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What advice would you give to children today?

You're born alone and you die alone and this world just drops a bunch of rules on top of you to make you forget those facts.

Do you think that there are any topics that there should be more movies about?

I generally want more movies that dwells in the human psyche and explores the mind of in/sane people. Movies that have a psychological base usually gets my attention, I also enjoys movies that are well made in general. Like double narrative and message encoding really grabs me.

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Skulle GTA V funka på en laptop? Funderar på att skaffa det men har ingen direkt.. gamerdator.. haha

Väldigt tveksamt. (Eftersom det inte finns till PC)

Which video games have you played recently and what music bands do you like?

KayleighADavison’s Profile PhotoKayleigh Davison
I've played GTA V, Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate and Pokémon Y recently!
Oh, I like pretty much everything, my favorite band is DIR EN GREY!

How do you like to celebrate your birthday?

I WISH I could one quiet day when people shut the hell up and left me alone. That would be nice.

What is better than chocolate?

Money, music, movies, comic books, chips, French fries, steak, kebab, cola, video games, clothes, heat etc etc the list goes on.
Liked by: Hyochan

What is your favorite black and white movie?

Probably Citizen Kane. (I also love Casablanca, Psycho, Dracula and Nosferatu just to make it a too five list)

What is your attitude to human cloning?

Very positive. I like science.
If I could clone myself I would send all my other "selves" out on business while I stay at home playing games and not giving a single fuck every day until I die.
Liked by: Pink Cyanide

What is missing in your life that would make you very happy?

Money, since money would give me freedom. And freedom would make me very happy.
Liked by: Saya

Hej, hur mår du? Swedish is really hard language to learn "^" but I thinks it's kinda funny language!! Like words for "dancing". One guy ones asked me I Swedish if I'd like to dance with him. it sounds funny to me. Anyway the guy was nice. Haha. Also jag älskar dig sounds funny. What do you think?

Hej, jag mår bra!
Yes, it's a very hard language to learn, luckily I'm a native so for me it all comes naturally. We almost have more exceptions form the rules than rules in our language. Like, if it's "en" or "ett" (English equivalent would be "a" and "an") doesn't apply to any rules. You can just "hear what's right" as a native speaker, which is just one of the reasons why the language is so hard.

What countries have you visited?

Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark, Estonia, Latvia, England, the Netherlands, Germany, France, Austria and Thailand I think.
Liked by: Natsu

I give up, it's impossible to discuss with you :D Peace.

Lol, it's impossible because you won't accept that I'm right.

Previous anon, WORD. And talking about making all drugs legal, Portugal already did that and look what happened :D And "Mj is addictive" you say? Lol, it's not physically addictive. U can get addicted to coffee for christ sake. You haven't given me any good arguments yet, u just bash me. Why?

I don't care if Portugal made it legal. I still don't want it legal.
And I know Mj "isn't addictive" you just have to smoke it all the time because you want to, I get that. Not addictive but it's the only thing you do and talk about lol.
And yes you can get addictive to coffee, but I don't see how that's relevant?
And of course there's no "good arguments" against it if you're a junkie that loves the dope.


Language: English