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I don't know, you can certainly extend that logic to argue against alcohol or even caffeine. Isn't there some room for individual freedom?

Sure you can. But I separate legal and illegal drugs. There's room, but there has to be limits, even for freedom.

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Weed really makes someone a junkie in your opinion? Haha

Of course it does, the only ones trying to defend the drugs are the ones doing it. They're not addicted to it, they just feel like doing it all the time you know.

What is the scariest scene you remember from a kid's movie?

Not this scene, but one particular episode of this show. The episode with Zomba, what made it so terrifying was her design, something about it that really got to me and the concept that Scooby and his friends rented a movie and got "sucked into" the movie and became a part of it. I also think she could go out of the movie and into "reality". That episode/character scared me for many many years.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MRV5raXCDkAMADREVOLVER’s Video 115286018276 MRV5raXCDkAMADREVOLVER’s Video 115286018276 MRV5raXCDkA

So in some cases you would date somebody under 18?

Seems a bit dangerous. You don't want to be a registered sex offender or anything.

Haha rich girls eh. Nice pic. What is the youngest and oldest you would date?

Just think about the cool shit you could do if your partner was loaded?
I don't have a set age, if I'd have a "limit" at 20 and the person would be 19 it's not an issue if if that was my "limit". But it's very unlikely I would date someone under ten or somebody over 100.


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