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Okay but what if you got to meet Kyo and talk about a bunch of different stuff for a really long time. That wouldn't Madge you absolutely happy.

It would, for the moment being.

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Cute that you've deleted your answer about self-diagnosing because they were right. X

Cute that you don't know that answers gets deleted if somebody flags them. And no, I'm always right. X
Liked by: 0

Just saying, it is not possible to be trans*, non-binary, genderfluid and dragonfly otherkin at the same time. It does not work like that. (Before you say any shit about me not accepting gender identities that are different, I'm trans myself and I know what I'm talking about.)

Just saying, it IS possible to be trans*, non-binary, genderfluid AND dragonfly otherkin at the same time since I exist. Who the fuck are you to question my identity? What gives you the fucking right to decided what's allowed to exist or not? I work like that you fucking bigot.
(And what the fuck kind of argument is "I am X thus I know everything about X" ? It's like saying "Jews are the cause of everything that is wrong in this world and they should be annihilated. I'm jewish so I know what I'm talking about". Fuck you and your lies. Do you think I'm stupid enough for fall for such a lame trick as that?)

Would you be able to go without sex for 40 days? (And yes, I'm thinking about that movie with Josh Hartnett)


Why do you put the musk always roughly? Is that Fashion?それとも、Aer you a famous star?

It's because I'm very famous. And if I don't people will come up to me and ask for pictures and autographs.
Liked by: Luca

Do you have any person who is your inspiration or role model in life?

I do. His influence on me is pretty obvious in a million ways.


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