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Tycker du att Sabaton är bra? Motivera gärna ditt svar. Tack.

Tycker inte så mycket om dem/inte direkt lyssnat på dem. Men vissa låtar är lite catchy, typ Primo Victoria.
Liked by: Erica X Japan

Så vänsterhänta är automatiskt CP skadade? Eller vad är det du försöker säga med detta?

Ja precis. Så är det.

5 snabba? 1. Hamburgare/Pizza? 2. Fanta/Cola? 3. Fest/Filmmys? 4. Jeans/Mjukis? 5. String/Hipster?

Pizza, cola, film, mjukis, string

Oftaaaa inte en av dina favoritlåtar är av Veronica Maggioooo :( ?

FiggarowShiki’s Profile PhotoShiki
Jooodååå! Men detta vara bara "just nu"! Finns så himla många bra låtar, så kan inte riktigt göra en korrekt bedömning utav vilka som är mina absoluta favoriter, men det var de låtarna jag lyssnade mest på just den dagen! :D
Liked by: Shiki


My Grandfather smoked his whole life. I was about 10 years old when my mother said to him, 'If you ever want to see your grandchildren graduate, you have to stop immediately.'. Tears welled up in his eyes when he realized what exactly was at stake. He gave it up immediately. Three years later he died of lung cancer. It was really sad and destroyed me. My mother said to me- 'Don't ever smoke. Please don't put your family through what your Grandfather put us through." I agreed. At 28, I have never touched a cigarette. I must say, I feel a very slight sense of regret for never having done it, because this question gave me cancer anyway.

How can anyone support Trump? He will ruin the USA!

He's the only hope for America. And he's also the only one running that isn't controlled by lobbyists and other doners.
He's the embodiment of "Money talks, bullshit walks". You can't stump the Trump.
http://youtu.be/MKH6PAoUuD0MADREVOLVER’s Video 132527248100 MKH6PAoUuD0MADREVOLVER’s Video 132527248100 MKH6PAoUuD0

Vad tycker du om uppmärksamhets kåta människor?

Oerhört jobbiga. Känner till några såna faktiskt, vill inte nämna namn men tror många håller med mig.
Den värsta sorten är tjejer som fiskar kommentarer. "Jag ser ut som skit idag förlåt", så laddar de upp selfies - och ser ut som de alltid gör. Den typen av människor orkar jag verkligen inte med. Blir fan tokig.
Liked by: F_Rein Erica X Japan

So being loved is kind of important (at least more so than falling in love) but feeling loved doesn't interest you? So why does being loved even matter at all then? I don't really get it.

Being loved gives you a lot of benefits. If the boss at a certain company lives you - your chances of getting the job increseses, people will treat you dinner, you will get presents etc.
Technically speaking you could get anything you want for free if people love you, even money.
Liked by: Erica X Japan

Have you tried a hover board yet ? I think they're cool.

Nope! But I'm not too excited about it. I think it's a cool idea, but that's about it. I'm mostly excited about the self-lacing Nike's lol
Liked by: Dee Mraz


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