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What do you think is the most enjoyable thing?

One of my favorite moments is when the lights go dark and the background music stops playing and the intro starts. The beginning of every concert is a real euforia kick.
Liked by: Männerhure Johan F

What's the longest you've waited in line and what were you waiting for?

Two and a half days! I was going to see DIR EN GREY for the first time. Life changing experience, but now I'm way too old to wait for hours.
Liked by: Männerhure

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What kind of movies do you like?

Movies that are heavy, makes you think and feel. So you feel drained and exhausted after watching them. I want to be able to feel with the characters, being able to sense them. I guess I like "Dark psychological drama/thrillers" or something like that.

How did you discover Dir en grey?

Through a friend. A friend of mine had two songs of X Japan on his iPod, this was probably over ten years ago now. "Rusty Nail" and "Tears", I listened to both of the songs and though they were really good, and that was probably my first experience with Japanese music that I paid attention to.
And then later through other internet friends, I was a very frequent member on a One Piece (the manga) forum (where I also met a lot of people that I'm still friends with today) and some of them sent me some Japanese music through MSN, Malice Mizer, X Japan and Dir en grey.
And that was how I discovered Dir en grey, and gradually I collected more music, and by time a site called "Bilddagboken" appeared (online photo diary) and I met people who also liked Dir en grey. And these people are still to this very day my best friends. Dir en grey has been the most influential thing in my life.
So that's how I came to discover Dir en grey.

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Cats or dogs?

Cats as pets/IRL.
But dogs seem to look funnier / do funnier things. I haven't found so many cool cat pictures compares to cool dog pictures. He's a cool picture of a dog.
Liked by: Asdlfks Trskdshjd

Kyo is going to release a new book. It seems that it will be also about his two new creative "hobbies" - painting and photography. If you could pick just one thing, what would be in his new book? And why? Kyos paintings, photographs or new poems?

Hard question, I guess I would like to see more of his drawings. I love his poems but he has already released two poem books. But then again I've never seen his photography, and I don't know who directed the video for his homepage.
But I guess drawings would be the most interesting if I could only pick one!

Is there any way to send you a "real" fan letter/present?

No, actually there isn't. I never thought there would be any big requests for that kind of things. But If you really want to I guess I could arrange something.

If you could listen to only one song for the rest of your life, what would it be?


What celebrity irritates you the most?

Nobody really, though I believe a lot of people don't deserve the success they've achieved.

If dogs never existed, which animal would take its place as Man's Best Friend?

Don't know, cats seems to be pretty popular?

You look like you have lost weight. Have you changed your eating habits or began training?

Thank you! Yes, I haven't done any major changes though, just used a little bit of common sense. Like, not eating three mountains of food whenever I feel like it or two pounds of french fries because I'm bored. I'm mainly focusing on cutting carbs, though I miss a lot of things so it happens that I have some carbs now and then, but I go for whole wheat.
I'm just using "common sense" when it comes to picking food, and I've tried eating often to get it on a routine, but I don't want to be watching six meals a day so I'm usually eating two times a day. But trying to keep it to a "normal sized portion" and I do some walking, nothing special really. Found some weights at home that I lift every now and then haha.
But no hardcore diets or gym membership.
TL;DR - I try to think a second before eating / common sense.

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What is a saying you say a lot?

"MANNEYN", "Jävla jävel", "slår ihjääääl", "sprängs", "orkatte", "YOLO", "swag", "CP". HAH


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