
Hollywood Daddy

Ask @HollywoodDaddy

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everytime i read this ask.fm page i smell my armpits and they smell good, like really good. they didn't used to smell so good until i read your stuff.

I've always wanted to smell the fresh armpits of pipi longstocking, like, after beating some pirate's ass.

Brian Evenson??

He's an interesting writer. I haven't read too much by him but what I have I liked. It didn't speak to my heart though. Just my mind.

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do your problems with focus/concentration happen more when you're alone or around people? or is there no real distinction?

There's a distinction to be made; but not in the manner you're implying. Alone I get distracted fairly easily. And while in the company of others I get distracted fairly easily. It's just a matter of internal vs external.
The only time I ever feel focused is while in a pure mode of thought. Like while starving, frightened, angry, laughing etc.
I get very focused when 'fucking' with people, so much so that I often don't realize i'm crossing boundaries until after the fact, then I feel shitty because someone got butt hurt over some joke I said.

do you ever experience anxiety?

Anxiety ruled my life for the first 32 years. I am no longer its slave. I've talked about it before. Read the archive.

feels like there's a giant clenched fist over my head, always poised to strike.

Living life like there's a gun pointed at your throat.

JJ - The fruit loops of the scene kind of ruined him for me - how? What fruit loops and what did they say to put you off him.... what's a fruit loop?

Baby, if you don't know who the fruit loops are by now, you're probably one of them.

do you ever go on expeditions to observe the bitchmade? where do you go to see them in all their shithearted glory?

I live in LA. It's not difficult to find the bitchmade. Silverlake might be where the mother insect lives though. Just a hunch.

when you write something, and you know it's solid, and there's no more editing left to do, do you go back and read what you wrote?

I don't edit much. I write for myself, not for publication, so, i'm more concerned with getting the energy out of me than producing a polished product.
I rarely read what I write though. When I do, I often feel disconnected from it.

'i want to save you from your sorrow. Why.' because i love you.

I was going to deconstruct the shit out of this statement; but, hey, who the fuck am I to say how another person can love.
I am curious to know, anonymous internet entity, what your definition of love is?

Do you sometimes have problems with focus / concentration and how do you cope?

Yeah, all the time. It's been getting progressively worse because of my health bullshit.
Smoking a fat sativa spliff and going on long, aggressive walks helps, considerably.
I've also omitted a lot of popular culture from my reality, which leaves more space for other thought.

what do you think of when I you the words James Joyce?

I've actually never read double J. The fruit loops of the scene kind of ruined him for me. Maybe, when i'm old and almost dead, i'll dig on his bones.

After you wrote that essay on Roggenbuck, did he attempt to contact you (outside of his response essay)? How about any of the other shitheads at Boost House?

No, he didn't. I'm not sure who's associated with Boosted House, so, no clue if any of them did. A few people reached out, mostly to thank me for pulling the dude's card. One to clarify how I gained the information (about them) that was posted in the opinion piece, and, another to debate veganism and other shit (I liked him).
Don't think Steve would ever engage me one-on-one. He knows I see through him.
But, full disclosure, I've never felt compelled to contact him in private either.

are there any japanese stories or flims that speak to your heart?

There's a shitton. Too many to rattle off. But i'll name a few:
Violent Cop
Boiling Point
Poruna Suta (porn star)
Blue Spring
Monster's Club
The Pornographer
Kamikaze Girls
Hentai Kamen
Rainy Dog
Branded to Kill
Another Lonely Hitman
Are You Getting Any
The Face of Another
Boys On The Run
47 ronin
Mishima's shit
I'm forgetting a lot of shit. Sorry.

although I can't deny his passion/energy, do you think roggenbuck is preachy? do you think he has anything interesting to say? do you ever change your view of ppl you previously didn't take to?

Who the fuck doesn't think roggenbuck is a webevengalist? Seriously, what mouth breathing moron thinks that. Come on.
I think he has a lot of 'interesting' stuff to say. The same as the government, cults, used car salesman and people who think acai is going to cure cancer.
I am capable of changing my judgment of people, however, i'm not someone who makes a snap judgment, so, it takes x5 more to undue a previously negative value judgment of someone. I'm actually a very forgiving person. It takes a lot for me to dislike someone but once that's threshold is reached, then, hey fuck you.

I feel like I'm surrounded by robots everywhere I go

I think you're completely misunderstanding robots. Even they have a heart.

why in fact does everyone that has lived in LA smell of cosmetics and people who crush grapes? can you crush a grape? could you crush one? do you have the balls to crush a grape?

Think this says more about the type of people from la you associate with than la itself. Though, these days, the rotting fragrance of animal fats and pastels are getting deep.

all i want: someone to hold my hand while i drown.

Seems pretty selfish. If you're going to drown, don't affect others. Just put some bricks into your coat pockets and quietly jump in a speeding river.


Language: English