
The Josh Speaks

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My girlfriend and I have been dating for a few months. And we see each other now and then because it's summer. But every time I try to text her she tries to leave the convo. And I try saying like is everything ok and is something wrong but she just answers with 1 word answers. Does she wanna breakup

It sounds like she may not be as invested or have the time for the relationship right now. Try talking to her about how she feels and if she wants to stay together.

So, I took some time away from my crush, and now she misses when I talk to her? Is this a sign??

People notice when you stop giving them attention. It's a sign that she might miss you talking to her more but the only way to make use of that is to lead into asking her out. Don't spend too much time trying to figure out if she likes you, be proactive and give her a reason to.

I wanna know how to make a name for myself for when school starts

I made a video called how to be cool in middle school which outlines some tips and tricks that can really help you out. check it out :)

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How to you get the girl the perfect gift?

I made a video about picking the right gift for your girlfriend for Christmas which outlines the 4 types of gifts you can go for. it should help you find something nice.

We broke up today and I knew it was coming because she's moving schools and houses so ya.. But when she told me that in person at the park she said that we could still be friends and to still text her. Idk if that's what every girl says to guys they break up with. Does she really want to be friends?

I think she enjoys your company to some extent, so the best way to not lose you would be to work on building a friendship. If you don't feel comfortable with that then don't let it lead to that. respectfully decline and let her go if you feel you need to.

Hey josh there's a girl I like, I asked her out and got rejected and now we text everyday (since it's summer) and I found out she likes me back now, I want to ask her again but I'm afraid of getting rejected.

Hmm if she likes you back or you think she might, don't commit to anything at first. Ask her out on a simple date, go grab something to eat or go for a walk to see if you two can really connect. If things start to work out then let it grow. Try not to get too invested emotionally in the beginning because you can't control how someone else will feel.

What's wrong with the newsletter? I signed up like a month ago and I still haven;t received anything...

You might have to check your spam folder. I noticed for some reason it's showing up in spam for a lot of people. I think it might be the mail chimp template I was using or something.

How to start a conversation with a stranger?

The thing about talking to strangers is that what they need to know is that you're not a crazy person and that you're talking to them for a reason. if you walk up to a stranger to talk to them make sure to ask your question and then say "the reason I'm asking is because...".

So I had my crushes Kik but then my friends cousin stole her Kik by going through my phone and cursed her off on it. Her mom saw it and said she had to delete so now over the summer i don't have any contact with her. What should I do?

It sounds like the whole situation is messy and the best thing may be to let her be for the summer. Try fixing it when school starts up unless you have another way to contact her.

Are you planning to make another google hangout? They are super cool :)

Yea man, I'm gonna do another one in July so stay tuned!

How to deal with having enemies for example in school? (People that just dont like you, no matter what),

I made a video a while back called how to deal with haters and negative people. Check it out, at the end of the day it all comes down to not giving them the time of day to bother you.

Hey josh, I asked out my crush and got rejected but we exchanged kiks and Skype profiles. We'd talk every night on skype but in school before it ended this guy was spreading a rumor about me and it got to my crush and she said she needed time to think. She never got back to me. What should I do?

I made a video called My Crush Knows I Like Her which might help you out in this situation. the key is to be honest and to not lie about how you feel. if she asks, be forward with it and don't allows bullies or rumors to deter you. you like her for a reason, try to move forward with those feelings rather than backwards.

I like this girl and she said she likes me back. So I was thinking of asking her out to this frozen yogurt place because it's really hot outside. Anyway on the date how can I keep it fun and interesting and also get her attracted to me without making it awkward?

Frozen Yogurt sounds like a great place to go. As you talk to her try to share stories about your life and ask her about hers. When you mention a situation you've been in ask her if she's every experienced something like that. Focus a lot on sharing and listening and you can also be fun and flirty. If she tells you a ridiculous story you can always rag on her or tease her about it for fun.

Hey I really like ur videos and I have two questions. 1. I like a girl and I asked her out but she rejected me. Is there a way to change her mind? 2. For about 3 months now I've been dealing with depression. What's the best way to break outta depression?

Hey, it sucks that you got rejected. Depending on what you said when you asked her and what she said in response, I would say try to ask her out again but for something that's a much smaller commitment then "would you like to go out with me sometime". Invite her to grab food with you one day or to check out a cool store, live free concert, etc. Instead of it being a traditional date make it more about two people checking something cool out.
As for dealing with depression the best thing to do is to talk to someone about how you feel. That may be a friend, parent or a therapist. The way you feel is perfectly normal and it's ok to be depressed. One thing you should always rememeber is that depression is not a solid state of being and that it is possible to move out of depression, even if it feels completely overwhelming at times.

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hey josh, so there's this girl that obviously likes me and I have no interest in her at all. she's really sweet and I don't wanna confront her about it bc she's one of those girls that get offended really easily and then she'll tell all her friends about it. I just don't know what to do...

Hey man, that was actually the next video I was going to do. how to reject someone. I think the best way to do it without sounding mean is to be honest without being cruel. A good way to be honest is to let them know that while you don't really know them that much as a person you aren't attracted to them and you would feel more comfortable being just friends.

josh how can i go out with this girl on plenty of fish and BUt i do i make her message me though she saw my profile please please help orrrrrr??????? u can help me by.................. tba

If she looked at your profile she may have just been curious about your picture. I would suggest messaging her and make a joke about how the first profile view is free and you charge afterwards. Be playful and witty with it.

When a girl likes someone else how can you get them to like you.

You can't ever make someone like you. At the end of thethe day it's their own decision and no one elses. What you can do is put yourself out there and interact with them enough to learn more about them and have them learn about you. That way you can show off your best characteristics so your crush can start to see what a good person you are in comparison. If in the end they still choose someone else then respect it and don't get annoyed.

Yeah josh but after I pull her aside what can I say to her to get her to either flirt back with me or give me a kiss. I can't just straight up ask her out.

You're right, straight up saying "will you go out with me can be weird". Instead when you pull her aside say something like "so tell me about yourself? ". Try to get her to talk about some of her hobbies so you can lead into conversations about those things. As she talks try teasing her and gently push her away as you talk. You can be like "nope, we're done. This will never work. Tell me more". Back and forth flirting will set up her alarm as to whether or not you guys are flirting and now if she really likes you. Be confident about it and then invite her to go out with you with something like "you know, you're really cool. we should get something to eat on Friday. I know this awesome place to go, I'll take you out there". Eliminate the yes or no element of "will you go out with me" and make it a more personal question that you can explain the context behind it.

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Hey josh I like this girl and I think she likes me back. Well that's what her friends say and I'm friends with her friends and I wanna get closer to her to kiss her. What should I do? I'm think that we all should hang out and get her alone. P.s. We talked before and she always give me eye contact.

Getting everyone together and pulling her aside to build a one on one connection is a great idea. In a situation like that, remember that it's important to also engage with everyone else so they will be more than happy to let you two drift off on your own.

I'm starting to become really anti-social...I've been coping with it by playing video games, sleeping a lot, and canceling plans-previously made. I need help...

Hey man, distancing yourself from people can start to become the norm when you feel like you don't have anything to contribute to people or if you just lose that connection. A good way to get out of a funk like that is to try something new that you've never done before. It's in meeting new people that you can start to develop a bond with them and potentially flip your situation around.

My crush is finally starting to notice me again! For the longest time she was liking my photos then unliking them. But now she is liking most of my pics and even liking my selfies. I would like to ask her out it don't know when and how. Any advice?

Just for the record, a girl liking your pictures isn't a surefire sign that she likes you but if you like her, liking her is enough of a reason to ask her out. I would try talking to her in person, if you can't see her because schools out then try to set up plans to hang out this summer with her. Organize a big gathering of people to make it seem more enticing for her to come hang out.

How do you break up with a girl who's moving away to another school? I know I can't handle a long distance relationship.

I know but may seem hard but the long distance should be your reason. Let her know that you just don't feel like it's something you can be truly committed to if you guys are long distance and that you care about her and that this will make things easier for the two of you in the long run.

Hey Josh, I have a girlfriend since last summer. In winter there came a new girl to my school. I didn't really pay much attention to her, but there was a party about a month ago and we danced together for a while. Since that time I have a huge crush on her. What do I do - I end the schoolyear 26.06?

Well, you gotta ask yourself if having any kind of relationship with this new crush is possible now that school is over. If it isnt, stay with your girlfriend and try to really devote your time to her.


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