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All of your life, your parents have taught you. What have you taught your parents?

I come from a family were you listen. So I never teach.

Why don't you like Miyavi?

Because somewhere between 2009-2010 he decided to write terrible pretentious music and sing false instead of doing something that you could actually listen to. His previous albums (before "What's my name?") clearly shows that he can both write music and sing. But instead I did the opposite instead. It might even be so bad that I would consider it one if the worst albums I've listened to.

If you could replace one bodypart with a super bionic replacement what bodypart and what features would the new bionic replacement have?

My brain!

Vad tycker du om @EricaElla? Jag tycker att hon verkar vara en STOR IDIOT. Äcklig och allt sånt.

Verkar? Så du är inte ens säker? Jag vet ingenting om henne så tycker ingenting om henne. Tycker oftast inget om personer jag inte känner, med undantag för offentliga personer.

Whats your most used phrase?

"Jävla jävel", "fuck you hej då", "Canceeeeeerrrrr", "Hur man mår", "Nnndjuuuuurrrr", "ja intä förstå", , "Knäckt, spräckt din mammas våldtäkt", "fucking jävla svenne", "varför så, då?", "idag ja ska berätta om min da igår", "oria woria", "madarjende eller madarrachbe elle?", "ska slå ihjäl dig", "slår ihjäl", "Sa han "fuck you" te mig?!", "T-t-te mig?!", "Snälla inte meeeer" etc. Mainly internal jokes with my BFFs, it's mostly absolute gibberish unless you know the origin/context. A good start is to know every line from this video by heart:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aavivlm1stAMADREVOLVER’s Video 111075311588 Aavivlm1stAMADREVOLVER’s Video 111075311588 Aavivlm1stA


Language: English