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So you wouldn't refuse chopping off your balls personally ..for a million dollars?

Hm.. I've been thinking of that. (Well, not balls, but leg etc) but I figured maybe you can restore it. But I guess I wouldn't gamble.

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Om man vill säga till någon att man är kär i den personen och vill att den verkligen ska förstå det hur ska man säga det? Tips?

"Jag är kär i dig, fattar du?"
Helt ärligt så vet jag inte, kärlek finns inte i min ärorika värld. Men personligen skulle jag uppskatta om någon bara var rakt på sak och sa det rakt ut.

You're quite successful at giving off a dark, intimidating aura, that I could assure you!

Haha I'm glad to hear that!

Hah.. blir hungrig :( Gillar dock inte light läsk. Dricker då hellre vatten ~

Hitlerchan’s Profile Photo「そせじ奴隷」
Coca-Cola Zero smakar inte som lightläsk imo!
"San Pellegrino (also S. Pellegrino) is an Italian brand of mineral water, and assorted real-fruit beverages made from it, with naturally occurring carbonation and additional carbonation added by the bottler, produced and bottled by Nestlé at San Pellegrino Terme, in the Province of Bergamo, Lombardy, Italy. "

Describe your first date? What did you do, where did you go? Did you love her?

I didn't remember it so I asked her what we did - Guess what? She didn't remember either. But we think we just went out, had some food and then watched a movie. (wow, original). And yes, I did.
Liked by: Alaska Regina Gozali

Ofta du gillar Less fat chipsen?! Det var dem enda goda chipsen som man kunde äta utan dipp. Grät lite när dem sluta sälja dem överallt.

Hitlerchan’s Profile Photo「そせじ奴隷」
Ja?! Bästa chipsen, perfekt smak och krispighet.
En bild ifrån 20 Juni 2008, och dieten som gällde:
- Estrella 50% less fat
- Coca-Cola Zero
- San Pellegrino
- Lazizbröd
- Randigjävel
- Grandiosa capricciosa
- Marlboro 100's

que español hermano soy puro longi chileno de corazon no ma aweonao re culiao chupala con mayonesa

That's it. No more questions in Spanish. All questions received in Spanish will be deleted.

And suddenly Davy gets all them dating questions. xD Your replies are awesome.

Well, to be fair I got more questions today than I got the past six months.
Liked by: Sarah

If you could go on a date with Veronica Maggio, where would you take her?

I have no idea. I'm not really an expert on dating. But maybe somewhere in her hometown Uppsala? Have a nice and cosy dinner somewhere, then do something super-cheesy like walking and hangout next to Fyrisån, have a few drinks and talk about life. I really like Uppsala, I know she hated it and wanted to leave ASAP when she was younger, but hopefully she has changed her mind over the years haha.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sCXV5e0Ue78MADREVOLVER’s Video 113333817828 sCXV5e0Ue78MADREVOLVER’s Video 113333817828 sCXV5e0Ue78
Liked by: Sarah

Have you had an experience you would say has impacted the direction of your life?

Most of my experiences with people who I consider "special".

Ah sorry for my fucked up question, I meant more like... if you have any "cool" way you would like to... die.. like battle royal or something haha ok I don't know what's wrong with me

Oh, haha. Well, it would be cool to explode. But I probably do it at home! Nothing fancy.


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