
Hollywood Daddy

Ask @HollywoodDaddy

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just kidding about the last question, just felt good to say to someone

Jesus, you're a passive-aggresive pussy. I bet whatever negligent creature shat you out is real proud at just how fucking cowardly you are. Like, I actually respected you for saying you hoped I died one day. But... your wrist is too limp, like your spine, like your soul, and you rescinded the insult.
What a bitchmade turd.

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Your favorite novel/s?

I don't believe in favorites. Here's some novels that spoke to my heart when most don't:
Ask the Dust
The Last of the Really Great Whangdoodles
The Red Truck
The Rum Diary

Do you enjoy reading Wikipedia bios? If so, are there any you would recommend?

heiko julien got banned from facebook because steve roggenfag reported him for using one of his pics, copying his posts, and general trolling.

Middle school seems just as lame as it ever has.

With your criticism of Alt Lit, do you have any regrets being published in Alt Lit publications or collections (40 Likely to Die Before 40)?

No, I don't believe in regret. Once a decision is made, I fully accept it and move on.
I've always rejected the term 'alt lit' and you can read my definition of what it means here: http://htmlgiant.com/massive-people/why-do-you-treat-alt-lit-steve-roggenbuck-in-particular-with-such-scorn-ask-the-oracle-part-i/
I've always been critical of STD. I've always been critical of Tao Lin. I've always been critical of Steve Roggenbuck. I've always been critical of Cryko Julien. I've always been critical of DJ Mira G.
I form my own opinions. I don't need some publicized 'scandal' to make accurate value judgements on people.
Cameron asked me to be in that anthology and my knee-jerk reaction was 'no.' Mainly, because I didn't like the idiots running around screaming how 'alt lit' they were and what a beautiful/important 'movement' it was.
I respect cameron as an editor though. Scott McClanahan, Sam Pink and Jules Escoria were all going to be in the rag, so, I said yes.
I thought it would be funny to have my writing in an anthology showcasing a movement I openly reject with a bunch of human beings I openly have disdain for
And, who knows, maybe someone will actually 'get' what I wrote and be provided with a small shred of light in their world of pure shit.

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Why did she delete her account?

Bruh, I don't know if I'll figure out why women do 90% of the shit they do. Just gotta accept they're loose cannons and watch ya step.

Why is everyone trying to fit somewhere?

Because they lack the ability to be an individual. In other words, because it's easy and they lack spirit.

Did you grow up reading comics at all? Any favorites? Do you have any thoughts on hollywood's corruption (not sure if that is the word I'm looking for) of them? I know you would never see one of these movies. If you feel interested, will you create a superhero/villain for us readers.

Yeah, I did. Comic books and Stephen King were very important to my survival as an alienated loner. I typically read x-men, batman, dc vertigo, valiant and some independent press ones. Thought image comics was just a lot of cool drawing about absolutely nothing. Fuck todd mcfarlane.
Read the 'dark phoenix saga' while riding a greyhound bus from portland to orange county and that shit re-arranged my young prostate.
Hollywood, inc. isn't the only evil doer here. Stan Lee has prostituted his creations without any care how they're portrayed.
It's all cgi porn these days, like watching a more complex strobe light. You're right in the assumption that I refuse to watch that pathetic pigshit.
One of the only people I felt okay being around, a kid named blu, was a very talented artist and into comic books too. When I was homeless and sleeping on his bedroom floor, we spent the days dreaming up different villains and heroes. Vaguely remember some mean looking, yoked out dude with a sling-shot.
I don't have any interest in comics, not since my biker stepdad stole my collection. Just felt like 'what's the point' after that.
If anything, i'd make children's books, something i've wanted to do for a long time.

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If you read Chloe Caldwell it will make you a better person.

I don't need to be a 'better' person.
Issuing a meaningless challenge isn't the way to get me to read any author. I'm not a 2nd grader.
Now all i'm thinking is 'fuck you, chloe; fuck you.'
If your intention is the opposite and you're being passive-aggressive, then whatever. Don't care what an opinion is of someone I have no opinion of.

How is typing ""I think it's bitchmade as fuck and promotes bitchmade behavior." true. true. who asked you to set up this ask fm? mr pink wasn't it?" trying so hard to be provocative? You lost me there. Interested to know how you go to that.

Does this pestering, cutesy passive-aggressive shit work on the women in your life or are there just no women in your life.


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