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Which movie do you think is overrated?

The most overrated movie I can come up with is probably The Avengers, it's insane how many "comic book girls" that movie spawned. 3/5-movie, Stark and Banner are the two characters that makes it watchable. The visuals and music are good, but most movies have nice visuals today with a "Hollywood budget". Loki is probably the most overrated villain out there, I have no idea how he became so popular. I just don't understand today's kids.
Also: Remember how many people LOVED Avatar? I don't hear a lot of people talking about that shit anymore. It was meh then and it's still meh.

Do you have any pet peeves?

I do. One of my biggest pet peeves are "kärbögar". People who're way out of line with their "lovey-dovey" behaviour. Writing about how much they like their partner online every second, always updating about how much in love they are and all that jazz. That's one of the things that annoy me the most. Because they always break up in the end, and it's obvious that they're trying to show off because they lack something.
- You're just jealous because you don't have anyone xDD
- No, I'm not. And if I did, I would've fucking killed myself.

What is your favourite studio ghibli film?

I haven't seen any. I know they're good movies, but it has almost become "my thing" haha.

Favourite eeveeloution?

Gen I - Jolteon
Gen II-V - Espeon
Gen VI - Sylveon
But the best/most useful is probably Vaporeon and Umbreon!

Have you listened to Kamijo's SYMPHONY OF THE VAMPIRE? What did you think about it?

No I haven't! I forgot it's out, gonna listen to it soon!

Hur fick du jobbet som vimmelfotograf? Trodde det var typ omöjligt att få såna jobb, vad awesome du är!

Skickade in mitt CV och personliga brev, de ringde dagen efter. Kom på intervju, fick jobbet.


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