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Are you straight or gay?

Omg thats so rude thats like saying there's only two ways of expression your sexuality omg its the current year anf i cant belive youre such a biggot check your privilege

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Hej! Du verkar vara en klok människa och jag undrar om du har nå tips för att man ska komma över någon. Allting är kaos i mitt huvud just nu även om det tog slut i december

Hejsan, ja det är jag. Men jag tror inte jag är rätt person för att moverka kaos.
Att existera binder oss. Att söka sig bortom det köttsliga fängelset och nå ett ändlöst och ofantligt Kaos där vi inte längre är bundna till kreationens tyranniska bojor är nog jag länge sökt.
Att nå Kaos och uppnå total frihet så måste vi först lämna detta livet bakom oss och fortsätta vår resa in i Döden och mörkret för att söka det som ligger bortom.
Men om du redan lyckats så berätta gärna hur!
Liked by: F_Rein Erica X Japan

Are you an Eco-friendly person?

Hm.. I don't put any effort into it. I'm just not a retard.
I throw trash in bins, recycle metal (separating things like soft and hard plastics are just bullshit. The amount of gas used for separate vehicles to transport it does greater damage than the waste itself.)
i don't litter with cigarette butts, i carry trash until I seea trashcan etc. I turn of the lights in rooms I don't use etc.
This recycle hysteria is mainly a hoax, people feel good when the recycle. That's why they have a million different bins for different items so we can feel good about ourselves.
I don't turn off my electricity for an hour during earth hour, like all te hypocrites that drive SUVs downtown, fly to the other side of the planet three times a year etc.

I have this friend and shes friends with a lot of other people, which causes her to always be busy and she never sets aside anytime to hang out with me anymore. She was a really close friend and now it seems like we're not anymore. Ive brought it up with her and she didnt change at all What do i do?

Time to move on. You can't force friendship.
Liked by: Jess Herring

Feelings on companies that are still animal testing, like MAC? Will you still buy their products?

Yes, I like their products.


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