
Hollywood Daddy

Ask @HollywoodDaddy

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What do you think of the tv show girls?

I know nothing of it. My television only has a dvd/blu-ray player hooked up to it.

And this sir is my fave film of all time - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aJE3zlyRhhE - beautiful.

Oh yeah, I know this one. I've tried to watch it a couple times but sadly the britishness is too heavy for me to decipher. I think if the tempo was a bit quicker it'd be easier.
I actually enjoy slow movies though. And like the energy of 'meantime.' The acting is superb in it, especially by tim roth.
Mike Leigh made another movie called 'naked.' I think about it often. I've seen so many movies that I don't really rank them other than 'good shit' or 'don't give a shit.' Consider 'naked' to be in the former bucket.

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Here's a film you should see - might be crop quality though https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VznoshagNbI

I actually prefer older films from the 80's and early 90's to look grainy and muted. It's very close to how they were when I watched them on vhs tape back then. I don't get modern culture's need for everything to be clinically clean.
Imperfection is the fingerprint of man's soul, I think.
I haven't peeped this film. Watched 10 minutes and liked it so far. Gary Oldman was the bitch's bastard back in the day.
Wish american actors weren't so fucking disgraceful now. People here have mostly forgotten that genuine acting is a form of art.

Is happiness a construct?

Genuine happiness is an orgasm. You can make a conscious progress towards it, but, the truth is, it only happens on its own accord.
The abstraction of happiness is a lie, usually packaged and sold to those stricken with a sense of emotional malcontent.
Weak minds are enslaved by nostalgia and constantly forage to relive past experience, negating the reality of 'now.' So, instead of enjoying the spontaneous happiness of the present, they desperately work at contriving the spontaneous happiness of the past while using the lie of abstract happiness as a model, which always ends in failure, repressing any happiness they might be experiencing in the present.
So yes and no.

How big is your penis, in inches?

For some reason, the energy of this question feels like it's being asked by a heterosexual man, which made me chuckle. Also, laughed at the specificity of inches, as if I might answer in some other measurement scale, like, runts candies: 'it's about 18 banana, 8 grapes, 7 oranges 2 strawberries; no apples.'
I don't really know. Haven't measured my penis and don't plan to at age 37. If you're a size queen, you should look elsewhere.
Hope everyone still likes me.

I'm trying to find novels/plays/stories that focuses a man/woman in a room - there is Hubert Selby's The Room, there's Beckett, there's Pinter, a couple of others. Can you suggest any? Ta if so sir.

Nothing comes to mind.
Any time I have an esoteric question like this, I turn to the book brain of blake butler. But he's less accessible to the public these days. Scott McClanahan is a voracious reader and might have some insight.
If anyone reading this has suggestions, send them as a question and I'll repost.
My film iq is far more robust than literature. It's impossible for me to stay focused on writing that isn't captivating, so, I'll stop reading/forget it fairly quickly.
Have you seen the film 'water drops on burning rocks' ? It's from a fassbinder play. It's two women and two men and most of the film takes place with the two dudes in an apartment.

how do you feel about noah cicero, the person and/or the author

Geez, noah, just email me directly. Just kidding, unless this really is noah.
Think of noah cicero as an extremely intelligent human with a grasp of reality on par with the pussy eating ability of a tongueless person. Meaning, his perspective is very much cerebral and scarcely practical. Which works magically for fiction and horribly for political science/economics.
Noah's blog was one of the first I frequented, back in 2007. Thoroughly enjoyed his writing, which centered around youngstown, hookers, crack heads and blue collar life. Then he became increasingly infatuated with politics/economics and the writing migrated to those subjects.
Find it impossible to perceive anyone in a positive way who thinks they can change the world. It's an extremely egotistical endeavor disguised as an altruistic act.
Consider 'politics' as the action of inaction and the glee of malnourished wolves with tender smiles. So, I stopped visiting his blog.
As far as i know, noah's blog is inactive but still viewable on the internet. Encourage people to mine it. There's some good/interesting writing to be found.
Haven't read his new shit. Vaguely remember him telling me he was returning to the older style of writing. If so, feel a strong hunch the novels will be really fucking good.
Perceive noah, the person, as desperate for the validation of recognition. He often focuses too much importance/effort on obtaining achievement, which influences his writing and social interaction. The way he pushed 'alt lit' as a movement is an example of this behavior. Think he's aware of this and 'struggles' with it, maybe a lot.
Respect noah's fearlessness for going outside of his safety zone. The dude is constantly moving around, trying new experiences. Most writers do a dad funded stint in jamaica to 'finish' their novel while noah's at a cashier job in the grand canyon, writing like a possessed creature.
Had only a brief face to face encounter with noah. He exuded a very strong lecherous energy and I envisioned him as 'mr. burns' if mr. burns lost all aggression and was fueled by a compulsive desire to lick the toes of sleeping strangers. I identified with this aspect of his personality. I'm more of a sexual scumbag though. But it's close enough.
Wouldn't trust noah with average responsibility, like, watering the plants or buying groceries, but, feel there's a moderate chance he's likely one of a very few people that could share a perverse sexual experience and not betray the anonymity of those within the act.
Think if noah learned to not be bothered by my intense 'who is you' energy and I learned to not be bothered by his intense 'do you like me' energy, we'd be blood pals.

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tv is good. i like tv. do you like tv? what tv?

Yeah, transvestites are cool. Not really a fan of caucasians though. Latin or asian tv's usually are the most comely.
Liked by: Kyle Eldridge

what you think of Thomas Bernhard? what you think of Werner Herzog?

I think I like thomas bernhard the human being more than the author. Admittedly, I haven't read much of him. The subject matter seems to be made just for me. I don't know if it's the translations or what, I just haven't been able to stay captivated with the rhythm of his prose.
I feel a deep connection to bernhard's unrelenting nature.
Werner Herzog has made some interesting films, especially in his earlier days. I think of him as the american jean-luc godard.
Feel like herzog/godard are gods when you're young, like, they really know how to jackhammer your mindpussy open, but once you actually start experiencing the world, their magic dwindles.
The caveat being if you're an academic who never transitions into the real world, you dig herzog/godard until death.
Also, think people who don't really get herzog/godard feign affinity towards them to fit in/seem intelligent.
Herzog as a person makes me laugh. I don't know why. He's just fun to observe.

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who is zachary german?

Don't know much about him. He was part of the original internet brat pack (tao lin, zachary german, noah cicero, brandon scott gorrell, kendra grant malone) and wrote 'eat when you feel sad.'
His persona can be best described as avante garde yuppism. I don't find it that interesting but some do. Guessing those people aren't intimate with the 80s.
Vaguely remember german having a vicodin--the wine cooler of opiates--habit. Could be wrong.
Haven't read a lot by the dude but remember liking what I did. Unsure if i'd feel the same now. Guessing, most likely. Have always thought of the original internet brat pack as talented writers.
I think german is the only one who took a hiatus from writing. Not completely sure. Haven't paid much attention.
Remember german being tao's ass buddy for a long while, like, tao was often typing/saying a variation of the phrase 'have to show zachary this.' Then, for whatever reason, the two broke up.
Feel like spencer madsen became german's effeminate, less threatening replacement.
My memory is now exhausted. That's all I have to say.

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What advice do you have for a 18yo kid from Idaho?

Youth is divided by two stages: learning and experience. This is what creates the lexicon of adulthood.
Poets/philosophers/artists/fighters/scientists/musicians begin their prolific work at age 30. There's rare exceptions, of course, but pretty much everyone follows this path.
You're in a transitory stage. It'll last until about 24-25, then the next 5 years will be purely experience based.
Feel like the current average american's personality is a composition of whatever vapid television shows and hastily made corporatized 'music' they subscribe to and their 'identity' is just a walking diorama of previously purchased goods.
Always felt that experience is exponentially more valuable than money/objects. I know that's counter to current opinion. But fuck what the majority thinks. It's getting more and more difficult to meet an interesting human being.
Yuppies who spent youth working cubicle jobs and buying bullshit have instilled the same soul crushing value system in their children, the current generation, which you're a part of.
Advise you to watch the film 'easy rider' dir. dennis hopper and read 'hunger' by knut hamsun. Then release any attachment to current home, friends, family and belongings and leave idaho.
Advise you to travel as much as possible for the next 9-12 years, never staying in one place for more than 6-9 months, perpetually searching for new cultures, landscapes, food, sex, work, books, conversations, solitude, etc.
Strongly urge you to leave america. Vacation is expensive but travel is pretty cheap.
Advise you to rely completely on yourself and only ask for external assistance in dire times. Meaning, sleep under a bridge before facebook begging for a place to crash. It's okay to struggle. It's okay to starve. It's okay to be unclean.
Hunger and strife will provide a god-like clarity and victory over these obstacles will create a confidence greater than the coddled safety money provides.
Advise you to read, fuck, walk and laugh as much as possible. Also, witness as many sunsets and sunrises as possible.
Maybe, keep a journal or a notebook of observations.
When you're ready to settle down, people will be drawn to your individuality, smiling will get you a job.
But what will be important is the large gamut of experience inside of you and the nutrition that genuine air provides the lungs.
Lastly, advise you to enjoy everything, not just the easy.

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Liked by: Cm Kyle Eldridge

i've got a lot of trouble even checking out at a grocery store without at least some benzo in my system. my heart starts beating fast, my blood pressure goes up. i'm so tired of medication. i'm too afraid to ask people for advice. you at one point said you struggled with anxiety, how do you manage?

Advise you to explore yourself honestly and determine the causes of anxiety. Then develop action to resolve those causes. Then create a plan to unfetter yourself from the psychological chains the anxiety has put you in. Plan can just be a loose outline of small goals and shit to try.
Encourage you, at some point, to find a physical activity that's individually achieved but done in a group setting. Could be jiu-jitsu, dancing, pilates, yoga, etc. Find what sings to your body. Becoming lost in movement is the best mitigation for social anxiety, I think.
Refuse to advise on whether or not you should take medications, however, if It were me in the same situation, I'd get off them (safely). Doctors are pretty much worthless, I think.
Recommend using whatever 'aids' are necessary to endure and overcome your anxiety. The key is to only use them as adjunct and be mindful of any substance/distraction/coping mechanism becoming too influential.
Advise you to accept anxiety as part of your psyche. It's there for a reason, but, we live in such an abstract world that it becomes perverted and confusing. Instead of feeling anxious about a pool of water where a predator almost killed you, it manifests itself larger, obscure ways.
Avoiding/ignoring anxiety feeds its girth and the easiest way to grow it exponentially. Don't be afraid of your own mind even while being afraid. You're not going to die from a panic attack or social unwellness.
Pain/anxiety isn't outside of you, it is you, the division is self-made. In other words, the negative aspects of your psyche seem more powerful but they aren't, they stem from the same source as everything; your own mind.
So, if your mind is strong enough to create anxiety, then it's strong enough to eradicate it.
I live by a motto, and it's something I say to myself a lot, especially during times of stress, exhaustion, fatigue, sadness, etc., which is: 'I ain't nobody's bitch, not even my own.'
To reiterate: there's no light switch solution, no pill or illicit substance for a cure, just you against you.

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i've got a lot of trouble even checking out at a grocery store without at least some benzo in my system. my heart starts beating fast, my blood pressure goes up. i'm so tired of medication. i'm too afraid to ask people for advice. you at one point said you struggled with anxiety, how do you manage?

Strongly dislike benzos so much that it's on the cusp of hatred. Doctors prescribe them way too easily and their effectiveness is negligible. Detoxing from them is more dangerous/difficult than most any drug, including heroin.
I completely understand being under the spell of anxiety and wanting relief, which, initially the benzos provide, however, anxiety grows around their use and not only does a person have to worry about the original triggers but also anxiety created by psychological/physical dependence.
Truly believe there are better drugs to be utilized. Marijuana is one of them. Finding the right strain is paramount.
But, yeah, I'd say the first 32 years of my life was one protracted depressive panic attack. I cured myself and no longer have to manage.
There were two major anxieties that controlled my life: existential terror and social agoraphobia.
Around age 10, I started obsessing about death. Almost every thought I've ever had since then has, in some way, been consciously linked to the idea of dying/death. So much so that it's extremely rare for my dreams to be about anything other than dying. I spoke a little about how I overcame this anxiety in a previous three part answer.
Social agoraphobia was a bitch to get over and still there's lingering mechanical responses, like, looking at my feet while talking.
I've always been an interloper. Even as a young kid, I never 'fit' in, not with family or strangers or acquaintances, despite any effort. This awareness, coupled with the intense self-hatred that resulted from being 'raised' by abusive/neglectful human beings, is what fueled my social agoraphobia.
I learned to unconditionally accept myself which negated the self-hatred but didn't remove the anxiety felt around people.
Marijuana helped me be more social. It may or may not work for others, but definitely did for me. I'm a functional pothead and can hold a conversation just the same, if not better, after getting high. Brain chemistry is different for everybody though. Some smoke a hit off a joint and turn into a reticent slobber monster.
Only smoked sativa strains, which are a cerebral type high, and slowly engaged in public more and more.
Still had a lot of social anxiety though. What helped completely rid it was taking ecstasy and dancing until 7am.
Previously, had never swayed my hips, even once, and felt like I had no rhythm. The drug helped resolve that. Now, view dancing as the only time I feel completely free and happy, and go clubbing, alone and sober. The feeling is still the same.
This is what's helped me. Your path is different. It's your own.
(divided into 2 parts)

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as a sort of literary critic, yourself, what do you think of the career of critiquing music?

I wouldn't say I'm a literary critic. I respect any/all writing, whether I like it or not. Almost only speak out against people and their manipulative actions. Any time I'm critical of someone, it's for a reason, not simply because I don't like the person or something like that.
If I criticize someone's actual writing, then either i'm in a rare form and feel strongly against the person or feel the writing is just stupid shit written for the sake of marketing.
Feel like critiquing music/film/art/writing is for a certain breed of person. Or at least it was. Now everything is owned by corporations and there's no real opinions going down.
So, I guess if a person is down to write a bunch of nonsense for the sake of web hits, then music critiquing seems as good as a soul sucking job as any other. Gotta be better than writing groupon ads.
To be honest, I had no idea music critiquing was still a thing.

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But don't they want me in prison? Have you been to jail/prison? How long? For what?

There's always consequences for civil disobedience. The base foundation behind the ideology is a conscious decision to not participate in a corrupt/unethical law.
They don't necessarily want you in prison. Not for that type of crime.
I've been to prison but only when visiting my father as a kid.
Jail I've visited on my own a couple times. Once for attempted uumv (stealing cars) and once for drunk in public. I want to say i've been to jail another time but I can't remember if I have or not.
The longest time I was in jail was approximately four days.

Do you privilege the "new world" over the "old world"?

I don't think it matters much. We're all victims of 'time.' Technology changes, but, it's all still the same, really.
The new shit of now has its advantages/disadvantages just the same as the new shit of the 1300s had its advantages/disadvantages for the people of that time period. And 200 years from now, people will look back at this time period with the same perspective as us looking backwards to the 'old world.'
Everything is cyclical, it just manifests with a different facade.

I want to become asexual. Any advice?

I don't think a person can become asexual. There's no removal of sexual desire and gender. It can be ignored/repressed/transformed but that doesn't stop it from existing.
Feel like every person I've known to espouse asexuality has done so as a defense mechanism and not from compulsion. Not necessarily saying the same of you, but think most likely, yes, it is.
Also, most every instance of asexuality I've witnessed the person emulates a prepubescent boyish persona, which is obviously gender based.
The thing is, even if you do 'become' asexual, you'll still be viewed as a sexual object/being by others, which makes the entire effort sort of pointless. Like, no matter how hard you strive, people will still be curious about your (lack of) sexuality. And the result will be the opposite of what you're trying to achieve, which is life unattached to sex/gender.
Think it's much more important to understand what's motivating your desire. Are you seeking safety or fueled by self-disgust or had terrifying experiences with sex and can't view it in a positive light or etc.
Basically, investigate your psyche. It takes a long time to do it though. And if you're dishonest with yourself, it's kind of a circuitous effort.
It may be that asexuality is a band-aid needed until you can work through some shit. Or it may be a permanent outcome.
So, I advise you to reach a firm grasp of who you are then make your decision. And, if you do choose to be asexual, advise you to acknowledge and accept that you may be sexless/genderless internally but externally people will treat you with the same, if not higher, sexual esteem than when you were your previous self, otherwise, move to an island where there's only wildlife that won't care much.

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Language: English