
The Josh Speaks

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How do you flirt online without sounding creepy?

the best way to flirt online is to get involved actively in conversations or in different post that the person makes. For example if the girl post a picture of herself at a restaurant always ask a question like that looks like a cool place where is it to see if you can get a conversation going. Once you do you can message her privately to talk about that conversation and then lead it into flirting. Don't ever try to start flirting out of nowhere because it will come off weird since there's no context built around it.

Is it Ok to just go up to a girl and speak to her if you don't know each other well, if it is ok what do you say?

In a situation like that, giving a reason why you're talking to her will help her not feel awkward in the moment. Saying "hey, I need a female opinion on something my friends and I were discussing." and then lead into a question. There's a way to do it where it won't come off cheesy and that is not acting overly enthusiastic about asking her. See what she has to say about whatever question you ask (what's the best horror movie, where's a good place to get food, #1 country you would want to visit, etc) and then lead into interest as to what she said. Here is where you can express interest and really try to listen to and roll with what she said.

What to do if my parents don't like my partners parents?

That's a really tough spot to be in. If you care about your partner and you both care about your families then the best thing might be to talk to your family to see why they don't like them. Try to help them understand that her family is important to you and it would mean a lot to you if you could bring them together.

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Best ways to cope with work stress at high school and university?

What I've learned over the years from multiple students that were friends or have shared advice with me, it's important to set time boundaries on what you do, including schoolwork. That might mean working for an hour and then resting 20 minutes. A lot of times what students do is all their work back to back and give themselves very few break times in between to simply be. Don't turn to Netflix or anything like that because you're stimulating your brain constantly. The key is to let your brain wind down by just sitting and relaxing. Think of it as a cool off point between things. Try this out and see if it allows you to calm yourself when you're feeling stressed about intense schoolwork and let me know if it helps.

The girl I like saw me Brawling with some guy, will this scare her away?

it might make her feel like you have a violent side which I think might not work out well. Try to also let her see that you have a friendly side as well by talking to her.

How do you keep a conversation going everytime you see your crush? I feel like there's something missing in the convo that needs that spark. What is usually the next move?

What separates a normal conversation from a really interesting one is your passion for what you're talking about. Being a little bit more emotional in your responses ups that a little bit. For example, if they tell you a story instead of saying "oh cool", saying something like "really? that's really freaking awesome. tell me more" will make the person feel that appreciation and get more invested.
Liked by: Brian TheBat

What do I do if I have these awkward "silents" when I am talking to everyone? (Specifically my crush). What would be the best solution?

If the conversation falls flat what I would do is lead in with a story or a question. Saying, "hey by the way, last night I was..." and tell a story or ask a question like "so tell me about yourself, what are you passionate about?". Once you start to learn more about your crush, especially the day to day things that they are doing then you can ask them about that from time to time.

To make a long story short there's this girl I used to know when we were like 3 or 4 and now she goes to my highschool. Our parents know each other but we don't talk. It's kind of awkward to start a conversation with her or make eye contact but I think she's cool and I want to become her friend.

A good way to rekindle that conversation is to approach her and ask her if she's the girl you remember from when you were 3 or 4. Play it off like you're just confirming and then genuinely ask her how she's doing. Find out what her hobbies are, what she likes to do for fun and that you two should hang out sometime to catch up. I know that may seem like a lot but if you allow it all to flow together she will feel more relaxed as you do because it's awesome to run into someone from your past like that and you can use that as a springboard to talking to her.

So I want to speak to a girl but I've never spoke to her in person but only through social media (Bad idea I know) but how do you start a conversation with your crush?

The goal would be to bring the conversation off social media into maybe texting and then in person talking. A good way to do that is to comment on something she posts with a question and if you can get a conversation going with her in the comments, move it to messaging. Once you establish a connection through messages you can ask for her number and then make plans for in person talking. It's all one big ladder that you can climb down to get to each step.

When you are apologizing to a girl and she says simply "it's fine" what do you think she means? Does this mean that she still might be mad at you or does she really mean that it's fine?

It can usually mean in that moment she's still feeling upset but she isn't ready to talk about it. A lot of guys try to logically approach it as a problem to fix by trying to outline what happened and how they can fix it but in that moment what she probably needs is comfort, try sitting down with her and letting her know that if something is bothering her, you're open to listening to her because you care.

Late high school and college life might be preety tough for two people to meet each other for a long time of the day. What's the best day to develop a relationship with a crush in that circumstance?

It's hard to start a relationship at the end of high school because you two might be going to completely different areas and it'll put strain on the relationship. What I think you should focus on is not building a relationship but instead getting to know a lot of different girls so you can have a network of people to talk to and hang out. That's easier to manage than a girlfriend in a different state.

okay how should i approach a girl i like who i have never talked to for over a year now, were in the same school and in the same class. we have never talked and i would like to know how i can start doing so without it being very awkward.

If she knows who you are in the sense that she's probably seen you in class before, what I would do is walk up to her after class and say to her "hey, you know I've seen you a bunch of times in class before but I don't think I've ever spoken to you. my name is...". From there you can ask her what she does for fun outside of school and what her hobbies are. Treat it like you're meeting a brand new person but introduce yourself like it's almost silly that the two of you have never talked before.

What do I do if my crush just walks away from me if I try to have a reasonable conversation with her?

She might have been bored or uncomfortable with the situation. I would try to look at why she might have walked away. We're you actually talking to her or were you talking low and she wasn't paying attention. Try to analyze the situation and if she just up and left as you were talking directly to her then just don't even bother with her if she's going to be rude.

Hey josh remember me from the foreign exchange crush thingy? Well I feel like asking her out to a football game at our school. How would you approach the situation in which you buy two tickets and ask her to the game after school? Even after what do I do if she says yes?

A football game might be a stretch for a first date, I would use that maybe as the first official date but prior to that I would invite her out for a walk or food so you can at least establish the grounds for you two hanging out alone. If you then ask her and she says yes then I would suggest organizing how the two of you can meet up, either to go together to the game or for her to meet you there. Be open and ask questions if you don't know what the plans are, it's the best way to not get confused. You can also get her number so you can contact her when you're there.

What do you think it's the biggest problem/issue with pre-university teen girls if we're talking about personal relationships nowadays?

The hardest thing they may have to deal with is a lot of choices coming their way. The idea of what college to attend, the drama of life in terms of friends and romance, family things happening and finding time to catch their breath during it all can be tough. I think those are problems both girls and guys face but it's something very real to everyone at that age.

What's the first thing you do in the morning?

I usually wake up to the sound of my alarm and get semi dressed. I put all my clothes on except for my shirt because I do that after I've brushed my teeth and put deodorant on.
Liked by: Louis

I keep falling asleep in the morning. I'm first to wake up but eventually get sleepy. How many hours do you get?

I'm not on the best sleep schedule. Sometimes 4, sometimes 7. Sleep is incredibly important though and aiming for more should be the standard.

How exactly did you meet your gf? How long did it take to take it from friends to more than friends, or did you straight up ask her out before knowing her?

For us it was a little different in the fact that we were friends for two years before we started hanging out. We would talk casually on the phone every so often but once we started hanging out the chemistry evolved and we started going on officially maybe a month or so after.

Hey josh, what is the difference between puppy love and real love? because I have no idea what I'm feeling right now (im 15)... it feels good tho.

I would say puppy love is based on attraction. that's usually when you see someone that you like and you get those little butterflies in your stomach, it isn't really rooted in knowing him as a person or spending time with them it's more about how they look and how that makes you feel.

Is there such thing as "friends with benefits/penalties"? I honestly don't see the sense in it... I'd rather go for a real relationship.

That's something you can talk about with your friend, in most cases relationships work our better because friends with benefits sometimes doesn't allow both people to be honest and if someone gets attached it can mess things up between the two of you

My friend has a ton load of confidence and I respect him for that. I have somewhat confidence as well but he has alot of confidence that our little social group see him as our leader. I'm really envious of that and he's so humble about it. How do I become leader/take over?

I think you may be approaching things in the wrong way. It sounds less like you want to lead and more like you want the power that may be associated with leadership. You and your friend can lead in different ways, for example you can be the one your friends turn to talk about personal issues they're going through or you could be the go to person for making plans, etc. Leading comes in many forms but the true quality of a good leader is respect for all those around him.

I used to be funny and random in my freshman and sophomore year, but this year I feel like I'm mature and boring. I can be funny sometimes, but I lost my humor for some reason. How do I get back in touch with my humor back because I get to know people better when I break the ice with my humor.

Try thinking about what it was that made you funny before. what has changed in your personality? have you taken on more responsibility?


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