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What's one book you've read recently and would recommend others to read?

”On the heights of despair” by E.M. Cioran. When I first read it made me understand those whom claim a book ”changed their lives”.
It’s his first work, written at the age of 23. ”One the Heights of Despair” shows us many of the themes that would return in his more mature works; despair and decay, absurdity and alienation, futility and irrationality of existence.
Liked by: Claudia Kingsbury

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Would you rather be with the crush of your dreams or have an infinite amount of your favourite food?

Hm.. I guess food. It's my biggest expense so just to have rid that would save me a lot of money

もし、生まれ変わる事が出来るなら(´・_・`) あなたは、何に生まれ変わりたい(´・ω・`)???


If you could make anyone in the world fall in love, which two people would you put together?

Someone who's very old and very rich. So I will inherit their fortune and then i could impress the girl I like with all my money.
(INB4: "Why not make the girl like you instead?" - Because then I wouldn't be rich.)

What's the funniest YouTube or online video you’ve seen recently?

This is one of my favorite videos on YouTube, I might even dare to say it's one of the best videos on YouTube. I love every aspect of this video, every tiny detail.
So we got a couple of - very buff - lads in someones backyard. They're drinking and some genius comes up with the idea that they should break a chair over ones back.
It starts like one would imagine a couple of New Castle lads - with swearing and right off the bat comes the first curve ball. The kiss. Not to mention that it seems very natural to them and not at all as some kind of joke or prank.
And after being stunned by the kiss we notices the chair-holding-lad is only wearing '70's high jumping shorts (judging my the length of them) - why? Aren't you having some kind of pre-party? Or is this just Northern England?
Then the kisser prepares himself for the chair, downing the rest of the liquor bottle before smashing it into the ground. (Which someone would have to clean up later - but he doesn't give a flying fuck. He's an adrenaline-filled savage in this moment)
He takes a quick drag from his cigarette before throwing it to the ground - he's fucking ready, here comes the chair - WAIT, a third lad runs into the frame and picks up the cigarette butt from the ground and inhales whatever is left.
Back to the main event.
You would think that he's shirtless because he's going to get a chair smashed over his back - but not this guy. He just hates shirts. He get's his ass whacked one time - it hurts - here comes the second round and he falls to the ground. Into the shattered glass from the bottle he smashed seconds ago.
He seems a bit disoriented at this moment be he gets back up, and now the cigarette butt-grabber wants to get smashed as well, he get's a whack but our shirtless hero won't have it so he shoves him away - getting ready for another round.
But this time '70's-shorts has another grip on the chair, and he's going to swing it overhead to generate as much force as humanly possible. Here it comes - and mid-swing we see this chair make a transformation, it has now unfolded itself and the leg is about to pierce his spine like Saint George pierced the Dragon with his spear.
And with one blow he's once again sent to the ground, laying there with his eyes wide open, drooling. Is it the shock? Or has he severed his 5th lumbar disc and will never be able to stand up again?
We don't know.
His friend lifts him up, they other lads are having a laugh. His eyes shows us a hint of terror. Maybe this Abercrombie God of New Castle has fallen? We don't know, but we do know three things by sticking to the end of the video.
"That's ridiculous", that they got it on video and that it was "fantastic".
Bless these lads.
(I'm on my phone so I didn't write as much but please watch the video)
https://youtu.be/R9oZaP-my5EMADREVOLVER’s Video 142680578532 R9oZaP-my5EMADREVOLVER’s Video 142680578532 R9oZaP-my5E

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MADREVOLVER’s Video 142680578532 R9oZaP-my5EMADREVOLVER’s Video 142680578532 R9oZaP-my5E

年を重ねると人に対して細かい事が気になっていくのでしょうか? (言い方とか態度とか)


Why are so many people depressed nowadays?

I don't think there's more per se. People just have it easier in life, thus they have more time to think about "feelings" and what not - and they have the internet to express those "feelings" so it becomes more accessible for a wider audience to encounter.
Liked by: TAMI CASH


Language: English