
The Josh Speaks

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How do you get a girl to hang out with you? I know her and we only say hi and small talk, but I wanna get to know her?

You gotta try to up the conversation to more substantial things. For example ask her questions that will reveal a little bit about her personality like what are her hobbies, what she wants to be when she gets older, etc. The deeper and more personal the conversation the easier it'll be to transition to asking her out.

It's my second week of school and I like this girl I've known for a few months. Should I ask her out now or wait a while?

Awok3n Matrix
I would try talking to her a little more as school progresses and when you feel like you've developed a friendship then you should lead into asking her out. It may take her time to be comfortable with the idea of going out, unless you aim for the date to be very casual like talking after school or grabbing food together.

Whatever it happens, my crush hugs nearly every boy in class except me, especially if I'm near them. That's making me angry! Help!

It might be because she may not feel a closeness with you or may feel like you're not the hugging type? Try initiating the hug with her and talk to her more frequently so she can feel a closeness with you.

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I presented mine and your arguments to my crush about the fact that an LDR can't even work. She replied to me a saying: "distance doesn't delete importance". I think she's obsessed with her LD crush... How do I get her out of it and convice her? I had a similar story but I successfully moved on...

An LDR can work if both partners understand what to expect from it. However if she's holding out on a crush and not someone she has been dating for a while that turned into an LDR, that's a lot harder to make work. In any event though, you won't be able to change her mindset on this so you should focus on appealing to her mood. Try to get her mind off of the crush and just talk to her casually. If over time she sees things won't work out with this other guy then you have laid the groundwork for you to step up.

If you could give only 3 tips of advice for relationships what would they be?

Remember that your partner is human just like you, they want to be heard, cared for and know that you accept them for who they are.
When you get upset, sit in silence with them for 90 seconds before you discuss the issue. This will give your body time to cool off and you'll be able to talk clearly about what's bothering you.
Don't give up on someone because they may be different from you. it's important to see where you two overlap and it's even more important to take the time to learn about what makes them special.

Some guy friend of mine asked me to go around school with me since only my crush was going to have a class at the time. I said yes but she was "smile-grining" at me. I asked her what's going on and if she had any ideas but she kept that face. Was she taunting me? No blushing so it was no hidden sign

hmm it sounds like maybe they were trying to use you to make them jealous? I'm kind of confused by the setup here.

Last week I joked once about feminism, everybody laughed, but now girls hate me, because they are not sure if that was a joke. What do I do?

Some things can pass as jokes easily while others might get misconstrued as offensive. The thing is, you gotta be conscious of your audience and know if it'd something that would bother them. I mean, you're telling the joke to get them to laugh right?
In your case it seems like the best thing might be to talk to a few of the girls one on one and let them know that you weren't serious and that you understand how and why it might have been offensive. Take ownership by addressing it and try to stray away from jokes like that if it's going to do the opposite of what you wanted it to do.

Hi Josh, I have a problem with confidence that is not really in my head - when I am on a date with a girl, I am all shaking, like literally...

That's perfectly normal to feel, sometimes there are expectations and your nerves are running so you forget about the moment and really focus on your behavior. A good way to handle your nerves is to take a moment to breathe. Tell the girl that you're heading to the bathroom and go in there and count to 10 with your breaths. Taking this little moment should help bring you back to the present moment. Don't hesitate to do this as many times as you need to until you feel OK with your surroundings.

Really, Josh? You are making videos sponsored by a condom company? I thought that your channel is not all about money from humiliating ads...

Hmm working with this brand was something I debated for a while. On one end, I was receiving a lot of questions about sex, what the right age to have it is and what to do if your friends are having it so when I saw L. in the Famebit sponsorship sections, I thought this would be a good cross of topic.
It seems like a few people see it more as humiliating or incongruent with my channel values which I can respect. I saw it as a product that my audience (high school / college level) would possibly be interested in because it's relative to their needs.
That's mainly why I turn down promotions with companies like Audible and Squarespace because those products aren't in line with helping you be safe, compassionate, happy and the best version of yourself. Like I said, one can argue if condoms do that, but my original intent was to simply present something my audience might use or like.

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Hey man, so the girl I want to ask out is constantly with her sister, her sister doesn't like me and lies about me to my crush all of the time, I have no idea how to approach her with out getting back lash from that witch she likes to call sister!

It sounds like it can be really frustrating to know that her sister plays such a negative role in the equation here. One thing I would suggest doing is trying to make peace with the sister so she can be on your side and not against you. Try to figure out why she may not like you and offer kindness her way to see if she changes her attitude.

I like this girl. But she doesn't feel the same way and we're friends. And every time we get in a fight I have to say sorry. And we just got in a fight again and this is completely her fault not kidding the ones Before were both but this wasn't me. What do I do??????

Do you find yourself apologizing for how you reacted to something or just to keep the peace? If you're apologizing just to make things OK between the two of you, you might be enabling her behavior to get upset and expect you to fix it. Try to joke the next time you get into a thing with her and see if you can transition the anger into humor. That might help reconstruct how she sees you.

Wait nvm about the gaining 30 lbs I need to gain at least 15 lbs

Tweet my friend Gallow. He might be able to help you out.

Hey josh I need some help here. Well you see I want to gain weight (specifically 30 lbs) and I have a pretty quick metabolism. I've searched the internet for lots of advice, but none of which stand out. Could you specifically tell me what I have to do to gain 30 and how long its going to take? Thnx

Hmm I'm not a nutrition expert but from the pro wrestlers I talk to who are always trying to put on weight, they seem to eat. a lot. Try having 6 meals a day and add in healthy fats like almonds as part of your in between meals as well. A good person to speak to about this is my friend Jack Gallow (@Tru_Gallow on Twitter) who is a beast.

What should I do? Option 1 save up money for a new gaming controller I want (Pretty expensive) or option 2 save money and ask out my crush? Idk how much a date can cost? Could you give me the money range for a typical date in highschool?

The thing about dates is that you can go on them for free. There are tons of things to do outdoors that doesn't cost any money like walking through the park, visiting a museum (depending on the day), outdoor events, etc. If you're clever about what you do it will always be more fun than a typical date. Plus you can save your money for if you end up going out with her so you don't spend it on a girl you're not with.

Hey I want to get to know this girl but I'm scared to approach her because people might make fun of me and all that, I really want to avoid that.

The thing about people saying something about you asking her out is mainly in your head. If rumors or jokes start to fly, keep in mind they are simply making fun of you for being confident enough to follow through on something important to you. How can anyone make fun of you for that?

How should I recover from a shitty week? I've had nothing but more bad news with some more bad news

It's tough when bad things pile up like that. The best thing I can suggest is to give yourself some time to breath and bring yourself back to the present. Hearing bad news and constantly thinking about it can keep us in a rut where we can't focus on anything else. However if we designate time to focus on the here and now, you will be able to calm your mind for a little bit in between the news.

i REALLY need your help now. I girl that im friend with told to me that she likes me and i dont know what to do. Im stunned. I liked her in the past but now nothing else... please help. its the first time and i feel like i cant do absolutely nothing...

Hmm if you like her back now that she's said she likes you or you want to see if there's a chance for something there between the two of you then try asking her go simply hang out. You don't have to ask her to be your girlfriend or anything high pressure like that, it could be just to get to know each other. Tell her you want to check out a food place after school and ask her to join you for a bit. Keep it simple and casual and that should help calm down your nerves.

Hey josh how can you figure out if a girl is a lesbian, cause I have this crush that I'm not too sure about. She hangs out with girls and seems really attached to one. Idk anymore, any help would be nice.

Whether she's a lesbian or not, you can still get to know her better and ask her out. if in the end she says she isn't interested then that's fine. You can move on and go on your way from there.

Hey josh there's a girl a like and she thinks that I don't like her anymore, and she texts me everyday but will barely talk to me at school. What do I do?

Hey man, it sounds like you should step in and ask her to hang out. if she doesn't think you like her anymore then don't let her put you in the friend zone. ask her to hang out and make the most of it

When I asked how's it going I really meant how's it going

well, right now I'm at a conference called inbound which is all about marketing and creating content which is awesome.

I sometimes feel depressed for no apparent reason and I feel like crap. It sometimes makes me wanna die and not care. The only reason for me to live is to not let my family feel the same way I feel so once they're gone I can go in peace. Do you feel like this sometimes?

Caring about your family is a great motivation in life. Because they care about you as well its important to always be as honest as you can be with them. if you feel like you are depressed and can't handle the feelings perhaps the best thing might be to work with them to seek out a counselor.

Next week I'll start my last year of school. Last year I asked my crush out and she said yes, but we couldn't execute the plan. Now I know what to do next, but how much time from the start of school should I let pass before reminding her and try again? ASAP might sound like I would be rushing...

You can always talk to her as soon as possible, but in terms of asking her out I would wait until the two of you are situated in school first.


Language: English