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What do you think about what is happening in Ukraine? Russia has 15000 soldiers there and Ukraine say that it will be a war if Russia send in more troops. What is your opinion, you can read more about it online or watch the news on the TV. What do you think? will it be war or what will happen?

I don't think anything about it. The only thing I know is that Russia is unbeatable.

Right back at ya. Kolla upp vad politiken leder till, vilka som gynnas och inte. Kolla upp hur samhället fungerar så kanske du fattar att man inte ska privatisera och sänka skatter och ge mer pengar åt de som redan har. Fatta hur priviligierat det är att tro att alla har samma "frihet".

Tror du har kommit lite fel.

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Sound like a really great weekend plan!!! I know it will be crazed... Wish I could say that about mine.. Saving money :) supposed to go to Stockholm in Dec. First flight ever ! Enjoy!

Enjoy Stockholm!

What's the biggest mistake you regret making?

I don't think there's one big in particular. It's more of a series.

I was leanig more toward physical not money wise. Like snuggling while watching movies ect. As a woman I typically don't like flowers it smells like s funeral. Simple romance?

Depends on the movie, I usually want to focus on the movie. I like movies. But I guess that you could lean on me, or something.

Whst is the most commonly held belief that you personally find offensive?

I don't really get offended by anything. There's a lot of things that I find very stupid, but I don't feel offended by it.


Language: English