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Just thought you might travel to Japan. If I were rich I'd take us both. Sorry, I'm not though :(

I wish I had the money haha!

Are hou going to see Dir En Grey this month? Haven't seen anything for future US yet but I'm waiting!!

No, they're not playing on my side of the planet I'm afraid.

Hur skulle du reagera om det kom någon utklädd till clown och sa,jag gillar dig?

John Wayne Gacy, Jr. (March 17, 1942 – May 10, 1994) was an American serial killer and rapist, also known as the Killer Clown, who was convicted of the sexual assault and murder of a minimum of 33 teenage boys and young men in a series of killings committed between 1972 and 1978 in Chicago, Illinois.

Where is one place in Sweden you would take a friend from another country?

Göteborg and Uppsala are my favorite cities. I don't have a specific place though.

What is your favorite junk food ? Soda?

I don't have any absolute favorite.
Right now I'd like to have a "kebabtallrik" (kebab w/ fries). But I guess if I could only pick one I'd go for pizza, since there's a million ways to make a pizza?
I really like Coca-Cola Zero, Ginger Ale and Mountain Dew.
Liked by: cutetrashqueen Drae

Hur beskriver man din favoritmacka bäst?

Tror inte jag har någon absolut favoritmacka, men jag tycke om klaffs. Skagenröra tex., det är för jävla gôtt. Sedan är det viktigt med ett bra bröd. Gillar rätt så rejäla och matiga mackor, sånt som passar en riktig jävla karl.
Liked by: Erica X Japan Elle

Could you go for the rest of your life without drinking alcohol?

I could. But I don't see any point in not drinking. Drinking is one of the few things I enjoy in life, sadly I rarely do it now days.
Liked by: kyra Elle

Thanks fo the feedback and good luck! I'll need it for sure. Would love to actually be able to chat with ya. By the way I like your crazy humor to some of the ?'s

Thank you!
Liked by: kyra リン☆NEA


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