a time because she wants to go. the subtle change of language implied that you know that you're fun and that she's going to have fun by going with you

Hey josh, I'm going on a first date tomorrow, do you have any tips so that I can make a really good impression ? Thanks

Hey I made a video all about making a good first impression on my channel which might be really helpful for you. Just try to have fun, make jokes don't take things too seriously and spend some time getting to know her by asking her about herself.

Josh, I am a bit nervous starting at a new school. I don't want to get involved with the wrong people, but I do want to make friends. How can I choose who to hangout with?

A good way to not pick bad kids as friends is to not settle down with one group in the beginning. Try to keep meeting new people for the first 3 months. A wide network will give you a bigger selection. Also, I just put up a new video on being the new kid at school which might be helpful for you.

I meet my crush in church we don't talk there since his frds are surrounding him but we text my frds aren't going church next week so if I go I will be like alone and can't talk to him and things will get so awkward he might hv caught me staring at him few days be4 should I go or should I ask him?

I think that if you feel like you can confidently go then do it. If you really like him, sooner than later you're gonna want to talk to him. You might be better off just starting a simple conversation with him first just to break some of the tension. Ask him general stuff like what's his favorite movie, what does he usually do after church, etc.
Liked by: Vivian Ko

josh I have a problem I really like this girl but she has an jerk boyfriend that really likes her and she really likes him I have no idea how to ask her out even when she brakes up with her boyfriend because she's int the popular jerk group but she isn't a jerk please help

It sounds like she's happy in some sense with her boyfriend despite him probably being a jerk. Either way, let her be. If she's with him she's with him. She may like certain types of guys but when she's single that doesn't mean you can't approach her. Your confidence might supercede any jerk she hangs out with.

Hey Josh. I watched your video about asking your crush out in front of her friends.The only thing I have a problem with is that her friends know me as being that shy, lame guy. If i were to go out like that, they would know thats out of my ordinary. ( I can NEVER find this girl walking around alone)

Even if it's out of your ordinary you have to break out the new you sometime. If she ask why you're acting different, tell them that life is short and you're all about enjoying it.

hey josh this girl I like she is my my best friends ex I'm not sure if he's okay with me asking her out he said he was but I don't think he is she's also in the popular group so its kind of hard to ask her out since I'm kind of a nerd

I think the most important thing is to have your friends permission to go after his ex girl, if you truly believe that he won't be okay with it even if he says he will then I would probably not go for it. is if you do go for it to try to distance your connection with her from her connection with your friend. Don't mention it or talk about it with her. I know that you may think she's popular and you may feel like a nerd but the truth of the matter is that confidence will supersede all of that.

Do a video on how to ask out a stranger

im putting together a video on how to ask a girl out on the street, that should be coming out soon.

This is sort of a two part question. 1) Do you think it's weird for a grade 12 to date a grade 9? 2) why do girl like older men

My rule is if you guys are within the same school level, say friends since high school then it's ok to date. The reason why younger girls like older guys because girls mature faster than guys do so they want a guy that's has things a little more put together.

Josh can you do a video on how to overcome social anxiety like worrying what others think of you, etc.

Hey I made a video all about how to be social with people which should hopefully be helpful for you.

I feel like a loser..... I have been single for a long time. I plan to change that though

Your relationship status doesn't define you. However if you want to start looking for prospects try talking to new people, putting yourself out there and just being open to the possibilities that life offers you.


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