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How many hours a day do you spend watching TV?

I never watch "TV on the TV", I watch a lot of TV-shows though. Currently I'm watching Breaking Bad, Sons of Anarchy, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Top Model and 進撃の巨人 every week.

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What would be your ideal lifestyle?

"The worlds richest loser", that means that I would be extremely rich but I don't have a job. I can just do whatever the hell I want.

I don't see why people say you're easier to be with drunk... But if they only get to see you twice a month maybe that's why. The times we have spoken you've been decent, funny and nice. Give your sober self more credit.

Well, I have no problem being with my "besties" sober. We have our own "culture" so we connect. But for people that I'm not so close with they usually think I'm hard to be around.
And I only see my best friends twice a month, but we're the same so we need the space.
I try my best, thank you!
Liked by: JuliaVicious

I mean what do you act like when you get hammered. I'm a happy, laughy drunk. You?

I'm actually a decent guy. I'm funny, outgoing and nice towards people. So I'm the opposite of my sober self.

Write ten or more facts about yourself

I. I'm very satisfied with my height, I think it's the perfect height for a male. (188cm/6'2")
II. I've attended three different universities at the same time
III. During my most intense study period my daily routine looked like this: Go to school 8AM, class until 4PM, study in school until 6PM, go home, have dinner around 8PM, go to bed at 9PM and get up at 03AM to study before school.
IV. My biggest passion in life is music, ironically I haven't found people who have the same artistic values as I do myself thus resulting in me not having a band at the moment.
V. My first celebrity crush was Milla Jovovich as Leeloo (The fifth element)
VI. I've played video games my entire life (since I was 3-4yo) and I still own pretty much all the consoles I had through life. (NES, SNES, N64, PS1, PS2, Xbox, GC, PS3, Xbox 360. GB, GBC, GBA, NDS Lite, PSP)
VII. Final Fantasy VII was the first game that introduced me to role playing games, I didn't understand anything but I always told my cousin to play it so I could watch. It's my favorite game since 1997.
VIII. I've only seen my favorite band DIR EN GREY five times.
IX. One of my dreams is to create something of true value in this world that will surpass me and my own existence.
X. I enjoy spending time alone. I usually think "seeing people" twice a month is enough, even if it's my best friend.

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If you could choose to stay a certain age forever, what age would it be?

I think 23 would be good. I know some night clubs has 23 as their age limit. I wanna be as young as possible but still be able to do "everything".


Language: English