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What would you to a person who are deeply depressed and sometimes thinks about suicide?

Some people have a life worth living and some don't. So my advice depends on the situation.
Liked by: remi kyo「京津」

Hey man.I fucking love your style.As a man myself it's great to see at least one taking care of himself and not giving too much fuck of what others may think.

Thank you. You can't be a man if you don't have a pair.

Brukar du ge pengar till tiggare?

Aldrig gjort det i hela mitt liv, varför?
Jo för att ge pengar till tiggare cementerar bara deras situation. Precis som att man inte kan bryta den onda spiralen som det innebär att prostituera sig så länge det finns köpare, så kan man inte bryta den onda spiralen som det innebär att tigga så länge det finns folk som är villiga att ge allmosor. I båda fallen handlar det ofta också om människohandel (som bara kommer fortsätta så länge det finns en marknad för det).
Liked by: F_Rein Erica X Japan

The Scorpion and the Frog...Classic example, but I still don't really believe it. I've been watching you for a while now, in a non-creepy way, and didn't see a vicious person. Sarcastic, yes. Sadistic, perhaps. But monstrous or vicious? No, not at all. You fascinate me, that much is true though.

Good. I like to hide it.

Why? I don't believe you're a monster at heart.

No change can be made in the behaviour of the fundamentally vicious.


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