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Vill du hellre ha en mans övre halva och en kvinnas nedre halva eller vice versa?

Hellre Bailey Jay än Buck Angel, om vi säger så.

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Have you ever been in love (real love)? Are you now?

I've always viewed the concept of love as something very individual. What someone might call love is not necessarily what I would consider love. And how do we even know that it's love that we feel? Love is just a word for different ways of feeling, so there's no define definition of what love is. But on the other hand I believe a lot of people want it to be love, so they tell themselves it is when it's probably not. But, who am I to judge?
My love is most likely different from others love.

Typ appar.

Hm, vet inte riktigt vad jag saknar för appar. Enda jag vill är att de ska vara snabbare och mer stabila?
När det gäller hårdvara skulle jag vilja ha utbytbara delar. Tex. att man skulle kunna lägga till mer "RAM", om den är seg eller mer utrymme.
Liked by: Erica X Japan

Vad en enhet skulle du vilja se läggas till en mobiltelefon?

Förstår inte riktigt fråga, vad som fattas hos mobiltelefoner?

Will you ever get married and have kids?

Probably not. I font feel that the law needs to be involved in my love life. And not too found of kids

Happy New Year thanks for letting me vent, just couldn't tell anyone else! I will stand up for myself but I may loose family. That's better than loosing my mind! What's your fav color? ( need to focus on something different) love and hugs S. S.



Language: English