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Do you use make up on daily basis?

Nope. I try using it as little as possible to let my skin "breathe" as much as possible so I won't get as many complications.

http://ask.fm/MADREVOLVER/answer/128787207908 Are you serious? I'm sure as hell not homophobic, and seriously I've no idea why you even brought up homosexuality. Playing around with feces while having sex is pretty damn gross though.

And some people think guys kissing is pretty damn gross. I just don't like bigots like yourself.

Are you into bondage? If so to what extent?

I literally have no limits what so ever. I've tried to find them but they're nowhere to be seen.
Liked by: Janette

What is your favorite meme? Show us!

So this is how far we've sunken? Well then, at the moment, this.
The problem with memes now days is that they're inside jokes connected to a community, but, the problem with inside jokes is that people feel left out and eventually they start doing the same thing without any regards of its source. Memes aren't funny alone, yet people ("normies") believe they are. And it's at this stage that they become cancerous. There is a lack of embodied cultural capital.
The most notable example of how a meme dies is Pepe. He was once a symbol within a community, but as soon as "normies" started posting this "meme frog" it lost all of its value within its original community since it became so misused and overused by people who didn't understand what it embodied.

Vad tycker du om "negerbollsdebatten"? Vad säger du själv; negerboll eller chokladboll?

Tycker den är rätt löjlig. Brukar säga negerboll.
Liked by: Erica X Japan


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