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What phone do you have? Best apps?

iPhone 4 since its release.
Twitter, LINE, Instagram, Vine and sleep cycle

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Would you grow a beard?

I do unintentionally (= I don't shave every day), but I usually get rid of it when I'm "going somewhere".

Which one of these 7 deadly sins you'd be? Greed, gluttony, envy, lust, sloth, wrath or pride?

I love money so I would like to say greed, but I also love food so maybe gluttony? But I'm also a very jealous and proud person so envy and pride would fit as well. And I'm usually angry at others for different reasons, so maybe wrath. But in the end I don't really care what I am, so sloth would probably fit me the best.

What do you think about gal secrets?

It's mostly crap. I would like some actual secrets and not "omg u so ugly u r not gal".

Your fave TV show when you were a kid?

Dino Riders, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Spider-man the animated series, Batman the animated series, Scooby-Doo, Swat Kats, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z are some of my favorites from my childhood. And I still enjoy them today.

What is the wallpaper of your computer? What about phone?

I have a slideshow on my computer, this is the one showing at this moment.
I use a picture of DIR EN GREY from 輪郭 as my phone wallpaper.

What type of music genre you can't stand?

Reggae is probably the only genre that I don't like.
And music that's bland/too repetitive/doesn't evolve.

Salty or sweet? Giving or receiving? Madonna or Michael Jackson? Small boobs or flat ass? Coffee or tea? Gold or silver? Joints or a bong? Blondes or brunettes? Winter or summer? Red wine or white wine? Dogs or cats? Facebook or Twitter?

Michael Jackson
Small Boobs
White wine

Do you ever listen to radio?

I've never listened to radio "by my own will", I always bring my own music. The only times I hear radio is when others are in charge of the music.

Do you play Candy Crush Saga?

No, I haven't tried it. But I believe it's the same concept as "Bejeweled" so I haven't bothered.

*I've grown. You make a lot of mistakes, lel.

That's not even questions, lel. I typed it on my phone so probably some auto-correction involved, but my message got through so I don't see the big deal.


Language: English