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That sounded weird I agree. Married for 16 yrs now I'm getting divorced. I'm not 18 but mentally will stay that way. Going back to school in march. I want a good life for my daughter and myself. Don't want to depend on anyone!! Staying single and showing my girl the world! You stay sweet ! Thanks fo

Best of luck!

Stay single,live life,love lots! I was married 16 yrs bad choice the only good was my daughter. I'm about to be a single mom in school fulfilling my dreams and making a life for her and I so plan to stay 18 why not I look young for my age!! Stay young and free!!!

You were married for 16 years, but you're not single yet and you're in school? And you're 18? I'm completely lost but good luck!

5 sanningar om dig?

1. Jag är cool.
2. Jag kan namnen på alla delstater i USA men inte alla landskapen i Sverige.
3. En gång i tiden gillade jag Dimmu Borgir.
4. Hade en period som barn då jag kallade folk för "svinpäls" för Joakim von Anka hade sagt det i Duck Tales. (antagligen till Guld-Ivar Flinthjärta)
5. Jag gillar att spela fotboll.

Why would the fun be over? You have to pick the right person who understands you and knows when to give space. My only problem with marriage is I don't want a needy man,just one to ENJOY life with.

Because you're settling down, you can't run around and having fun like you're 18.
Liked by: Taemin

I see your point in changing ourselves. You opened my eyes too. You truly are gorgeous. One more ? Do you really eat that much bacon? Ha ha

Thank you.
I don't think I eat "that much", but I guess I do?

What was your favorite TV show when you were a kid?

TMNT, Dino Riders, Spider-man the animated series, Batman the animated series. Welp, they're still one of my favorites. My taste hasn't really changed, only broaden over the years.
Liked by: kyra

I truly understand your point! I'm transforming as we speak but I had to learn to love the inside first then the outside will be easier. I always wanted to be alone I felt better. Once I accepted myself I was able to accept others. Now the outside. Still your beautiful and I'm sure your heart is too

I'm a "the outside gives the inside a chance"-kind of person.
Liked by: kyra

What would be your favourite fashion-style when it comes to girls?

I haven't really thought as much about women's style. I'm ok with most things as long as it's thought out and not just "something I just put on". There has to be some kind of thought and taste behind the choices made. Some people know how to dress, and some don't. Even styles that I'm less find of works if it's well executed.
But generally speaking I'm less fond of "childish" clothing. And I'm a big fan of garter belts and thigh highs.
Liked by: kyra AliceFrank Olivia

( I am not trying to be rude. I really admire you) I feel as tho you don't like the way you look. I think you ate very attractive and excuse me but sexy as well. Forgive me if I went to far. Love who you are your perfect.

I just believe that you can look better, that's all. Thank you.
Liked by: kyra Erica X Japan


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