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What kind of music calms you down?

Depressive/suicidal black metal (lifelover, svartnar, trist, livsnekad, hypothermia etc) is usually my "chillax music"! Just lay down and listen.

Do you like tattoos? Do you have any, and/or which tattoos you'd like to have someday?

When I was younger I didn't like them at all. But over time it grew on me, I don't have anyone yet since I'm very picky.
I dislike most tattoos, and if I'm going to do it I want it done right by the right person. There's a woman in Tokyo, not a super star tattoo artist but I believe she has the right touch and "spirit" to give me what I want.
The first thing I would do would probably be a Hannya, for many reasons.
This is my favorite tattoo of all time (and made me want a tattoo for myself)

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What color would you chose if you can't chose black, grey or white? Just wonder for fun :3

I want to say white. But it's not practical at all. One stain and it's fucked, and it gets a dull color after a while.
So theoretically - white
But I guess gray? I could use a lot of gray in one outfit.
Right now I'm looking for dress shoes in a bright color, like pink or red haha.

Which foreign country do you dislike the most?

Most countries. It's easier for me to say what countries I like lol. I dislike different countries for different reasons, I wouldn't travel to most places in the world even if it was for free.
Though there's a lot if things I want see, like Machu Picchu but I don't want to go to South America, or the pyramids but I don't want to go to Africa.

who's your favorite fictional character if you can't choose patrick bateman? and tell me why !

Batman! He's my favorite super hero. Since he doesn't posses any super powers, he's "only" what a human being would be at its peak. So he's theoretically possible. And that he's very grim and dark, and sometimes he feels more like an anti-hero than a hero.
And of course Oh Dae-su from Oldboy.

What is your favourite TV show?

It's always sunny in Philadelphia. Probably seen it over ten times, I can watch any episode at any time without getting bored. Stoked as fuck about the upcoming season.

If you became a multi-millionaire overnight, what would you buy?

Plane tickets! And for my close friends and just have a blast somewhere in the east.

What’s your favorite seafood?

Crayfish (dat shit cray), never had lobster actually. But I bet that would be my fav lol.

Shy Stalker-san here, hi~ What do you think about gyaru style and what's your favorite type of gyaru? (rokku, hime, etc)

Hm.. I guess I like them haha. But I don't like it too extreme, and not too much "princess" stuff. I guess I like rokku..? Not so good with names. But not too extreme.

"What is the quality you most like in a woman? That little extra." <-- What do you mean by that? :p PS. I loved your answer on that crashing airplane thing it made me smile :D

I font even know myself what it is. I guess it's just some kind of feeling? I don't even understand it myself haha

What are you wearing right now?

Underwear from Calvin Klein, shorts from Nike and a hooded zipper vest from Chrome Hearts.
Liked by: Sarah

What is your favorite year of your life?

2007 might have been the best one for many reasons. Started hanging out with my the people that later would become my best friends. And I also spent a lot of time in Stockholm, with people who were great then. Today they're merely strangers. This was the rise of Jrockkungen.

How long does it take to really 'know' someone?

You will never "know" someone, you can only reach a level of knowledge that makes you believe that you "know" someone.

And which german words/sentences do you know? :D

If I start counting them I just come up with more as I go. I'm better at reading/understanding than speaking. I can't really pick out the details but I can usually get the overall context out of a conversation.
I have been studying the language (against my will haha) for three years. Though it was a long time ago.

what do you think of Germany?

Didn't spend so much time there, I guess it was pretty OK haha. At least I know some if the language.


Language: English