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How old are you? What's your favorite candy? And why would you say you are awesome?

Old enough! Good question, never really been a candy fan. But I guess I like sour candy the most. That's also a good question, I guess it's me as a whole that makes me awesome.

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Have you ever had a crush on a teacher? I'm almost 18 and I have never had one until now and it's confusing and frustrating and weird and I don't know what else to do but ask. By the way the teacher isn't old or anything, either 22 or 23 years old. **freaking out it's so Weird* It's A Teacher! Why!?

You're spending a lot of time with the teacher, and affections grows over time. I have personally never had any crushes on teachers I've had.

What body part do you wash first in the shower?

My hair, I actually have a bit of a "shower schedule". First there's shampoo, then I rinse it. Next step is a leave-in conditioner and while leaving it in I usually take care of my face, facial masks or scrubs. During this time I usually take care of my feet, after that I rinse my hair, wash my face and washes my body, preferably with a body scrub. Post-shower the skin is softer and the pores are more open due to the heath of the showering, so then I shave my face and fix my eyebrows. And afterwards I wash of with cold water to seal the pores and uses various moisturisers for my skin while I let my hair "soak" in a towel.
TL;DR - I wash my hair first.

You're 188 cm so if you're muscular 155 kg is a very normal weight. You probably already know that but

Naah I think it's a bit too much actually haha
Liked by: Melissa.

And you once were 55kg? Wow what happened? And isn't that a health risk to weigh that much? I don't want to be rude, just curious and concerned..

I really don't know what happened actually

Are you a person who easily touches others, or do you prefer your personal space?

Not sure if I understand the question, do you mean physically touching people or by talking?
But I guess I'm the "personal space"-person either way, I don't want to bother people.


Language: English