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Ask @Krexxa

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What is happiness?

mohammadshafiqullah’s Profile PhotoMohammad Shafiqullah
in some ways, I think that happiness is (or at least can be) different for everyone (:
it's honestly impossible to tell if we feel the same exact emotion as others, but what I can say for certain, though, is that each person probably feels emotions in their own way and what causes happiness for each individual might not be the same.
for example, some people love the adrenaline rush of roller coasters or skydiving or doing risky things. it makes them happy to feel that way, while for others, that might make them anxious, so they might be happiest when they're calm and at peace. some people are extroverts, others are introverts. some people like crowds, others like being alone. everyone has a unique personality, and at the end of the day, it's impossible to lump everyone together and think that we experience things in the same way when we really don't!
for me, happiness is found in art and being social online, but not in person since it stresses me out. I'm happy and content walking through the woods or wading through shallow water by myself. happiness is having my houseplants, cats, and fan merch and just being,,,,,calm for a while. it's feeding the ducks and having time to really think and reflect, time to get to know and understand the world around me. this is probably really different from the things that make you happy, or even for any other person reading this.
whatever happiness is to you, I hope you can find it <3

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What is your favorite music band?

bts by far. I know it's probably dumb to say this, but I feel so much more of a connection to them on a personal level than to any other artist I listen to, and I'm always so proud to see them accomplishing things as they've gained popularity <3
compared to american music, you really get to see inside the lives of k-pop groups and you feel like you know them even if you've never met before. it's a whole new experience, a different world entirely, and bts was really my entrance into that world. they were the first group that I learned the member's names for. they were the first group I stanned. they were my first real addiction to music - until then, I listened so heartlessly without wanting more or legitimately caring about the artists themselves. they got me through so many hard times, and brought upon just as many with their perplexing music videos. bts was the first group that I fell in love with - every song they make is perfect, every live vocal is beautiful, every performance is a solid 10/10, and their personalities make them so lovable as people that you look up to and admire. they've been through so much, yet stand so strong. they're a hopeful message to everyone.
in my opinion, they can't be topped and I doubt they ever will be. emotionally, I've been through hell and back with bts by my side, and after all that,,,,,how can I just let them go? I'll always be here to support my boys <3

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Liked by: Saad

What's the most annoying question people ask you on ASKfm?

I don't think any question is annoying tbh, but I really hate when I get spam shoutouts :")
Liked by: Saad

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What quality do you value most in your friends?

I really value people who are outgoing and brave <3
I'm incredibly shy myself so I tend to look up to people who are braver than I am and can bring me out of my shell as far as personality traits go, even more so than honesty, kindness, etc which I know probably sounds a bit odd!
it can honestly be really hard to meet new people or hold a conversation since I don't speak unless spoken to and always run out of things to talk about, but someone who is outgoing, approaches me first, and actively restarts conversations is exactly the type of friend I'd hope to have. I need people who can keep me social, otherwise I'll just shut myself off from the rest of the world, kind of like I'm doing right now where I don't see friends, I don't talk to people, I don't do much away from home, I don't take risks, and I don't truly live. I wish I had more social and outgoing people in my life to keep me engaged and to push me further forward, even if it might make me a bit anxious sometimes! I need to face my fears in order to overcome them.

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Liked by: Saad

What is your favorite way to spend some time alone?

I like to do one of two things (:
the first one is making art, usually drawing or painting! when I was a kid, I'd sit out on my front porch painting plaster figurines my mom picked up at the craft store with acrylic paint. they were usually animals or small houses like my grandfather used to paint <3 chalk art on my driveway was also a lot of fun, and people used to stop by to complement my drawings when they say me outside which really boosted my spirits. as I got older and began to develop an art style, though, doodling and drawing with pencils and pens became more common, while nowadays I tend to paint either with watercolors or with oil paints. I like peacefulness and solitude while I draw, unless, of course, I'm streaming my art (x
option number two is heading down to the park to be alone for a while under the trees! it's really nice to just wander around to clear your head, and wading through the water or catching tadpoles can be fun as well if the bees aren't bothersome, although I do worry sometimes about staying safe on my own out there after the terrible things that went down in the park over the past few years.
or,,,,,I could do both (; I've gone to the park to draw before haha

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Liked by: Saad

Why are girls with pure hearts always deceived?

it's easy to fall into the trap of deceit when the person you care the most about is the one doing the lying. people don't want to think that the people they love would hurt them like that, they trust them with their lives and expect the same in return, but not everyone in the world is so caring. people can lie and people can take advantage of you if you aren't careful. I've seen so many pure hearts permanently scarred by being broken and put back together, it's such a shame >":
Liked by: Saad

What’s the most delicious dish your mom cooks?

my mom's lasagna can't be beat ???
I love the taste of the cheese layer the most, with that great cottage cheese, egg, and pepper combo that is to die for! I believe this recipe is my grandmother's and it's absolutely perfect ?
Liked by: Saad

What's your today midnight thoughts ?

I've been thinking a lot about my health issues at night, particularly the possibility of celiac disease that my doctor mentioned. I was very sick today and I'm worried that continuing to eat gluten could be causing my gi issues to worsten despite my lymphocytic colitis being cured - it might even hospitalize me in the future if things don't change soon - but my mom is pretty much refusing to let me try a gluten-free diet for the period of time I'd like to try it for to see if it would actually help or not. she's adament that I don't have this because the first test over four years ago came back negative, but that was before I took the zoloft and got the lymphocytic colitis to begin with. I wish she'd just humor me and let me try this! I'm so scared that I'm slowly killing myself by continuing to eat gluten. maybe this is why I can't put on weight; I've been maintaining 95 lbs, but it's hard to. maybe this is causing all of the pain and the nausea and the gi issues. I wish it was this and not something that requires scopes or surgery or anything so invasive. I worry that I might have something as severe as cancer and I'm just so scared. please, please, please be something like celiac that is easy to fix.

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Liked by: Saad

What's the best news you've ever received?

definitely when my doctor told me recently that my chronic lymphocytic colitis is cured !!! at least,,,,,he thinks so. there isn't a way to officially tell without taking a biopsy, which would be too invasive at this point, so he's just guessing. although it isn't all good news, hearing this was absolutely amazing after struggling with this illness for so long TTvTT
the bad news is that it could return at any time - and my doctor thinks it probably will - and that I might be permanently gluten-intolerant as a result of the illness. he hasn't come across someone yet who isn't, but it depends on if I have the genetic factor of it or not. crossing my fingers that I'm not,,,,,although it would explain my gi issues even after being cured from my lymphocytic colitis.
Liked by: Saad

If you could be in a TV show, which one would it be?

I would say south park, but that's probably a very bad idea LOL. so instead,,,,,maybe one of those animal shows, like a rescue or zoo one? 0:
Liked by: Saad

What are the things that one should do before go to sleep?

it really depends on what your schedule looks like :)
I personally take showers in the evening, then I usually take vitamins and my nightly medications, brush my teeth, and try to relax a bit before bed to prevent insomnia.
Liked by: Saad

From where do you draw inspiration for the way you dress?

k-fashion and aesthetic blogs on tumblr are a huge inspiration for me ? I love anything soft, pastel, or vintage :)
Liked by: Saad

What do you refuse to pay for?

friendship and love for sure! I would never buy friends or a significant other with money or gifts to bribe them into liking me. they wouldn't be real and wouldn't be satisfying to have, I'd much rather earn them the hard way and make things worthwhile <3
Liked by: Saad

anong kulay na ang puting eroplano pagdating sa america?

when I translated this question, it says white in it, so the answer is white? 0:
Liked by: Saad

Revelation of the day!

I'm stronger than I thought I was.
up until this point, I was sick. I couldn't get up off the couch without feeling ill. I wouldn't leave home at all, I'd never see my friends. but over the past week, all I've been doing is going outside. I've been gardening, I've been shopping, I've been driving around and seeing my friends. even eating in the car, which I'd never do before with my fear of eating away from home because of my health issues! I just feel so good about the direction things are going in right now, things are so positive and I feel amazing <3
Liked by: Saad

It's not even Halloween yet and I'm already seeing Christmas stuff for sale. What's your favourite time of the year?

ooh gosh, this is a pretty neat question!
when I was a kid, my favorite time of the year was around christmas because my family celebrated for three days straight. my birthday is december 23rd so that was always exciting !! I had waited all year for more gifts LOL. then we had a fun family night on the 24th, tracking santa on the norad santa tracker and tossing oats out for the reindeer. the 25th was christmas, full of more gifts and fun toys. those three days were the best time of the year by far :)
now that I'm older, though, I think I like autumn the best. there's a short amount of time when the temperatures are perfect, the wind gusts so strong, and the crunchy leaves are falling and giving off that perfect scent. so ideal and beautiful <3

Did you have a dream last night?

I did, actually :)
I was staying over at a relative's house, but it was like,,,,,haunted ??? so I was trying to get help from people so I wouldn't be attacked by the demons/ghosts that night when I went into my room alone, but I wanted to do it without actually saying that their house was haunted because I didn't want to offend them LOL. and for some reason, mark tuan of got7 was there ?? and I decided that he had some weird, special 'aura' or something that would keep me safe from the demons ??? so I kept trying to get him to stay in the room where we were watching movies, but at one point he had to leave to go home, but he understood was was going on somehow through telepathy and gave me his hoodie since it would keep the demons at bay if I wore it ???? so I did, and I was okay that night. like,,,,,I could see the demons, but they couldn't touch me because I had a super cool, warm hoodie to keep me safe.
I'm,,,,,honestly just as confused as you are LOL, that was such a weird dream

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What's the most peaceful place for u ?

definitely down by my favorite creek <3 I'm going to ramble from here on out about how great it is so prepare yourself for the word count if you're dedicated enough to read all of this. I apologize in advance haha
it runs across the street from my house down into a local park that's within walking distance from here. the park is about 40 acres of rewilded land that was a former stone quarry, and there's a beautiful landscape there with cliffs, hills, forests, and marshes that are barely reminiscent of those old days. the only signs that it was a quarry are probably an old stone staircase from back when the quarry was still in use and the fact that the park doesn't mesh into the otherwise flat ohio landscape LOL
my favorite part by far is the variety of animals that live there. if you're quiet enough, you might see the deer, ducks, songbirds, woodpeckers, ravens, crows, moles, mice, foxes, snakes, salamanders, tadpoles, frogs, fish, minnows, and more, and if you go out at night, you could find raccoons and owls, too! I've stumbled upon 30+ deer bedded down for winter in those woods as well as fox dens in the fields and it was honestly so magical !!
there's also the most beautiful flowers that come up in the spring and fall :) if you catch it just right, you can find my favorite, the beautiful white bloodroot, a poisonous flower that comes out for only a day or two and is too fragile to touch. they're so pretty scattered along the hillsides TTvTT
overall, the creek is my safe place. it's a place to hang out with friends, to relax, to listen to the birds, to paint, to draw, to wade through the shallow water, and to just,,,,,feel absolute calmness and tranquility. it's the most amazing place in the world <333

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Liked by: Saad

Have you had a facial before? What kind of differences do you notice about your skin after you've been to a facial? How long does it last?

I've never had a facial before, but I'd love to have one in the future <3 I hear from my friends that facials make their skin really dewy and glowy, and from videos I've watched online that apparently many celebrities get facials the day of events to make their skin look great, but I'm not sure how long the effect lasts for TTvTT
Liked by: Saad

Would you like to stay young forever?

forever, we are young~!!! even when I fall and hurt myself, I keep running toward my dream~~!!!!!
seriously, though, I'm pretty scared of growing old. I'm scared of where I'll be and if I'll be healthy or coping with my illnesses forever. if there was some way to freeze time,,,,,I think I'd like to be 17 forever, back before my health issues took full control, even if they were still there. or maybe 10, just a dumb, innocent kid larping warrior cats on a school playground. I don't think I'd go any farther than either of those since I don't want myself to experience these bad things that came with getting older.
Liked by: Saad

Is it hard to see through the storm in which you are in?

yes, for sure! I've been struggling to manage my health issues recently, and I can't really see a big future for myself since I'm constantly stuck like this with no real sign of change. I do my best to set smaller goals for myself to focus on something I'm passionate about instead of getting lost in hopelessness, but it's hard to take my mind off of the looming illnesses that plague me and prevent me from moving forward with my life. it can be hard to do even the things you love when you feel nauseous and tired all the time, let alone seeing friends, getting a job, or going to college like a proper adult should. I'm not really sure where to go from here, or if I can even go anywhere at all, to be honest. one day I think I'm doing better, and the next I just,,,,,fall back down all over again. I can't provide anything to society right now, so what place do I have in taking anything from it? I really wish that my doctors could find something wrong with me so I can be fixed and do things again.

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Liked by: Kevin R Rice

Why is it so hard for ppl to apologize?

it's hard for people to admit that they were the one at fault that needs to say sorry. it can damage their pride or break down their defensive walls if they apologize, and many people are too stubborn, prideful, or anxious to allow that to happen >:

What is the last thing you said to your ex?

here's all of my last messages in discord to them ?
"yesssss that would be a lot of fun !! those were the good ol' days"
"any 'announcement from discord' message is fake :ok_hand:"
"ooh that's really smart! my white orchid has a lot of moss and there's a little, viney plant friend sprouting from that. the tiny orchid, on the other hand, doesn't have any moss at all 0:"
"will do :ok_hand:"

You are so beautiful. I swear ??

oh gosh, thank you so much !! I really appreciate it TTvTT <333


Language: English