
mars ✨

Ask @Krexxa

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I have the worst luck with relationships. What about you?

I used to have very bad luck, but I think it might have turned around for the better recently (:
I took a break from dating last year to focus on bettering myself and figuring out what I actually wanted in a relationship. I realized that the type of people I was dating weren't what I wanted at all. some of them were super toxic and terrible, the type of people that would take advantage of you. they were so awful jdsfhdkjghdhgdskfhdskj
I realized so much about myself during that time, and out of nowhere, someone who is actually the type of person I was looking for just appeared in my life 0: I'm very thankful to him and I hope things go well!

Pick one celebrity to spend a day with

totally bang chan / chris from stray kids (:
he's super kind !! a down-to-earth guy who genuinely cares a lot about his fans. I've watched a number of his vlives and he always says the sweetest things to cheer people up and make them feel good about themselves.
I remember when someone said they were a worm and he said that worms are important for our planet sdjfhdkjhdjgkhs this man,,,,,,,,
out of every celebrity, he's truly the one that I'd want to be around. I'd want to thank him, to chill with him, and to make him smile, too! he deserves the best things in life.
also the fact that danceracha wow studio version is on his laptop,,,,,,,,,,,👀,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,jkjk LMAO
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o7YGdvfz7HQKrexxa’s Video 161636806719 o7YGdvfz7HQKrexxa’s Video 161636806719 o7YGdvfz7HQ

Are you allergic to anything? Like animal hair or dust?

I am! I'm allergic to certain classes of antibiotics, dust mites, grasses, and molds. I also thought I was also allergic to cinnamon, but thankfully I'm not (:

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Do you always listen to music at maximum volume on your phone?

I try to keep my volume as low as possible since I don't want to hurt my ears (: but some songs are too loud on my lowest setting rip
my phone has 15 volume levels, but I usually listen from 1 to 3 depending on how loud the music is. that's,,,,,,,,,,probably around 6% to 20%? if I did the math right haha
for comparison, I listen to music on my laptop at 4% to 12%!

Do you have antivirus on your phone? If so, which one?

nope, I don't 0: I should probably get one, but I'm always running low on storage space since I take so many photos skfhdjdshjkghg

Do you prefer to ask questions or answer them?

definitely answering (: it's hard for me to think of fun, creative questions for other people, so I only ask questions here and there.

Do you think your voice is pretty for singing?

no, not really LOL. I think my voice is pretty unstable xD
I didn't really speak much for a while so it's awkward and cracks and sounds strange haha. it's almost like I don't know how to use my voice properly,,,,,,or that I'm scared to use it? it's very hesitant, maybe even quivering.
it's something that I've been trying to work on recently, actually! I'm trying to sing more often and work on hitting notes more precisely. I really, really want a pretty singing voice (x

Do you support the BLM movement?

daviddobrik2’s Profile Photodavid dobrik
yes, 100% 💜 I've heard way too many stories of police brutality, racism, and injustice - even here locally - and I'm rather sick of it.
one of my mom's coworkers had to leave work early every night, otherwise the cops would racially profile him as a black man driving home at night and pull him over for bogus things. he couldn't join everyone else to go out to eat after work because it was dangerous. that should //not// happen.
I also met multiple ex-cops who abused their power and later told stories of it. my dad's uncle was one of them, and my friend's driving instructor was another,,,,,,,,,,,I can't talk about the things they did here since they're nsfw, but it's actually very scary to hear, especially as a woman dhkjghdfsjbhfdjbhk
also the fact that my city has had multiple cops steal and sell drugs ????? I think three in a row ??????? like bruh, there's major issues going on that are clearly not being addressed

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What are you doing?

waiting, trying to kill time xD
I just got done with two appointments in a row, but I have one more in twenty minutes. I was playing a game earlier until I got bored and decided to answer questions here instead (:

didn't mean to come off as insulting, sometimes i suffer from asking dumb questions lol. i hope u get over your fears and anxiety and whatever make you feel anxious =)

it's alright, don't worry !! I can tell that it didn't come from a place of hate, but genuine curiosity instead ^v^ so I wanted to answer it anyways haha
thank you, though - I really do appreciate it 💜

Can't you just "not care" about surroundings?(mydumb question)

I wish I could, but it's much easier said than done!
I don't personally care about my surroundings per se, but my anxiety disorders make me feel fear when I'm in unfamiliar places regardless of what I think is or isn't safe. it isn't something within my control, it just kinda,,,,,happens 0:
it'll even happen if I'm super excited for something and I want to go do it. I'll get to that point away from home where my brain tricks me into being afraid very suddenly, because I can't recognize anything or there's too much going on. it gets very overwhelming and it's hard to deal with. it's almost like,,,,,,,,I suddenly go into fight or flight mode? and not always for a clear reason.
I think it's probably worse when I'm away from home since I can't guarantee that I'll have the things I need to cope with my anxiety. having privacy, temperature control, a safe bathroom, my medications, cats for dpt, etc are all really big, helpful things that aren't always there when I'm outside. so when anxiety does strike and I can't deal with it appropriately, it just spirals.
I really, really wish it was something that I could just shut off, though! that would make things way easier for me. I miss travelling very much and would love to go overseas someday (:

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Can you leave your native land and move to another city for the sake of a loved one?

this one is a very, very tough choice.
I'm an anxious person. a lot of my safety is derived from familiar surroundings, and when I get taken away from that, it causes bad problems.
I haven't traveled for a number of years now because of that. when I did, I wouldn't be able to eat or sleep from anxiety. it would take me weeks to get used to my new surroundings and get to a point of semi-functionality again.
at the same time, though, I would do almost anything for the people I love! so it's quite a predicament.
if I had to leave now, I don't think I could,,,,,,,,,,but I think I might be able to if I had time to prepare myself for the changes. it might take months, maybe even years, to work myself up to being able to leave, but it would be worth it if I could.

If you could live on another planet, which would you choose?

mars seems very cool! would be very fitting since my usernames on some other sites are mars and pyroeis (:

Do you like fatty foods?

mostly no 👀 I try to avoid them if possible, but there are some exceptions.
fatty foods were one of the //worst// trigger foods for me back when I had my lymphocytic colitis in high school. they always made me very sick so I got used to avoiding them like the plague LOL.
even now that I'm "cured", I still have problems eating anything with a lot of fat, grease, or oil. those foods still make me sick most of the time TT-TT I assume it's because the LC left my body with lasting problems (like my lactose intolerance rip) since those foods were never an issue until I got it.
I also have some strong aversions to foods now, mostly the ones that made me the most sick. that includes some fatty foods. they're just super unpleasant and unappetizing now. bleh.
potato chips are a heavy no unless they're baked, but I'll cheat and have french fries every now and then even if it means I get sick. fried fish and gravies are also just too good to pass up, but I try to watch how much of those I eat, otherwise I'll be sick for sure. other meats fried foods are very problematic for me so I just don't like them.
it's funny, a lot of my favorite foods as a kid were the greasiest xD I guess it was because I was very thin and my body craved it. but now, I can't eat any of those things without suffering haha

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8. Whats the best way the 1% should spend their money?

ass4lyfe’s Profile PhotoLady Boometh
it would be very cool if everyone in the top 1% decided to cut it at a couple million and just give the rest away to people in need. like,,,,,,congrats, you beat the system, you won, but it's not really worth keeping so much money for no reason once you get to that point, right? that's just hoarding out of greed.
that amount of money could help sooooo many families in need. imagine how many people would break out of poverty. how many hungry kids would be able to eat. how many animals could be rescued. how many kids could reach their full potential with access to better schooling. how many people could afford the medical treatments they need. like woah.
these people literally have the power to change the world, and yet,,,,,,,,they either hoard their money or spend it on fancy houses, cars, and clothes which only give more money to rich people.
sure, people with that much money have earned it and can do what they want with it, but hoarding it and flaunting some imaginary status for show isn't going to do anything productive for anybody. no one needs million dollar mansions and thousand dollar clothes. heck, if you're that famous, you could wear a literal trash bag and people would call it iconic lmao. I don't understand the obsession with making tons of money and being better than everyone else, as if wealth is the only show of status within society.
it's just way more worth it in the long run to distribute wealth a little more evenly. our society could be great if we all had our basic needs met and could focus on other things, like idk, a cure for cancer??? rockets into space???? but nah, everyone has to fight to survive instead sfdhkhgjfkhfkfuhgk

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What personality type are you out of the 16 personalities?

I think I'm actually a mix of two: an infx-t 0:
I took the test a few years ago and got infp, and I retook it in january 2019 and got the same results. that made me super happy since I love the infp label! it felt like it fit perfectly (:
I was curious again, though, so I retook it last month,,,,,and my personality totally changed! I ended up getting infj which was a huge shock to me. it was sooooo close, though, so I think I'm probably both? maybe? LOL
I'm not sure how much ask.fm will ruin the quality of this image, but here's a side-by-side of the new and old results <3
What personality type are you out of the 16 personalities

What color do you like bananas at?

this is a very fun question LOL. I'm really picky with bananas
to me, the ideal banana is yellow, with a little green on the stem and no (or //very// few) brown spots! firm (not squishy!) and sweet in flavor.
it can be a little difficult to find the "sweet spot" in ripeness, though, and it only lasts a few days. not ripe enough and they'll be waxy, but too ripe and they'll be all mushy and gross. bleh.
I really hate bananas with brown spots for some reason, so I'd much rather eat an unripe banana than an overly ripe one.
What color do you like bananas at

Trump 2020 or Biden 2020?

honestly,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,neither (": normally, I wouldn't be so angry and upfront with my answer, but,,,,,,,,I have to be honest with this one and give my scalding hot take. prepare yourself asjfhdjkghfdjkghdfkjsh
I don't want trump or biden to be president. I didn't want hillary as president in the last election either, even if I'm a democrat who is pro-feminism. I want just //one// term like obama's where we don't have someone super incompetent or sketchy in office. why is that so much to ask for?
if there's one thing I've learned, it's that we're the ones continuously putting ourselves in bad situations by choosing //the worst// people possible to run our country. and we never learn from our mistakes, ever. the current recipe for politicians is controversial press leading to more press coverage in general, resulting in more people knowing their names and more people voting for them. it doesn't matter how good they are, it just matters how often their name is in the news. people are //literally// that dumb.
I hope that people reading this understand how incredibly frustrating it is for people my age who are just entering the voting scene. this is my first presidential election (I barely missed the cutoff for the last one riiiiiiiiiip) and I'm given trump vs biden. scandal vs scandal, incompetent vs incompetent. and for what?
I shouldn't have to settle with biden for the sake of my country. will I? I don't know yet, but I know that he shouldn't have been picked by the democrats in the first place. has anyone legitimately heard biden's live speeches where he says weird things? because I'm actually very concerned about someone like that running a whole country around other countries who already hate us and have big weapons.
to put it simply: I Don't Want To Die. I'm young, yet it feels like world war 3 is right around the corner and our planet is probably trashed beyond repair. what future do I have to look forward to? these are the people who are supposed to fix that, not make it worse (": but it really does feel hopeless when we only have bad options.

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Tell me about your day ? * In Detail

it was definitely a lazy, uneventful day haha
I woke up in the middle of a wild dream so I went downstairs and told my brother about it. then I ate breakfast while I got online to chat with friends overseas.
after that, I was working on writing up a guide on dog genetics for a project of mine, but I got super confused about some new changes in research (":
then I fell into a hole of researching random things (like gray collie syndrome, which breaks my heart) before getting distracted by webcomics sfjdhkgjfhdjkhdfskh
I ate dinner, read more webcomics, took a shower, and now I'm about to brush my hair + prep it for dyeing later this week! after that, I'll probably head to bed (:

How long can you hold your breath underwater?

I'm not sure, this isn't something I've really tested out. I was in a canoeing accident as a kid so I avoid deep water or even just putting my face underwater!


Language: English