
mars ✨

Ask @Krexxa

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Cheetos or Doritos?

doritos <: I'm not a fan of cheese tbh so I only like the cool ranch version haha

What is your favorite anime?

black butler for sure !! it was one of the first anime I watched and it literally tore me to shreds 10000 times. definitely not for the faint of heart LOL

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Do you have a sweet tooth or a savory tooth?

definitely a savory tooth, although my stomach isn't too happy about it LOL

What is one thing you regret having done or not done in your life?

I regret not being more social and actively making friends, although I'm not sure how I can be brave enough to TTvTT I'm an introvert who wants social interaction, but won't do anything about it to actually get that social interaction rip.
everyone has these tight-knit friend groups that they've worked to build by talking and being active, but I'm nothing more than a drifter with one close friend irl and a handful of acquaintances. I can't hold onto friends for long since I'm such a bad friend and people tend to drop me. I'd love to have more close friends, but it's so hard for me to be the person who starts conversations or jumps into group chats without looking back since it makes me so afraid,,,,,

If you need an information from someone in askfm, why dont you show your name?

ATMInYourHeart’s Profile PhotoDee
I'm usually too shy to come off of anon /v\ even though I'd love to meet people and make friends on here, I'm worried that they'll see who I am and be disappointed, afraid, or uncomfortable around me. like,,,,,what if I'm not who they expected? or what if they were hoping for someone better than me? if coming off anon will ruin the fun by ending the mystery and ending any small friendship we've had, I don't know if I can risk it TT^TT
Liked by: Dee

Who do you know that has the worst phone crack?

I actually don't know anyone who has a cracked phone atm 0:
although my ipod has a small crack in it and my brother formerly shattered his phone screen before he got a replacement LOL

What are your thoughts on the current state of the world?

ToniNJess’s Profile PhotoToni N Jess
it makes me nervous, honestly.
I'm afraid of my own country's leader. the united states is not going well right now, and I'm afraid of what might happen to me here being lgbtqa+. my rights are being taken away more and more as time passes and I don't feel safe here anymore. I don't feel safe to come out to anyone irl.
I'm afraid of north korea. I'm afraid of the idols I care about in south korea being hurt if something happens. four of the five members of red velvet, my favorite girl group, recently visited north korea and met kim jeongeun and I was incredibly worried about their safety. it was horrifying,,,,,thankfully they got back home safe, but not every idol has been so lucky.

Swimming pool, river, lake, sea, ocean - where do you prefer to swim?

definitely in a swimming pool! after my canoeing accident, I like to know how deep the water is so I know I won't go in past my neck. I like to feel safe in it. if it's too deep, I won't go near it!

What’s the nicest thing a complete stranger has done for you or vice versa?

someone on cs gifted me a sunjewel just because they liked my username TTvTT I actually cried when I saw it, I couldn't believe it,,,,,,the sunjewel was my dream pet, the one I'd been working to get for over seven years and never thought I'd actually achieve, so it really meant a lot to me !!

When eating cereal with milk, do you pour the cereal or milk first?

cereal !! I don't want to make a mess by splashing the milk if I plop a bunch of cereal in afterwards LOL

What's your favorite memory from your childhood?

definitely visiting my grandparents in upstate new york TTvTT
I vividly remember sitting with my grandmother, mother, and brother on the moss in their backyard with watermelon slices on paper plates. we were spitting out the black seeds as we ate, seeing how far we could send them out into the forest and laughing all the while <3 there were clothes hanging out on the clothes line, blowing gently in the wind beside us, and the cross where kitty - my grandfather's cat - was buried in the ferns, still white with paint and not fallen apart yet. everything just seemed so,,,,,perfect and calm.
and I remember exploring in the woods, finding the old train tracks and scouring them for relics of the past. when I brought back a lump of coal the size of a football and an old, rusted railroad spike, my grandmother was almost in tears - she thought the tracks had been scoured bare long ago and was absolutely amazed that there was anything left. that lump of coal is still sitting beside their back door today.
I remember heading up the old highway bridge beside the house, the one all covered in moss. my brother and I would find all the trash from the road, then decorate the young pine trees for winter with our handmade ornaments or build houses for the chipmunks out of it.
and I remember searching for the old chestnut tree with my mother. we never did find it - it may have been wiped out during the blight - but it was fun to wander with her and just,,,,,talk for a bit.

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What's the most expensive thing you have bought?

one of my dream ocs was 400 usd <": I don't even regret it tbh

Do you like living in your country or would you like to move abroad? If abroad, then which country?

in all honesty, I want to leave the united states. things have been going downhill and I don't want to be a part of this anymore. I'm just so afraid of planes and boats and cars and the immigration process, and I'm afraid of leaving all of the people I love behind. I'm not sure if I can do it TTvTT

What is something you will NEVER do again?

throw a party x"D every time I have one, whether it be for a birthday or graduation, it's always the worst experience

What's always in your fridge?

spoiled food. it makes me very anxious to put food in there or eat food that's been put in there sjdkfhsdsjkfhjdksh. my parents really need to learn how to keep our fridge tidy and clean,,,,,,I have so many phobias involving food and it really isn't helping

Do you agree that loneliness can be addictive and therefore dangerous?

I don't think that anyone inherently wants to be lonely - if anything, it's programmed within us to be social creatures from the moment we're born. some people get into the habit of being alone, some people get overwhelmed by too many people, or some people become afraid of social situations due to negative events. no one is really born anti-social - it's something that's learned with time. then they begin to reject human contact, often even when they want it. I don't think loneliness is dangerous, but it can take you over and destroy you if you let it.

What's your favorite summer outfit?

I really like crop tops and basketball shorts <3 I usually pair them with my 3-inch platform sneakers and either wavy hair or space buns. I'm hoping to do more space buns this summer, though !!

During hot weather months , how much water should I be drinking in an 8 hour work day? Thanks and thanks for being there for me today. I love this app.

jeremy690’s Profile PhotoJeremy Vaillancourt
I wish I could help, but I'm honestly not sure myself <":
I'm rather small (5'3, 95 pounds) and I drink about 18-24 ounces of water in a day, up to 35 if it's hot. however, I know this probably isn't enough since my family drinks much more than I do, and I don't do a lot of exercise (not even as much as the average person does in a day) which would definitely up the numbers.
I wish you luck in getting some helpful answers, and I hope you have a great summer !! ^v^


Language: English