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If you have friends coming over, what would you cook?

We don't cook. We buy chips, sour cream, dip, Coke Zero, Box-wine, vodka and cigarettes.
Liked by: Sarah Natsu

Which countries have you visited?

Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, England, France, Germany, Belgium, The Netherlands, Austria and Thailand I believe.
Liked by: Natsu

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American Psycho much? About the objectified thing lol Not a bad thing to be honest. I kinda agree with you.

I didn't think about American Psycho at all when I wrote it, but when you think about it there might be some resemblance.
American Psycho also happens to be my favorite book and my guide to life.

Tell us a secret!

Changed my mind, hahaha. I'm not sure if it's a secret but, anyway.
I would actually like being objectified.
To be so good looking people wouldn't care what kind of person I was, I could be the nicest guy in the world or the worst but still be an object of desire because the way I look.
(How's that for shallow)
Liked by: Caspian

Would you prefer a party with a few friends or lots of friends?

A lot, but not without my main crew.

Where is the scarcest place you have ever traveled to?

Victoria Coach Station! Around 2PM, alone, first time in London, travelling with bus from Camden. And then I had to wait there for hours before the metro started going. So many weird people, junkies, drunks and God knows what.

If you where a wicked tyrant what country would you rule?

Probably a big country like China or Russia. (A lot of people), then I would go to war and see how many countries I can take over. And hopefully my empire will be larger than Ghengis Khan's and I will be forever known as the ruler of the biggest empire in the history if man.
(No, I don't suffer from megalomania)

What feature do you appreciate the most in the opposite sex look wise?

I have this thing for really sharp faces. But it's not locked to just the opposite sex. Jawlines, hnnnnnng

Do you remember your first friend?

I'm not sure if it's actual memories or if it's my interpretation of photos creating false memories. I think I remember some things, but very vaguely.
Liked by: Caspian

Får man smaka din pyttipanna då?

Den är väldigt personlig i sin smak. Det är ingen typisk pyttipanna, utan den är special utformande utav mig för mig. Sysslar med en del avantgardemarlagning så den är helcrazy.
Liked by: dyke mom

Det sägs att du är väldigt självgod och att du ser ner på andra, stämmer det och i så fall varför är det så? Vad är det som gör dig bättre än alla andra?

Jaså? Vem säger så?
Jag tycker jag är bättre än andra på vissa saker, T.ex. Så tycker jag att jag är väldigt duktig på pyttipanna medans andra är bättre än mig på andra saker, typ balett. Kan inget om balett.
Så jag tycker att jag är bättre än vissa på andra saker, men sämre än andra på andra saker.
Liked by: dyke mom

Vad hette du på bcmanga?

Det tillhör det förflutna, endast de få utvalda får ta del utav den informationen...!

Why do you take everything related to Dir en grey so seriously?

Because it's serious? DIR EN GREY is something serious that deserves to be taken seriously. It's not some "pretty boy/poser/quick buck"-band. They're true artists with a vision. To find something that genuine in this world is hard these days.


I like the adjective "MAD" (Maybe MAD STALIN might be one of the reasons?) and revolvers are badass, or something. I might have been listening to DELUHI's "REVOLVER BLAST" at the time. But I mainly wanted to go for something nobody else has done. So I could tag things with #MADREVOLVER and not get a million hits. But I've grown tires of it tbh. I'm looking for a new name atm, preferably a made up word.


Language: English