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Do you like horror movies if so, which ones do you recommend ??

I do! Here's some of my favorites:
The Shining (1980), Alien (1979), Halloween (1978), Friday the 13th (1980), Re-animator (1985), Dracula (1931), Dawn of the dead (1978), The Thing (1982), The Evil Dead (1981), The Fly (1986), Rosemary's Baby (1968), Psycho (1960), Fright Night (1985).

What is your fav song of Diru?

蟲-mushi- from 鬼葬, especially live form BLITZ 5DAYS.
Not only is the music very well composed, but also the lyrics are great.
And the live performance really brings out the raw emotions that makes this song so strong,
and if you can connect to it on a personal level it gets an extra boost. My favorite song since, I can't even remember, many years ago.
http://youtu.be/EfDtUr4U6DcMADREVOLVER’s Video 105365676004 EfDtUr4U6DcMADREVOLVER’s Video 105365676004 EfDtUr4U6Dc

Vilka följer du här på ask? c: Om du följer många, vilka är dina favoriter? Top 10?

Jag följer mina vänner. Rankar dem inte, men @PatrikBatAAr är min närmsta vän så han får väl vara etta. Resten har inte någon speciell ordning. Tror de själva vet vart vi har varandra.

you are BatAAr roade right? if they are gay or have girlfriends or boyfriends?? do you know??

Yes, I am. I don't discuss private things like relationships with the band.


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