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Do you prefer Swedish girls or Japanese girls?

Japan has a much better "average" of hot girls than Sweden. But the best looking swedes are superior I think. But when it comes to talking Japanese girls are better, swedes are more complex and takes a lot of time and work while Japanese girls are easier and just wanna have fun. Swedes are too much work and I lose my interest pretty fast, the pay off isn't worth the trouble.

what do you think about 50 shades of Grey?

I haven't read it nor seen the movie. But since it's all over my facebook feed I've got some insight in the most recent SJW shitstorm. People seem to want movies like this to be banned and boycotted since it doesn't appeal to them. I'm not a defender of any kind of abuse - But - I'm a defender of freedom of speech and expression.
It's fiction, should there be laws limiting our fictional work? No. I'm very much against censoring. If you don't like it you don't need to watch but this shouldn't restrict people from making the movies they wanna make, or books they want to write, or song or whatever kind of art/expression.
It's very similar to the media outrage of the 80's when the extremely dangerous heavy metal music arrived that supposedly was a direct link between violence behaviour. Movies as well, horror movies and violent movies should be banned and forbidden to exist because it was "dangerous". During the 90's it was the same thing again but evil had a new face - video games.
Listening to Marilyn Manson and playing Doom (which I myself do) was supposedly the reason behind the tragedy of Columbine High School, not that these kids were mentally disturbed, no, it was the video games and music that made them do it. And now there's 50 shades of Grey that's the new evil.
A movie/book like that will not make people commit hideous acts of violence, mentally disturbed people however will. Regardless if they watch/read it or not. A sane person would not. It's fiction, it's not real. I myself have been watching movies, playing video games, reading comics and listening to heavy metal and I have never wanted to commit violent acts. I've never been in a fight, even though - according to "these people" I would've been the most violent man on earth due to my circumstances.
It's fiction and it shouldn't be censored. Those who want to watch/read it can do so, and if you don't you don't have to. It's very simple.

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http://ask.fm/MADREVOLVER/answer/123855949796 I was wondering who the people you photographed in that magazine (?) were. I thought maybe they were some Japanese celebrities or something similar. In what way does that make me autistic?

Because I too a picture of a "What to women want for White Day"-list and your focusing on some people that happen to be able n the "background".


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