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Ok I keep asking the wrong way.. I'm not a violent person at all. I get your point . Thanks for the challenge. It totally depends on what the past holds. Thx(^_−)−☆

Well, I don't associate with criminals. Even if it's "the past".
Liked by: kyra Ida Clowniac

No, ( your a tough cookie haha) let's forget the word judge. We would never let a child abuser take care of a child . < true. But say your best friend robbed a store, would you help them through it or walk away and end the friendship?

I'd terminate my relationship with them right away. I would never even consider being friends with a violent criminal that threatens people's lives for some pocket change. Never. (But I would forgive a friend if they made a sandwich and put the lettuce on before the cheese. Even if it's wrong. The cheese keeps the moist away from the bread.)

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I wasn't going that deep. Killer,pedophile, rapist,any of those I wouldn't trust. I was asking about just stupid mistakes we seem to make in everyday life. ( not the outrageous ones)

So.. Only judge some people based on their past?

Really sorry for your hospital stay unfortunately I was as well because of a very bad car accident. Were you in a coma or paralyzed?

No, I wasn't. I had a few surgeries because of some internal complications, no accident.

Would you judge someone by their past if you clearly knew their present was completely different?

Yes. I wouldn't let a former pedophile be a baby sitter even if the person would be "somebody else today".
Liked by: Mandisen Zouvia Elle

Are you a chicken farmer? Because you sure know how to raise a cock ;))

Geez, tell me something I don't know.

why do you never show your face on selfies? you're beautiful! so please don't hide your face ♡

zuraofficial’s Profile Photokyra
My face isn't so photogenic and I'm not so patient.

If you were immortal for a day, what would you do?

You mean invincible? Nothing special. I would still be able to hurt myself and I could die the day after.

Do you play any online games?

Not any MMORPG (that's for casual scum). But I play games that has online access, right now I'm playing Pokémon Y and Dark Souls II.
Liked by: kyo「京津」

If you could witness any event past, present or future, what would it be?

I haven thought about a specific event. I'd like to see Johnny Cash live, or X with hide, or maybe a gladiator game in Ancient Rome..?
Liked by: Abby The Fantasist


Language: English