
mars ✨

Ask @Krexxa

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What concert do you want to go to? ?✌

aaah man, I'd love to go to a ton of concerts for my favorite bands !! some of them include last dinosaurs, far caspian, the neighbourhood / jesse rutherford, bts, red velvet, mamamoo, txt, aoa, fromis_9, iz*one, and twice.

What religion do u believe in ? ?

itzztayy23’s Profile PhotoTaylor Douglas
although I identify as an atheist, I wouldn't say that I don't believe in religions, even if that seems backwards? I think I just prefer to keep an open mind ?
in my opinion, every religion is valid and their followers have justified reasons for believing in each of them, but none are more valid than any other for me personally and I'm definitely not about to pick and choose between them if any of them are real. plus in many religions, a god specifically gave humans the ability to question things and to be imaginative (ie: create stories or even other religions to help explain how the world works; making discoveries and inventions through science) so I don't view it as some massive fault for questioning if anything is actually real or for believing in something different. I'm a person who likes to understand the concrete reasons for how the world works and science has always been my best friend. I always question what people tell me and I have to see things with my own eyes to believe them. that's just how I am as a person and how I've always learned. I'm a very hands-on and visual learner.
for now, I don't necessarily believe in anything, but I don't necessarily believe in nothing, either. I don't believe in an afterlife, but if I were to see it with my own eyes, I'd accept it as truth in a heartbeat because that's 100% legitimate proof to me. and I hope that a god, if they do exist, will be understanding of why I was so questioning of their existence and will forgive me for doing so.

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When are you getting married?

definitely not any time soon, I have to finish college first and hopefuply get a stable job! I'm still way too young for that LOL

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Do you know when to "stay in your lane?"

yeah, definitely! I usually hold myself back 99% of the time anyways so it's very easy to keep my mouth shut.

If you could replace anything from your body,what would it be??

this is definitely a tough question ?
if I had been asked this a few months ago, I think I would have said my nose. it's big and makes my face look proportionally incorrect from the side, especially in contrast with my overbite haha. it also has a mole on it which bothers me to no end. I think it looks quite ugly.
but actually,,,,,now, I think I like my nose more than I used to. I've come to accept it at this point and I've realized that it's not even as big as I thought it was. other people don't care, even if having a cute, button nose would be ideal.
now, I'd definitely say it's my teeth. I hate them so much. my parents were against braces when I was a kid so they're crooked and give me a very slight lisp which is annoying, and they're awfully yellow from eating so many foods that cause staining. I'm honestly ashamed to even open my mouth since it looks like I can't afford basic dental care. I haven't shown my teeth when I smile in ages and I wonder what I'd look like if it was different. I'd have so much more confidence if they didn't make me look like a train wreck.
but of course,,,,,,now that I have chronic nausea, getting braces isn't possible. and since I'm an adult, it woukd be harder to move them back into place. I'm stuck with these ugly teeth forever and it feels like a real curse.
I might at least try to whiten them, then it won't look quite as trashy,,,,,although my front teeth overlap so I'd end up with a yellow patch jsjdjdsjdjdj

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Would you rather meet a wolf or a poisonous snake in the wilderness?

definitely a wolf. I think it would be a lot easier to see compared to a small snake that could blend in with the leaves, and I imagine that a solitary wolf wouldn't pose much of a threat and would probably try to avoid me more than anything, even if it was a bit curious.

Current thoughts?

been thinking about a lot recently, but mostly relationships and life stuff.
I used to know what I wanted, but not anymore — I don't know what it is that I'd like to get out of life or who I want to get that with. I just feel,,,,,blank? lost? idk. I'm not sure if I'm happy in my current situation, but I don't know if I can change it without suffering worse over losing some of the most important people in my life. it's just,,,,,odd, and not an easy situation to deal with. plus I'm notoriously bad at dealing with situations like this. I'd much rather put it off than hurt anyone's feelings, even at the expense of my own.
back to the topic, though,,,,,it used to be easy to tell who I liked and disliked, but not so much anymore. I just feel upset and confused whenever I think about it. like in some cases it's obvious, but in most it isn't and I don't understand why because I've never been like this. and it's not like I can even vent to anyone about it since everyone I'm close with is involved in one way or another, which is also why I can't really disclose the details here. I'm just frustrated with my own head. why must I be so confusing,,,,,I swear, I'm my own worst enemy.

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How much money have you spent today and on what?

none, although technically my mom bought me some food today for my new diet so I guess that counts? ?
my docs ordered me to eat nothing but plain foods like rice, grilled chicken, and potatoes for a week to test whether my current health issues are a food sensitivity / allergy or something else that requires further testing. this is going to stink haha.
my relationship with food is very strained from having these bad gi issues for five+ years, so unless it's one of the few foods that I actually enjoy eating, I get nauseous trying to eat it and it sucks. I also can't eat the same foods more than three times a week without getting put off by them, and I have textural issues with dry foods (grilled chicken and dry potatoes happen to be problem foods of mine, how convenient). I'm going to be in utter hell having to eat the same thing every day, 3x a day with very little variation. how exciting.

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Current thoughts?

thinking about notre dame cathedral right now ? my dad just brought home dinner and asked if I had heard about the fire. we turned on the news to see. I'm so incredibly sad about the partial loss of such an old and iconic monument,,,,,I hope that it will be alright,,,,,,,,,,

Would you rather be a vampire or a werewolf?

werewolf for sure. being a vampire would probably be triggering to me because of some phobias that I have so I don't think I could bring myself to ever drink someone's blood,,,,,,at least as a werewolf, I could lock myself away every full moon to keep other people safe.

Would you rather live in the mountains or on the beach?

ooh good question,,,,,I guess it really depends on if the beach is like the beaches here or not ?
in the united states, most of the coastline is at a really high risk of getting hurricanes. I went to louisiana like nine? ten? years after hurricane katrina hit and it was insane. the impact was still there. it was almost like life just continued around the debris, and driving down the highway, you could see the abandoned lots and scattered metal roofs everywhere. I don't think there's a word to describe the feeling I felt seeing all of that.
I could never live in a place where you have to rebuild on a yearly basis after the hurricanes hit, where your homes get washed away by flood water, or where everything is broken and destroyed by the insane wind. for that, I'd choose the mountains.
however, if there is indeed a coastline that isn't affected like that, sure — I'd live on the beach. I love the feeling of sand between my toes, the water lapping at my ankles, and the ocean breeze in my hair. I live inland and I rarely see the beach so it would be great to see it again ?

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Which natural disaster are you afraid of the most?

ironic that I'm getting this question when I'm currently under a tornado watch LOL.
I'm honestly not sure,,,,,I can't say that I'm very afraid of anything more than anything else?
I'm thankful to live in a place where the only real threat is tornadoes, and even then, my county has one of the best warning systems in the country (if not THE best) and nothing really hits us anyways by some miracle. I'm not on the coast so I don't get hurricanes, and I'm not out west where the massive earthquakes, wildfires, and mudslides are. I'm not really afraid of anything right now.

are you an extrovert or introvert?

definitely an introvert, but I wish I was an extrovert. I love social interaction — I absolutely //thrive// when I get attention — but it can be incredibly draining at the same time.
after an event, I feel very tired and heavy to the point where I have to rest before I can go back out and be social again. my body will ache and I just feel burnt out.
I think that it might be from my anxiety? like I always panic to some extent before I relax in a social situation. the panicking is so draining, but I feel so insanely great when I'm being social that I don't notice how tiring it is until it's over.

Do you like bunnies?

I love bunnies ? I think they're super cute, and in many ways, I relate to their character traits.
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If Beyonce and Britney released an album on the same day, which of them would you listen first?

beyoncé, an absolute queen ?

How was your day?

it was going really well until I started to feel sick for no apparent reason 0:
I got to go play with kittens this afternoon, then I was just sitting outside practicing with watercolors when I felt horrendously ill out of nowhere. of course that was right when my neighbor pulled up to chat with me about the kittens so I couldn't just leave,,,,,I think I almost passed out while standing there talking to her, but I'm not really sure? I got dizzy and the world turned teal. it was very odd. I came inside as soon as she left and tried eating, but I still feel rather sick. this happens sometimes, though, so I guess I'm used to it at this point. chronic nausea and dizziness ftw am I right? (":
other than that, though, things have been going really well recently. hopefully I'll feel better after dinner.

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Do you make friends easily?

no, not really. I have a hard time approaching people myself, and when someone does approach me, I tend to spaz out because I'm not used to the social interaction which scares them away haha rip.
I guess I'm an anti-social person who wants to be social more than anything, but isn't?
oftentimes, I feel like I'm not good enough to become friends with the people that I admire. they're all such amazing people, yet what am I? what have I got going for me? they'd be better of with friends who are more popular, who are better artists, or who would take better care of them. I'm just some anxious, ugly nerd who has trouble doing anything because people are scary. they don't need me burdening them or holding them back ??
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