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Hur definierar du en ful människa?

Finns många saker som gör en ful människa. Det handlar om ett helhetsintryck.

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You always say what is on your mind don't you?

Not at all. I say what's on my mind if it's in an environment/situation where I can do so.

Största felet folk gör när de sminkar sig?

Lägger en dålig (och God forbid, ingen bas). Gick i skolan med en tjej som brukade ha "gotisk" eyeliner, men hon la ingen bas eller fixade sina ögonbryn. Hon hade även jättedålig hy, det var bara hemskt på alla sätt och vis.

What is the wildest thing you have ever done?

I don't really do wild things. I once climbed over a fence to an outdoor swimming pool and went swimming at 5AM, if that counts as wild.

What are your thoughts right now about spending the rest of your life with just one partner?

Highly unlikely. For some reason humans tend to force themselves into monogamy, which is very uncommon in nature. And uncommon for humans as well (most of us have more than one sex partner in our lifetime). So in my case that's not very likely.

Oh my god! I've wathced BatAAr tour documentary and I never realized you were in t until I re-watched it! LOL Looking good, stay amazing!

Haha, thank you. I'm in most videos actually, more or less.

Selfie WITHOUT sunglasses or something on your face?

Eeeh.. I don't take pictures like that. But here's one that one of out photographers on the set of BatAAr's RISKERBREAKER took! Me, Mandrean and Seb.
Liked by: emi Sarah Jasmine


Language: English