
Hollywood Daddy

Ask @HollywoodDaddy

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What novels do you reckon are similar to David Lynch films?

Fuck, if I know. I guess whatever novels read like a naked white dude waving his flaccid penis at a wall-sized strobe light.

where do you stand on "cunt"?

It's a word. I've already stated a couple times how I feel about words and their usage.
Think women who act like it's an unholy incantation are silly.
Believe it's the only synonym for vagina with a degrading connotation. Which is sort of interesting.

what do you think of dirty realism? Does naming genres like that annoy you? It creates cliques I suppose.

I don't think anything about 'dirty realism', which, by the way, seems like it should be pronounced with a lisp.
Think people put too much importance on stupid shit, like labels. Just read books. Enjoy what ya like.
Debating on the merits of 'spicy magic' or whatever reeks of the hobby of soft skins lacking much of a connection to reality, like something a professor of english would spend a week lecturing about.
Dude is teaching english and not writing books for a reason, is all i'm saying.

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do most people after a time annoy you? friends, people at work. they all seem to be nervous do you feel? frightened. all is fear.

Did you just watch a bergman flick before asking this. What's up with the 'all is fear' jive.
Would say that 'time' allows a person to reveal themselves, despite their best effort at being something they're not.
There's nothing wrong with being annoyed. It isn't the end of the world. We're all human. I'm fucking annoying too. So are you. Life isn't a dumb-ass 'group love' video.
Think if you're accepting of a person/people then you'll figure out how to recover from being annoyed and negate a majority of its influence.
Annoyance is the manifestation of control, after all.
Feel like the easiest way to annoy me to a point where I might vocalize displeasure is through acts of inconsideration. It really isn't terribly difficult to think about the people around you and behave accordingly. Then again, nobody knows what the fuck that mystical shit called 'respect' is anymore. So, maybe it is almost unachievable.

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(just a quick message. thanks for the xmas alone post. i appreciate you sitting down and writing such things. seems a bit disposable to post it on your ask page. not the writing, the ask page i mean. thanks for the time you giving. i'm learning things (indescribable) from you x.)

Sure, you're welcome.
What I wanted to say in the original post but ran out of room is that being alone can be a much better reality than not being alone sometimes.
Which is a thought I try to remember when alone and depressed.

how do you engage w/ passive aggression? usually i just avoid people behaving in such a way, but what if you really care about the person?

I attack it directly. Passive-aggression is the trait of someone who, for whatever reason, is afraid of straightforwardness. The easiest way to frustrate a person like that is simply to expose them and their manipulative bullshit. Think ignoring p/a behavior is just enabling it.
As far as the person you care about, think no matter how they're approached, it's going to end in some sort of fucking drama. Just the nature of the beast.
Advise you to calmly address the passive-aggressive behavior, preferably not as a direct response to something, more like, 'hey, person I care about, come over to my apartment and talk.' Feel that it's important to not blatantly attack the person. Doing so isn't productive and will lead to fighting.
Advise you to describe their behavior, cite some examples and explain how it's causing a distance between the two of you. Hopefully, they'll begin working at changing to a more copacetic personality.
If your expectation is for that person to just suppress their feelings to appease you, then you're as much of a problem as their passive-aggression.
Communication, understanding and an earnest willingness to help on your part is paramount. But, the person you care about has to want to change, In other words, you can't force an alcoholic to stop drinking, ya dig? So, you may come to a crossroads and be forced to decide to sever the relationship or accept the distance between the two of you. Advise you to not be afraid to 'let go' if it's the better outcome for yourself.
Some people are destined to wallow in their own vomit. It's their choice.

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at some point, when humans weren't using language, life was in control, no? language/thought seems to have taken the reins, invading the perception of the animal to pull it out of direct awareness of life so that it moves according to the plan of thought (which functions to fulfill it's own design)

Well, thought and communication has always existed, I think. So, it isn't that 'life' was in control before language, but humans were living a basic, honest life, like any creature.
Language is what birthed 'progress', which by definition is the catalyst of an end. What that end is, I'm not sure, but seems likely it's either extinction or evolution.
Technology is the best way to gauge how far away from our original intent we are, which means it's also an estimation of how close the final destination of our progression is, I think.
The tragic part is that the human race will always use its higher intelligence to engage in the same animalistic behavior that governed us before language. The only difference is how the manifestations warp as culture/society changes.

favorite rapper?

Rodney Dangerfield.
And, I've already made a universal answer about anything 'favorite.' Read the archives.

What Bukowski have you read the most? His prose or poems? I prefer his poems. I haven't read any for a while but thank god for Hank.

I started with his poetry and have read every book of it published. Have read about 50% of his novels/short stories.
Think his poetry deeply resonates on a spiritual/psychological/emotional level, the way poetry should. And his prose hits the humorous/intellectual/philosophical pockets.
I've said this many times before: sam pink is the only person i've seen do anything similar to charles bukowski.
And, i'm with you, fucking a' thank god for hank. His poetry was a distant flickering star during a time of abysmal darkness and depression for me.
'You get so alone at times that it just makes sense' has a special place inside of my heart.

tex watson owed manson a favor. manson told tex to go do whatever tex had to do to pay him. tex, blased on amphetamines and fresh from a belladonna overdose and intent on perpetrating a drug burn, butchered up nine people.

Mentally chortle whenever a person recounts an event they were completely removed from in a patronizing tone as if they somehow personally and uniquely gained the knowledge of truth by watching documentaries and reading books available to everyone else too.
This sweet-ass movie theater in los angeles named 'cinefamily' screened the banned-in-the-70's documentary, 'manson.' It was pretty good. What was exponentially more interesting though was the subsequent director q&a. Dude said a lot of interesting shit.
Think my favorite was (paraphrasing): the current and last generations are a bunch of suckers for incurring student loans: either get paid by the government or don't go.
By the way, squeaky fromme was loony hot in that movie. Ho-leeee shit. Like, a black widow with the softest, fullest dick sucking lips in the world.

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charles manson isn't a serial killer

I agree/disagree. Think chuck manson is the paradigm for serial killers to come.

do you feel you are exercising choice or more that everything is happening automatically?

You mean free will vs fate.
I think reality is where both co-exist.
Think the common perception of fate is a mysterious, juggernaut-like abstraction with an omnioppressive influence on the entirety of concrete reality. I dunno, to me, that seems... fucking silly.
My perception of fate is relational to each person's psyche and the subroutine functions of their brain. Some people possess higher states of awareness but everybody has fears and compulsions, regardless.
Free will is exercised when a person makes a conscious effort to analyze, subvert or attempt, and possibly succeed at, remapping the 'fate' subroutines inside their subconsciousness.
Feel like the majority of people are too deficient in spirit or self-understanding to engage in the sport of free will. Or do so with the resolve of a breadstick in a knife fight.
Usually, when people bring up the debate of 'free will vs fate' it's just a prompt to shift responsibility from/to themselves, in some way.
I think everyone is responsible for their actions and frivolous behavior deserves whatever outcome it gets.
Meaning, don't throw rocks at the head of a sleeping dragon if your dumb-ass wants to be alive and breathing.

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What do you really want?

This question seems to have a connotation that's creepy and predatory. 'What do you really want'...
Like, I imagine a 'dom' asking this in a labored affect after whipping a person tirelessly with an extension cord covered in vaseline, cayenne and lemon juice.
Or the caboose 'bro' of a rape train whispering this in a broken 15-year-old's ear after he's finished and pulling out.
Or an lapd pig driving to county jail and half-chuckling this over his shoulder to a homeless man that's handcuffed and bleeding out of the corners of his swollen, freshly beaten eyes.
I don't 'want' anything. I've reached an understanding in life that's similar to seaweed floating in the ocean. Or a half-eaten corn dog lying in the dirt of a county fair. Or the moon.
Think 'wanting' leads to shit weasel behavior because most people lack the ability to honestly gain whatever nonsense they want. Meaning, a need--like food--would openly be acquired to mitigate death, but, since 'wanting' is an affinity for an externalization that's not need based, it's (almost always) a pursuit of the ego, which means adherence to the rule set of the bitchmade.
People have so much 'free time' now to engage in bullshit they're utilizing a copious level of energy to gain value through meaningless victories of status, wealth, social ranking, etc. while using a 'value system' that's been dictated by corporate marketing campaigns. Which makes 'wanting' dangerously more shit weasel than ever.
Anyways, feel like this aspect of my personality is patent, but, maybe it isn't, so, i'll vocalize it now: I only enjoy what's autonomous. In other words, being manipulative for gain causes me psychological duress. Doesn't matter if it's friendship, greetings, food, hugs, casual blow jobs or a ride home in a rain storm.
Subsequently, I react very negatively when witnessing other people being manipulative. Which is the underlying reason why I don't have a surplus of acquaintances, romantic relationships, friends, etc.

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yes, you have to embrace the shame. be honest. and say i am ashamed of my actions. i made someone cringe and appeared foolish. it won't be the last time. i possibly won't improve. i take it that's okay with you. but is the dweezil below looking for crumbs? should we improve? who cares? the bitches.

You two should stop wasting my time already, email each other and have miserable sex in a motel room.

"lol i asked you to delete that comment. i knew it was awful. a gay vampire? melodramatic as fuck? lols both you bastards - a critcs eye breakdown!" feel like he has some self awareness after reading that(the first half). how could he improve and become someone who isn't ashamed of their content

Shit, if I knew how to teach people 'shame', I'd be running a psa on mtv every hour.

lol i asked you to delete that comment. i knew it was awful. a gay vampire? melodramatic as fuck? lols both you bastards - a critcs eye breakdown!

Maybe try harder next time.

Have you ever spent Christmas alone? If so how did you feel and what did you do?

Yeah but can't remember much about the details of how I felt. Christmas usually was the second worst day of the year as a kid. I always felt alone on christmas anyways.
Typical childhood christmas: wake up early, walk out into the living room (may or may not be a tree there), walk outside, notice how quiet everything is--how even birds seemed to be asleep or dead--enter my bedroom, sit in a beat up lawn chair and play super nintendo on a 13inch vhf/uhf television, wait until mom and stepfather wake up around 1pm, gauge their emotional mood and how shitty the day will be, open a gift, watch stepfather and mom open a gift, mom begins acting emotionally unstable and fighting/demeaning/insulting stepfather, feel nauseated from the pressure to mitigate my mother's mood and finish as fast as possible partially to get away from their energy/partially out of fear she'll start on me next, mom continues to demean stepfather, go to my room with gifts, realize that every gift is either clothes or an object that requires another human being to enjoy, dwell on my loneliness and realize christmas is a day of sadness, feel hungry and leave my bedroom, mom now gone and at work, walk into the kitchen, look around, realize i'm not allowed to eat anything without permission, realize nothing is currently being, or scheduled to be, cooked, enter the living room and see stepfather sitting in his dirty white ottoman chair, notice stepfather propping his face up with a fist and staring at the unlit fireplace like a sullen child, feel a surging anxiety, ask if we're eating dinner that night, stepfather unflinchingly silent, just staring, realize i'm not eating until tomorrow, suddenly feel like a depressed piece of shit that should probably die soon, re-enter bedroom and play more supernintendo, feel cold and body hurts after several hours of sitting in lawn chair or laying on the warped hardwood floors of my room, walk out towards the living room again, stepfather is still in the same position, none of the lights are on, walk over to the 24inch tv decide to not use it after hearing stepfather move his head slightly towards my direction, then offer a hostile sigh, look out the front window towards the dirt road and neighboring cemetery, notice how everything looks peaceful but cold, walk back to my room, continuously reposition the antennae to preview what's on the 8 available tv channels, realize i've seen everything before and nothing looks good enough to watch twice, play more supernintendo until exhaustion, try to sleep but can't, have panic attacks over existential terror re: nothingness, put on music, have more panic attacks, cry, repeat until asleep.
That may seem like a 'specific' event but it's not. It's the average/'good' christmas of my childhood.
I don't celebrate holidays and birthdays. Seems stupid. I'm not necessarily against others doing so though. I mean, I think most people celebrate for mindless and egotistical reasons, but, hey, whatevers.

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who are birthday cake flavored products marketed to

Women, hispanic males and anyone without a sense of dignity.

"you a hunk of porcine jelly swinging alone in a desolate slaughterhouse. is that good enough? seeing you want to be insulted. i'll get lord of flies on you. we could dine off of you for months." i can't put my finger on why this is so cringy, but i feel it, can you give me a critics eye break down

Contrived, lacks underlying emotion, grounded in fantasy, preschool-like attack on a very obvious/unimaginative physical trait and melodramatic as fuck.
Something a gay vampire would say aloud after ordering a mocha frappuccino and realizing the canister with 'cinnamon topping' is empty.


Language: English