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Ask @Krexxa

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What are you sure of?

That I am:
- a procrastinator
- a loser
- a nerd
- different than normal people
- flat out weird
- not entirely straight, probably bi
- hated by pretty much everyone in my school

Did you get the ok from the original Landon owner or...?

I sent them a pm ;0;
It took longer than I had expected because of homework and such, but we'll see what Aquila says!

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You thought the archives were up to date?? Your nursery plumies were in the 100s, but there's only up to 40 something in the archives. That should be a pretty big hint??

I didn't scroll down when I did Ctrl-F. It's as simple as that xD
I just opened the page and made sure I was on the right one by looking at the main post. I never actually looked at each individual post, I just swapped pages to make sure there were none on the second page I might miss.
Honestly you guys are more worked up about this than I was. Let's just leave it here - I'm pming Landon's owner. Get over it, it's probably not even your plumie and Aquila has the say as to if it's okay or not anyway, not you. Your input on this literally doesn't matter in this situation anymore :T

...Soo to break up the hate, what's your favorite ice cream flavor? :D

Thank you omg, I'd hate to turn off anon because of it when there are really nice anons like you :"D
I really like cherry cordial, which is cherry ice cream with chocolate bits and Maraschino cherry chunks <33
Maraschino cherries are one of the best things ever - I'll eat them right out of the jar whenever my mom buys them in like.. 2 seconds flat x3

you can actually use the name if you pm landon's owner about it and get an okay from them! there isn't a rule about doubling up on names ; v ;

I'm pming them right now, I literally had a huge panic attack earlier omg
A huge thank you to whoever told me about this, I'm going to assume this is the same anon person but it's so hard to tell <3333
Also, to the person who keeps sending the anon questions over and over again, I'd like to ask you to kindly stop as they will be deleted anyways and I don't want you to waste your time trying to hate because I honestly don't care~ xD

good job checking names u dumb shit

Seriously guys?? Can we not do this, please? I thought the archives were up to date when I checked them with Ctrl-F, I seriously had no clue they weren't. And I usually check the fanclub, but I was in a major hurry last night to pick a name before possibly not having computer access all day today and didn't have time to.
Also, "u" is not a word. If you're going to call someone "dumb", make sure you actually use proper grammar and spelling so you're not so "dumb" yourself.

If your plane was about to crash, who would you want sitting next to you?


What's your biggest phobia?

Death/dying, especially if I am home alone and/or it is dark outside. There have always been high numbers of robberies near where I live - especially in the houses right across the street from mine because there are woods behind them, aka a safe way to travel in and out if you don't want police to see you. Not to mention all of the people who go back there to do drugs.. I've always been afraid of someone breaking in and shooting me or my family. And it doesn't help that I usually end up watching Investigation Discovery when I'm the last one up at night.. all alone.. in the dark.. //gulps

Did you ever fall asleep in school?

When I was younger, because we had a nap time xD
I have, though, especially after tests when we were told to or read a book lmao

Dress, skirt, or pants/shorts?

Short shorts or casual/cute dresses if I could wear them every day, though I usually wear pants because of school.
I hardly ever wear skirts, tbh~

If you were to change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

The fact that I will never be happy with myself, no matter how many friends I have by my side or things I have to make myself look 'pretty'. I'd give anything to have even a little self-confidence.

How many pairs of shoes do you have?

I only have maybe.. three that actually fit me atm??
My parents are uber cheap and won't get me new ones ;0;
I have a bazillion pairs that are too big, small, or out of style to even consider wearing OTL

Ever eaten a bug?

Yes, but totally on accident. I didn't realize it until too late.. I bit it in half and ate that before realizing something was wiggling in my cookie. I nearly puked. ; 0 ;
I would never purposely eat one.. just yuckkkk!!!!

Do you like to bake :D?

Yesssssss <333
I made and decorated my birthday cake for when I turned 15, it was the best cake I've ever eaten in my life! I also make brownies and cookies a lot with my sister, they're also a lot of fun to decorate haha >w<
Liked by: pete [thanks pete]

What's the thing you say the most?

'oh my gosh' or 'that isn't very fun at all' with the 'very' and 'at all' as optional additions

What was the last argument you had?

My mom needed tissues, and my sister was closer to them so she grabbed the box and handed it to me to hand to my mom. I thought there was a spider web on it, but it was just dust, though I have a severe fear of spiders and my sister handed it to me from over my head so I couldn't see it clearly. I flipped out, throwing it across the room and knocking down a lot of stuff that was sitting on a table :T
It's not really completely my fault if I have a huge phobia?? I would never do anything like that on purpose..
My arm decided to spasm because my brain saw a 'spider' and tried to flick it off of my hand before I could comprehend that there was nothing but dust there. It was completely involuntary, and I picked everything up and apologized ;0;
Ever heard of that thing when people feel imaginary bugs crawling on them and sort of flip out jittering trying to get them off?? That's what happened to me. Some girl actully went into the hospital because she was having a 'seizure' and it turned out her muscles were spasming violently because there was a bug crawling on her or something.

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Time to get serious.

Krexxa’s Profile Photomars ✨
I've been considering re-adopting my WME, Enno, for quite some time now. He's my only WME, and as much as I love him, I just don't feel like I'm a welcomed member in the WME community.
I've had Enno for an incredibly long time now, and no one has ever shown even the slightest bit of interest in rping or having their equid become mates with him. I also just can't keep up with so much spam in the fanclub - I don't even check the thread anymore and I wish I could delete it from my posts. I love WMEs, but I just can't do it.
I've been waiting on my first breeding for over six months - it just seems so unfair that people with at least ten or more equids are stealing up nearly every single breeding. I've just sort of given up at this point, I'm NEVER going to get a slot because of time zones and schedules and crap and I'm flat out frustrated. It seems pointless for me to even have Enno if I literally can't do a single thing with him, and I don't want him to get covered in so much dust. I just want him to actually be used once in a while, but I'm so torn because he's the only equid I have and the single breeding I have planned literally means the world to me, but I guess it's just destined not to happen.
It's also clearly meant for me to never get another WME - I literally have put my heart and soul into form after form only to be denied every single time. I even spent over three hours just researching my most recent form, putting so much dedication and time and effort all for nothing only to lose to someone who only spent maybe ten minutes. It's flat out unfair. I could of been using that time doing something worthwhile, like seeing a therapist for my depression or eating disorders instead of making them worse. It's just too much stress, I can't handle WMEs anymore. All these species are taking a major toll on me - in the past three months alone I've gone from the best I've ever been back into major depression to the point where I've actually considered pills or something. It's not just CS alone, though. Each little disappointment just piles more and more onto my back, and with my situation at home right now I'm reaching my breaking point. The only problem is that I can't leave CS - I have no one to talk to off of the internet. I can't live without it, but I can't live with it, either.
I guess I'm mainly wondering, after going off in that pretty dark direction, if anyone would want Enno if I were to put him up for re-adoption? /:

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