
mars ✨

Ask @Krexxa

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What's your advice for someone whose depressed??

be open and honest about how you feel with trusted friends, family, or doctors. it's okay to need help to overcome mental illnesses, and you don't have to be alone through that process. bottling things up or keeping them hidden will only make them worse!
if things are getting rough, definitely consider psychotherapy or medications. sometimes depression is caused by factors out of your control and it isn't admitting defeat to use those things. they are tools available to you to help you feel better, and they've helped a lot of people. it can be scary, but imagine the benefits that could come from it.
if you're currently on a medication and it's not helping, be honest with your doctor and advocate for yourself. sometimes it takes many tries to get it right, but once you do, it's sooooo worth it.
depression is part of the human experience. it isn't something weird or that makes you an outcast. we'll get through it together ✊??

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What's your country remarkable for?

TeejhayFuna’s Profile PhotoTeejhayFuna
mostly just being so full of itself that it forgets to practice what it preaches (":
"freedom", "equality", "separation of church and state", etc,,,,,they don't actually exist here.

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What's the chance of getting your reply if I am unknown?

pretty good (: I try to reply to as much as I can, and I see every question or message that I get sent. if I haven't replied yet, it means I'm either thinking of how to respond or that it got buried and you're welcome to resend!

If someone saw you in a coffee shop but was too nervous to talk to you, instead using a facial recognition app to find you on social media... And they told you that... Do you think it's creepy or not a big deal? Would you prefer they try talking to you at the coffee shop instead?

kate4882’s Profile PhotoKate N
I wouldn't mind! I'd probably feel honored that they wanted to talk to me that badly <:
I have pretty bad anxiety, so I completely understand someone being too nervous to approach me. it also makes me really nervous talking to strangers in real life x"D but online, I don't feel that fear and it would make me a lot more comfortable interacting with them.
it would also make me happy that they were honest with me, even if it would scare me a little that the app could find me so easily. but,,,,,I don't necessarily think that's their fault.
Liked by: Kate N

I love the old film aesthetic. Are your favs all high budget shoots like this?

most of them are, but not all of them!
I can tell that a lot of work went into the production and editing of most of my favorite videos, so I think a lot of them were pretty high budget; however, there are some lower budget music videos that I really enjoy, too <:
I just by red velvet and n/s by stray kids are two examples. they weren't shot on professional cameras and were something done for fun. they're much more laid back! ^v^
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oCvw4ot1-k8Krexxa’s Video 160770551103 oCvw4ot1-k8Krexxa’s Video 160770551103 oCvw4ot1-k8
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-CQypyGazkwKrexxa’s Video 160770551103 -CQypyGazkwKrexxa’s Video 160770551103 -CQypyGazkw
+1 answer in: “The best MV is...?”

The best MV is...?

ooh this is such a tough choice,,,,,I have an entire playlist full of my favorite music videos, and I like them all for different reasons.
I think my all time favorite, though, is fallin' flower by seventeen! it's just absolutely stunning - 100% my aesthetic, with the pinks, flowers, sculptures, paints, cameras, etc - and the video fits the song very well in my opinion. whoever directed this, did the editing, and the color grading are GENIUSES. and that choreography ??? killer. I love this music video so much !!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u4iDL3c0T1cKrexxa’s Video 160770400575 u4iDL3c0T1cKrexxa’s Video 160770400575 u4iDL3c0T1c
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What worries you the most?

I worry that I might never get over my agoraphobia.
I get nervous thinking about it, since there are a lot of tough questions that I don't have the answers to. like,,,,,what happens then? what will I do? what will my life look like? is that even living?
I can't mooch off of other people forever. it isn't fair to them to have to support me constantly when there's nothing I can give in return. I don't want to be like that. but,,,,,what can I do? what am I supposed to do if I can't go to school and get a job?
it feels like my entire life is depending on me getting better, and so far,,,,,nothing is working. I'm running out of options and that scares me.

What is the longest amount of time you have ever stayed in bed?

in one sitting, probably,,,,,,17 hours? but with bathroom breaks, a little over a week ? that was after I started a new medication and I felt so sick that I couldn't do anything but sleep.

What color pencil you use for drawing?

Alihan_Alihanrin’s Profile PhotoAlihan Alihanrin
I like to use mechanical pencils with a normal gray lead for traditional mediums (:
with digital mediums, I like to sketch in a teal or blue shade! then I change it to black while I clean up my sketch into lines. eventually, I change the line color afterwards. I like to use highly saturated colors like oranges, reds, pinks, purples, and blues.

in minneapolis,the "protesters" proposed shutting down the police in the city LOL. they've already gotten their wish, by replacing previously old officers with newly hired ones... weird isn't it?

this question relates to another question I just answered about defunding the police ? you're welcome to check out my other answer there for something more in-depth!
for something more specific to this question, though, I don't think that we should //entirely// get rid of police since we need people to keep us safe, but I think that we need reforms very, very badly.
replacing officers isn't enough to prevent corruption within departments. when people are in a position of power, it's very easy to abuse that. we have to fix the system so they can't.
I've had family members abuse their positions as police officers. my friends' driving instructors were former cops and they told my friends about all the terrible things they did. and even local cops here have been busted over and over for very bad things. these are things I can't go into further detail about on this website, but I'm happy to discuss them off-site.
officers that expose their departments for corruption are often fired or pressured into suicide. and there are often attempted cover-ups within departments. that's so scary !!
until we fix the system, I don't feel comfortable. people can sooo easily slip back into those things.

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what a crazy idea "Defund the police" lol

I think there's some method to their madness (x but before you judge me for saying that, hear me out LOL
should we get rid of cops entirely? nah, we need someone to keep us safe. you know what would be great, though? if they actually did their jobs and kept us safe !! and if our justice system treated us equally !!! a good number of cops aren't really following through with their original purpose anymore, and our current justice system supports systemic racism since it was built back when people of color were viewed as slaves (and some people still view them as less than human today which is terrible). we desperately need reforms to fix those problems.
something I've personally noticed is that it's way too easy for police to abuse their power. I've heard all sorts of stories from former cops (some of whom were in my own family, while others were driving instructors for my friends !!) of the sketchy things they did. the local cops here have even been caught abusing their power, too. it's scary, man. I can't even talk about the things they did on this website.
I've seen too many twitter threads of cops that got fired or even got pressured into suicide for exposing corruption within their departments. why do we have a system where cops can break the rules and not get away with it? and when cops //do// get in trouble, usually entire groups of people or whole departments get in trouble for trying to have cover-ups. that says a lot about how messed up it is,,,,,
our prison systems could use some big reforms, too. I'm not saying that we should release really bad people, but if you went to jail for something less serious, I think that should be alright to focus on gaining skills to get out of that bad path. putting non-violent offenders in with violent offenders just creates more violent offenders.
other countries focus on rehab + preparing people for re-entry into society and they have very low rates of people re-entering their prison systems. for example,,,,,,,,in norway, only 20% of people will end up going back to jail after leaving. in the united states, it's 76.6%. why are we one of the worst? we claim to be all amazing and stuff, but our country actually sucks big time--
so while defunding the police seems crazy,,,,,maybe it will actually result in something worthwhile. I want to see how things play out in the states where defunding is happening before I say that it was a bad idea. I want to see if funding other programs will be beneficial (:

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Are you vegan/vegetarian?

YaoiMasterSadist’s Profile PhotoShenzo ❤ Sho ~
not currently, but I wish I was (:
in the past, I was put on very strict diets due to health issues ): I wasn't able to be a vegetarian, even if I wanted to be. but now that I'm cured, I think it would be great to be a vegetarian! or,,,,,maybe even just a pescatarian, if cutting it out completely isn't possible.
I'm lucky to be in a place of privilege where I can afford to not eat meat. I've already cut certain meats out of my diet, mostly because I don't like the textures/appearances and the thought of eating them makes me feel sick.
I've expressed these wishes to my family, but I've had a lot of push-back from my mom who still gives me foods I said I don't want to eat anymore. I also struggle sometimes with cravings for very specific fast foods involving meat, and I wish I could find better meat replacements to fill in the gaps.
maybe someday, though (: I think being a partial vegetarian is better than not cutting out any meat at all, though, so it's at least a little progress !!

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This question is only for girls ; are skinny jeans actually comfortable?

it depends on what type of material they're made out of ?
there are different 'blends' of fabrics used in jeans, and some tend to be stretchier than others. in general, though: the stretchier the material is, the comfier it's going to be. it's going to pinch or dig into your skin a lot less if it has something like spandex mixed in.
100% cotton denim is usually very uncomfortable, at least to me. it's hard to sit in since it pinches at the back of your knees and cuts of the circulation in your legs. the material can be quite rough, and they're also harder to put on since they barely stretch, if at all. sleeping in them is an absolute nightmare! 10/10 would not recommend. I used to think that they were worth the pain until I got jeans made from better materials.
some stretchier blends are a bit less painful to wear, but still not ideal for me. even with that said, though, I don't mind wearing jeans like this! a majority of my current jeans are like this, actually. they tend to incorporate polyester and/or a tiny bit of spandex. if you want true jeans and not jeggings, I'd look for a pair like this. much comfier.
jeggings are my favorite since they're way more comfortable compared to cotton jeans. they usually have a lot more spandex and other materials in them to make them very stretchy and comfortable. they can pull off a look similar to skinny jeans without any of the pain, and they're usually a little more form-fitting, a look that I prefer since I don't like baggy legs.

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Do you think a civil war will happen soon

I'm not sure,,,,,I hope it won't, but 2020 has thrown a lot of bad things at us so far so I wouldn't be surprised. it can't get much worse than it already is,,,,,,,,,,
the recent events have proven how divided our country truly is in beliefs. not only are the parties at each other's throats, but people are divided about issues like racism, too.
people that I thought //weren't// racist are coming out and saying some very terrible things about the black lives matter movement. I've had arguments with my own family about it. it's absolutely insane to see how persistent racism still is.
it feels like our country is on the verge of collapse tbh, and that's entirely because of us fighting ourselves.

lasagna, or steak for dinner? #StayAtAsk

(tw for vegetarians and vegans, it's probably a good idea to scroll away because of the meat mentions here!)
oooh I'd definitely choose lasagna, especially if it's my grandmother's recipe ? it's one of my favorite foods!
I have to admit that I'm usually not a fan of large chunks of meat, like steak. it eats at my conscience to think that an animal had to die for me to have it, and it ends up super unappetizing, reminding me of eating a corpse. the only time I can eat it is if I'm trying to be polite, in which case I'll choke it down,,,,,but I really find it unpleasant and nauseating akdndkandnkdnsnsck
this doesn't happen to me if meat is in smaller pieces or is processed, though. I guess it adds a level of ignorant bliss to the food I'm eating since it no longer looks like a part of an animal? I could probably never be a vegetarian, as much as I wish I could,,,,,but that makes it edible again.
that's why I think lasagna is perfect: if there is meat, you don't really see it very much and it tends to be ground or pulled apart. very easy on my conscience haha

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