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Any good suggestions on a great movie for the weekend? Haven't seen many lately been studying too much. Fun,scary, or exciting

I've started watching the political drama "House of Cards", it's really good.

Sorry ... I'm sure you will one day. Same for me my friends met them once in the ATL. I was suppose to be there but due to unfortunate events I had to miss them. Having a great weekend so far?

Hopefully I will!

Have you ever met any of the members of Dir En Grey?

I haven't, which is really odd. Since all of my friends have met them at several occasions. I'm just a very lucky guy.
Liked by: Erica X Japan

Vad hade DU valt? Att din röst förändras och låter som hämtad från en tecknad film (typ såna här som TV4 kör tidigt på helgmornarna, som gör att det ilar i huvudet, när de skriker, gnäller, sånt där pokemon-tjafs och de gapar så de får kaffekoppen att flytta på sig?

Ett tips är ju att ha mer än ETT alternativ när du ber mig VÄLJA något.

What are some things you collect ?

I don't really collect anything. But I enjoy video games, so I guess it has become a bit of a collection. And DIR EN GREY.
Liked by: Elle

Who would you trust more, a new friend in your life or an old friend who lied to ya?

A new friend? Since the old one already fucked up.
(note: I don't really trust people and I'm very private. Even with old friends)
Liked by: Elle

You can post gifs on ask since yesterday or for two days. *newsnewsnews*

Longlastingscream’s Profile Photo|@| KaoruIseul ψῖ
Posted a porn-related .GIF first but then I got reminded that there's probably a lot of YOHIO loving kids checking my page so I had to upload something more.... Safe for work (school lel)


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