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...sorry, it's the firts time I see your profile and I don't see where are you from...sorry again...really

Since you apologised it's OK.
Liked by: kyra

What female celebrity do you wish was your sister?

Kaitlin Olson, she's probably the funniest woman on the planet. And since she's married to Rob McElhenney that means I get to hang out with him too. And since I'll be hanging out with my "sister" and Rob I will eventually get to know Danny DeVito, Glenn Howerton and Charlie Day as well.
And now we're just a big happy family!

Was you ever bullied because of your big ears?

Do I have big ears? I've always liked my ears, I think they're the perfect size and shape.
I consider my ears one of my top features (along with my height and fingers).
I've never been bullied, which is very odd considering how odd I am when it comes to.. everything.
Or, maybe I just haven't noticed? I usually don't give a fuck about "haters" anyway. I guess I just haven't noticed the bullying since I haven't really though about it, oh well.

What's your thought on the Japanese fashion trend , visualkei ? :)

princessdollrin’s Profile PhotoRin
I never really considered it to be a "fashion trend", it has lasted too long to be a trend in my opinion (since the early 80s). Visual kei (very much like glam rock) was a rebellion towards society in a sense that it delivered shock value and a chance to "stand out" form the main audience and be noticed.
So, for me personally I like it since it gives you the freedom to express yourself/your art in more ways than just musically. But, there's of course a downside. There's A LOT of bands that get WAY too much credit / positive feedback ONLY because of how they look and music becomes a second priority. I don't want to mention any names, but that's the "downside" of it if you ask me.
Music should always be a priority, but to express yourself you should do it in as many ways possible. A band that's not visual kei, but applies auditory, lyrically, visual and even smell as a way to express their believes/art is Watain, amazing band. I always look for that band that delivers a little extra.

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Do you have a lot of respect for vegetarians?

I think I might have less respect for them.
I never hear any complaints on what to eat from "meat eaters", but I hear it from some vegetarians, thus making me respect them less. I don't have any problems with vegetarians as long as they don't try to convey me into becoming one or telling me that what I eat is "wrong".
Eat whatever you want, but don't force it upon others.

OMG. Ja av den senaste bilden att döma så kan man ju inte påstå att du inte är vig. Fattar inte hur du lyckades med det och fortfarande stå upprätt.

Min vighet är väldigt normal skulle jag tro, har dock sett mycket på Dragon Ball som ung och håller alltid på med diverse karate-moves hemma. Vet dock inte om det påverkat min vighet?


Language: English