
The Josh Speaks

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Hey josh could you help me on something? So there are people at school who get in groups to socialize, but I don't know how to approach them and join in on the conversation. I don't want to just stand there like a stalker and creep them out. Any suggestions?

You can always jump into the group and say something like "hey guys, I gotta head out in a few but I just wanted to get your opinion on something. My friend and I were having a debate about what the greatest movie of all time is, what do you think?". Use a question like that where people can customize and give their own answer and then ask them about why they liked those movies and the like. Then you can lead into asking them what they do for fun and talk about weekend plans and such. If things get awkward you can say you gotta head out and then walk away. you can always talk to them individually later if you see them but use this as the opener.

Josh! I think you should make some videos on gay dating! Maybe you don't have expierience with that, but I bet you have a ton of followers that could use your help!

That's a really great idea, I know it's qu two birds in the LGBT community who could really help me out with their perspective on dating. I think it would be a lot of fun to connect with other people and to help everyone out if I can. Do you have any suggestions for you to breeze you'd like to see me talk about dating subjects with?

Yo Josh! A girl ( my friend that I like) turned me down when I asked her if she wanted to go to the carnival with me because she was busy. I don't think I should give up so what kind of approach should I come with while asking her out somewhere else?

If she was busy for the carnival try to aim for something smaller like hanging out after school. Don't give up on asking her out, just recognize what type of hang out might be easiest for the two of you. A walk together is very low commitment and low time but it can lead to longer more fulfilling hang out sessions.

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Josh I am in a tight situation. I like my friend but she has a boyfriend and is happy. I am afraid that if I tell her how I feel she will not want to be my friend anymore. What should I do?

Chances are if you tell her then she's going to want to keep her distance from you because it might be kind of shocking to find out that your friend has liked you all along when you've grown to see them as a friend. Also because she has a boyfriend she might feel like you're not being respectful of that as well. All in all the best thing to do might be to let her be with him and if they break up you can step in and try to move from the friend zone.

Hey Josh why are there rude people in the world and how can I avoid them?

People are rude because they haven't developed the skills to be kind. Instead they've grown more and more bitter about how they perceive things and handle sitiations. A good way to avoid them is to recognize when a person isn't capable of exerting kindness in that moment and walking away without needing to tell then off or get angry right back.

How can you be sure if a girl at least considers you as a friend?

It wouldn't have to be anything official, but you can consider her a friend if you can hang out with her, whether in a group or alone. Just saying hi and bye is a low level friendship because there's no time commitment to one another there.

Hey josh I was wondering if you could tell me how to find out if a girl has a boyfriend, because there is this girl I like, but I wasn't sure she had a boyfriend.

The very best way to find out is to ask. If you're more direct about it and find a way to slip it into conversation with something like "I bet your boyfriend wouldn't mind" she might correct you and say she doesn't have one or acknowledge it. Either way you'll walk away knowing.
Liked by: Unknown

Josh am obsessed with this one girl that says she has a boyfriend but I checked her facebook and says she's single and no sign of a boyfriend in her pics or default just her and she went to a rodeo with her friends and some of her friends had boyfriends took pic just her n frie does she have boyfri?

She might have said it as a way to deter you from asking her out again or she just might not publicize her relationship. There are some people who aren't Facebook obsessed like everyone else is and therefore they don't add every thing to it all the time.

Can you make a direct video on asking a girl out?

Sure, the reason I've broken it up into sub topics is because it's hard to have a general video on it since the different circumstances create different obstacles.

What's your opinion on Couples with different religious views?

It can be a very tricky to handle but always remember the key foundation of why you guys are together. You love one another and are trying to learn more about your partner along the way. You're not there to convert them or to show them why you might think their religion is wrong. As long as you can recognize that the other person has their set beliefs then you can prosper.
Liked by: Josh_matthewsss

I asked you the question about if a girl likes another person should I try to get her I did but I got rejected in a nice way. do you know how I can maybe impress her?

If she's still single and only likes someone else then I would suggest still being persistent. Keep talking to her when you can and ask her out again eventually. The key is to keep being an awesome person to talk to so she either decides that it's worth investing a date into or that she is just not interested.
Liked by: Adrian Tapia

Josh Is it weird that I hav high expectations in a girlfriend? I feel like it might be holding me back

The problem with high expectations is that you start to not be willing to give people chances because you write them off too quickly. If you can learn to preserve your qualifying for after you've gotten to know them better, you can start to see if they would be better off as a friend or a potential girlfriend.

I have a busy work schedule, but I randomly got Saturday off and I never get It off so I thought about asking her out on a date. But it's her birthday but she doesn't know I know it's her birthday (Facebook) should I still take the risk and ask her out? Even though her birthday is an excuse not to?

If you don't already know her then asking her out on her birthday is a little risky. She might want to spend that day with her friends or family, probably not so much with a random guy. For example, if the date ends up being a disaster then she won't want that associated with her birthday. I would try to find an alternative, maybe you could ask her out for a smaller date during the week.

I really enjoy playing this one game but it is getting in the way of school. Do you have any tips on how to stop playing a game that is addictive

I'm gonna make a video about that soon, my advice would be to set a time limit on yourself. Use an alarm clock and let it keep going off as you play until you shut down the game. Tell yourself that you'll spend only 1 hour a day playing and spend the rest of your time trying out other hobbies and definitely schoolwork.

And does she like me or not?

It's hard to tell, however if you like her don't wait for a reason to go for it. The fact that you like her is reason enough.

hey josh. have you ever considered doing a video on being labeled a snitch? what should you do if you are being called one? is there a different way to solve the problem instead of ratting out?

It all depends on what you're snitching about. If it's something that could get someone in trouble with the law like stealing something, or something that might be harmful for their health like doing hard drugs then you should definitely let someone know so that person can get the help they need. If it's something like telling your friends crush they he likes her then a simple apology and admitting you did something wrong is the best way to go. Aim for honesty, and if people are making up lies, stick to honesty and only listen to those who are willing to hear your side of the story. Everyone else who ignores it is just pulled into the drama.

By the way I've emailed you before. I just needed more help. Please reply! I really like this girl

hey, I'm making rounds through my emails. I should get to it soon!

Hey Josh, there's this girl I'm interested in. I think she might like me. I'm not the most good looking person. I'm funny and sometimes we just talk about random crap that comes up. She sometimes touches me or pats me on the back if I get a bad grade for example. Anyhing else I should look out for?

Hmm it sounds like she may just be acting friendly with you. It doesn't really sound like she's displaying any signs that she may be interested, however you shouldn't wait to see signs if you like her. I would start to pursue her if you want to get with her and create that reason for her liking you.

If I'm getting to know a girl and she bring up that she enjoys going on walks, which would you choose for a "possible" first date idea?: just a plain walk in the park or possibly a small hike on a trail?, or is an activity appropriate like... Geocaching?

Keep the first date relatively simple. Use it as a way to get to know her a little better. A simple walk in the park is all you need at first to have a conversation to see if you guys can connect on something deeper.

Hey josh I was wondering if you like a girl but don't know how to approach her because she knows your name and might have a label on you already, what's the best way to start the first approach/conversation?

It's easy to assume she has you branded as some kind of guy but a good way to break out of any potential mold is to start talking to her confidently. If you can approach her and talk to her in a friendly, flirty and fun way that doesn't sound like your nervous then she's going to squash any preconceived notions.

Me, my cousin & bro plan on seeing Avengers this Sunday but now my bro got fired from his job & has no $. I gave him some of my own $ to pay his bills but I only have enuff to see the movie. His beef is that we should wait to see the movie. I think its not fair that we have to wait What do u think?

Hmm that's a tough situation, I would think about what will matter more in the long run. If you see it now without him will it make him really upset? What will happen if you don't get to see it on Sunday? Think about who and what matters more here rather than what you may want to do.

Hey josh I was wondering if you could help me with a problem I have faced the past week at school. I talk to people in the most friendly way possible, but they ignore me or look at me like I am wierd. At my school the funniest people get noticed, and I am not a very funny person. What can I do?

Hey, don't try to chase the title of funny guy. People like to label and all it does is strip you of your other characteristics because one sticks out more than the other. Focus on being the confident leader, talk to the people you do know and try to organize events that they could all participate in. For example, try to get a group together to go watch a movie or to hang out at the park. Find fun events or places to go and try to assemble people to check it out with you. People will see you as the leader type which definitely outweighs the class clown.


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