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It's true that we are born alone, die alone, and that throughout our lives we are still alone (because we will never know each other completely.) But that doesn't mean that the relationships that we make in life should be so easily disregarded. Good company is hard to find, after all.

I have good company, but not in "that" way.

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I love your answer for " True Love" the only real true love we can experience is to love ourselves. I agree with you. I've been crushed too many times by people who claim to live you unconditionally but with so many "conditions". True love only exists in loving ourselves. You made me cry.

Uhm.. Thank you. (Or something)
Liked by: ⚜ Patrik (g.)

I agree you are so gorgeously beautiful but why label or tear you apart to know if you like guys or girls who cares passion is passion. Your answers were clear by the way 

I never really cared about the special snowflake blizzards raging over the internet. I simply am. That's all, don't really care for a label.

How to find true love?

I'm not even sure if true love exist, at least not the conventional definition of love. People want something more in life, we make up things and tell them as a truth, one of them being "true love". We use the concept of love to deceive you. We know what you want and we use that to get what we want.
Sure, I guess I've too have felt that lightning bolt to the heart that made me think and feel the oddest things. Nothing of it made any sense, I guess that's what a lot of people would consider love. When feelings contradict all logic. But I know, that there's none. You're born alone and you die alone. And along the way we as humans drop all these ideas to give you some sense of hope. Hoping for a better tomorrow, but there's no better tomorrow.
We do everything we can to eliminate our meaningless existence. We want some kind of meaning. We spend our entire lives looking for something that doesn't exist. But I'm aware, I know that there's nothing out there for me. But a lot of people need these illusions to keep going. I'm going too, but in a different direction.

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