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Vem är den snyggaste mannen/kvinnan i världen?

Svårare med män, tror inte jag har någon absolut "snyggaste".

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Are you still friends with someone from kindergarten?

No, the friends I've had for the longest time are since high school. Everyone else got away. Though, there's some that I say "hi" to if I meet them, but I very rarely do.
Liked by: Regina Gozali

Om du kunde fråga en person en fråga och få ett absolut ärligt svar, vad skulle du fråga då?

Vill nog inte säga det offentligt, haha.

Vilket är det konstigaste stället du har somnat på?

Kom hem till en bäddad säng, men det låg lite saker på den så jag flyttade dem och la dem på golvet. Sedan vaknade jag på golvet och sängen var orörd. Det var rätt konstigt.

I somehow wish I could be like you, but for some reason I care really, I mean REALLY much what other people think about me.

some ppl do that
Liked by: Taemin kyra

This distance thing is not good or bad. It's a personality trait. I'm a single mom and I've distanced myself from a lot of fake people that pulled me down . I have a 12 yr old she needs me not them. So Your cool to distance yourself especially if the people in your life are not real. Stay True!

I will.
Liked by: rawli TAMI CASH

Not necessarily your favorite but what is one book everyone should read in their lifetime?

I haven't read enough books to be able to answer this question.
Liked by: Taemin

Seriously, to be distant isn't necessarily a bad thing. Because in fact, it can help you getting perspective of the very complex and in reality sad truth we're still fighting not to believe. His being 'distant to life' is not in anyone but his own care. V

I don't think anybody sad it was bad tho
Liked by: Taemin

Not help, be a friend to lean on. Just someone to trust.

I don't know? I don't know anything about you, your friend or the friends friend or whoever it was.
Liked by: Taemin


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