
Hollywood Daddy

Ask @HollywoodDaddy

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What do you think of Woody Allen? I think he's one of the funniest and coolest artists I know. I don't normally laugh at slapstick but when he does it I laugh. I choose to ignore the shit idiots say about him.

I like Woody Allen's early films. They are funny in an innovative way. 'What's up, tiger lily' is a film I own and revisit every few years.
I read his books in high school and remember them being funny/good. Nobody writes humor/joke books anymore, which sucks.
Allen's later films I haven't watched too much of. The few i've seen I really enjoyed.
Don't know if there's new controversy about him. I try to stay segregated from all forms of media and ignorant to the nonsense most of the mouth breathers of america are flip-flapping over.
Think, in regards to soon yi, that it's very easy to demonize an older man's relationship with a younger woman without taking into consideration any contributing factors. The crazed moral majority set a precedence, and, even though most of that mindset isn't as prevalent any more, there's still remnants of its judgmental insanity in our culture.
Most people don't think, they react using a foundation of learned experience, except tv/film/news compromises most people's learned experiences, so, they immediately think of a relationship like woody allen and soon yi's as 'evil.'
Which annoys me greatly because obviously Woody wasn't simply hunting for young poon. The two have been together a long time.
Other cultures wouldn't view a relationship like that as 'bad'. Fuck, I think the consenting age in france is 12..
I think a lot of people are going to read the above statement about consenting age and react with an intense negative disgust, instead of objectively realizing, 'wow, young adults are treated like actual human beings in other countries!'

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I'd appreciate someone cat calling me as long as they didn't stalk me or seem threatening. Feel like it's just as wrong to go in public and feel threatened by anyone who says something nice to you.

The thing is there *are* women who thoroughly enjoy being cat called. It's not like men do it aimlessly. It works with a certain type of woman. The opposite of the type that's trying to stop it from happening, which, to me, seems pretty selfish of an act.
I encourage women to not give men undeserved power over them, which means to become strong and unafraid during interactions.
In other words, I encourage women to be self-reliant tiger ladies with an arsenal of 'who is you' and 'bitch-nigga, please' poised to combat unwanted advances. Which is actually how to stop 'cat calling.' Most dudes turn to buttershit in the shadow of a confident woman, especially if that woman is clowning their stupid ass.
Thumb-jitsu isn't just for men. It's for everyone.
But, yeah, I'm with you. I guess instead of talking to a woman you're supposed to stare into your phone and turn on the 'do you like me' tinder app, then go from there.

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Liked by: Juliet Escoria

Thoughts? And how can you talk to someone you find attractive if everything is considered harassment. Seems it's only harassment if there is no mutual attraction. I understand how some would be offend or feel threatened by some cat calls but is it wrong to call someone beautiful?

Everything isn't considered harassment. Don't let the angry ones with the loud mouths discourage you. People like that are always looking for easy 'fights' because there's no real consequences involved. It's more about them placating personal feelings about some other shit, than whatever they're rabble rousing over.
I have mixed feelings about 'cat calling.' Admittedly, I engage in it and don't plan on stopping just because it's not socially acceptable. The way I cat call compared to others probably differs greatly.
A cat call from me is one of these phrases: 'damn mammas!', 'heeeeeey girrrl' and 'sheeeet, girl.' Usually, I cat call if I see something unique about a woman, like, a type of demeanor or beautiful heels or a sad face or a 'ka-blam!' ass. Almost always it's directed towards black girls, thick girls, mature girls and youngish girls because those demographics seem to be prone to more 'uniqueness' than the average skinny white chick in american apparel or urban outfitters clothing.
I don't cat call as a gateway to sex. It's usually followed up with a statement of my motivation (heyyy girl, I really like that nail polish) and followed by awkward silence (on my part). I'm not one to engage in small talk and after the initial interaction am clueless on how to proceed with the conversation, so, I smile and walk away.
It isn't an action I do frequently and unable to recall one instance where my cat call was received negatively.
I do 'hey girl' from a car sometimes. Usually, when I see a woman putting 'it' out there. Like, the type who obviously wants attention from any/everyone.
But I also cat call 'hey sailor' and 'ooooh heeeellllllooooo!' at men too.
The reason I have mixed feelings though is because women are constantly being harassed by douchebags, the type that insult and exude a heavy rape vibe. Mexican day laborers are notorious for this type of behavior in southern california. Others nationalities of men obviously do it too.
So, I can understand why women are fucking tired of being whistled at or demeaned every time they walk outside. But any sane woman--meaning, not the foot stomping crazed brand of feminist--can discern the difference between creeper energy and confident, good-natured cat calling.
Young dudes are notorious for trying way too hard to 'persuade' a woman to have sex with them. It's pathetic and needy, I think.
Advise you to engage in whatever behavior feels authentic and respectful. Don't let others dictate how you act. Just try to remember that most likely whatever girl you're trying to talk to has already endured the same from 5 other guys before you and there will likely be another 5 after. Come proper or don't come at all.

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Watched a video of some dingus showing what cat calling and harassment is in attempt to fund their "non-profit" organization to stop cat calling... though a lot of it was just dudes introducing themselves or asking "how are you" or saying "good morning".

Honestly curious to hear the 'business plan' for stopping cat calling.

What is the worst gift you have ever received?

A fucking patio set.
Don't really think a gift can be good or bad, but the circumstances of this particular 'gift' caused me to make an exception.
I'm appreciative of anything/everything someone gives me but try to limit them because I feel like people would better spend their money on someone else.

"Feel instinctively distrustful towards anyone with perfect teeth" is an example why I'll be miffed if you leave here. Teeth are the bane of my life. I had buckteeth for ages. Then got the pulled out. Then got a bridge. Then the bridge broke. Then I paid for a plate. How do you have two bridges?

Adolf Jamal Christ... you pulled them? Seems painful as fuck.
Did you do that as a kid or as an adult. If you were my son/daughter, I'd have enrolled you in muay thai with instructions to break anyone's teeth out that made fun of you.
All my bridges are on the top. So is my crown. Have one bottom molar missing.
Was severely depressed for the first 30yrs of my life. Like, non-stop melancholy, from my first memory and on. Every thought was somehow related to death or dying.
Have also been plagued by a body that's slowly killing itself off. There's a lot more knowledge about autoimmune issues now than the 90's.
So, basically, every day I woke up with an anvil in my heart and exerted all my focus/energy on not giving up while acknowledging that it was very plausible i'd die before the next day.
It's difficult to give a shit about something like a cavity with a mindset like that. It's just, why care if you're going to die soon anyways.
Had a couple teeth removed after an infection. Then was talked in to getting a bridge.
The temporary kept falling off. It was around christmas time and I was working 60hr+ weeks. Couldn't afford to keep missing work. So, when it fell off again, I didn't do anything about it. 2 weeks later, my 'bridge' had arrived at the dentist. Went in and was yelled at for not having the temporary on, then was told i'd have to pay another 3grand for a new one.
Which is when I went into a rage and stormed out before choking a stupid bitch unconscious.
Only recently, like, 3 months ago, replaced that bridge. This dentist was much better. It was 10 years in between.
Second bridge and (upcoming) third bridge were needed because, once again, had a difficult time caring about fixing my teeth when much more serious failures of the body are occurring.
What i've realized in my older age is that a quick, violent death is truly a gift that we should all wish for.

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Do you have all you teeth?

No, I don't.
As a young teenager, I was sucker punched/had a gun pulled on me around christmas. One of the top front teeth was broken from that altercation.
The root had been exposed and breathing caused air to circulate over the nerve. The pain was intense enough to consider never breathing again.
The guy I was with, bobby/lil bob--rip--had an older brother, phil, who was the type of dude not to fuck with. He drove us to where we were 'jumped', found my tooth, then hunted down the guys who did it. Like, no shit, that's exactly what happened.
Phil got out of the car, walked up to the house, knocked on the door, told the drunk older man that answered his son needed to come outside, pointed into the back of the house and said, 'i'm going to kill you', then told the drunk older man to 'shut his mouth' and left.
Phil meant those things. He dropped us off at home and went back with his buddies. Bricks were used.
I didn't get to see a dentist for a few weeks because... i don't actually know. Just think my mom didn't care enough to schedule the appointment. Remember having to take a 2 hour bus ride to the dentist by myself. The nerve was dead by then. I received a crown. It chipped within the first month.
Still have that tooth. It's a different color than the rest of my teeth.
Also have two bridges and need a third. Long lasting, crippling depression is mostly to blame. That and I smoke a lot of cigars.
Feel instinctively distrustful towards anyone with perfect teeth.

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do you like opera? if so what tunes?

I do like opera but only while listening to it live.
In the mid-nineties, I worked at a title company in downtown portland. A couple of my co-workers were also opera singers. They sang chorus but sometimes had minor parts in various productions.
I'd get free tickets to the opening rehearsal night. There was a fancier name for it though. Basically, it was a rehearsal before opening night and everybody was expected to dress like it was a normal night at the opera.
I didn't like dressing up and my 'nice' clothes--1 outfit--came from a department store called meyer and frank. They were ill fitting.
Greatly enjoyed hearing live opera. The italian stuff is dark and beautiful. So much violence and perversion in those things.
Carmina Burana is the one that gets my dick pumping the hardest.

hey man, before you vanish (as an artifact), wanted to say i'm grateful for your words and replies - helped me connect with some things in life i hadn't noticed before (i know that's vague, and it's true). peace.

Hey, thanks for not being a mouth breather like some of the people who've spent their time annoying me.
Currently trying to harness enough energy to get out of bed and wash my dick.

love the anecdote about Pavlov and his dogs and how he had 'em all hooked up to conditioned reflexes, and one day in the kennel where he had them living, the pipes burst dramatically and all the dogs immediately were unconditioned. broke up all the patterns

I feel less alone when i'm eating in a ramen/pho shop and look over to see a person with their face two inches from a soup bowl shoveling noodles into their mouth.

do you believe you are an object moving through time gathering experiences?

I don't believe in time.
Think of myself more as seaweed than a cherry picker.

so like, we got iphones, a large hadron collider, and dentistry. the questions is: was it all really worth it?

Humans think yes, every other organism says no.

Do you find transgendered women attractive?

I don't find them unattractive.
This question is worded like you're asking if I fetishize transgendered women. I don't. If the ladyboy is comely, then I'm attracted towards her.
My experience with transgenders is that they're often better at being feminine than most women, which is attractive to me. Seduction and sex appeal have almost been completely lost in modern american culture. The transgenders are keeping it alive, mostly. A couple older women too.
The women in the pic (with me) are both transgenders. Their names are 'valerie' and 'ivana, the pretty one.' There was another girl too but she didn't want to be photographed. I met them at a club in hollywood called 'avalon'. This photo was taken at an after hours spot at, like, fuck... 10am, I think.
'Ivana, the pretty one' let me touch her boobs. We took a pic together with them out and her panties showing. Vaguely remember my hand being on the boob closest to me. Another night, she was sitting on a couch talking to some guy, so, I snuck up behind her, sat down, and used my thumb and index finger in a rubbing motion to tickle her protruding ball sack. Her reaction was pretty funny.
'Valerie', my girl and I danced together for a few hours at the club. At the after hours, 'valerie' kept rubbing her crotch up against me trying to incite a reaction. After a few times, I stated 'what you're doing doesn't bother me; it's just skin.' She laughed heavily about it.
A few weeks later, 'valerie' had breast implant surgery. It seemed like a really unsettling act, to me. It's definitely a step towards a final goal and I thought maybe she might need cheering up. I brought flowers over to her house. The pain meds she was on had her very emotional and she broke down and cried several times. 'Ivana, the pretty one' was there being coquettish and listening to the new 'kaskade' album.
We ate thai food together and I left.
Cried heavily after seeing her in pain and felt very emotional about why people have to be such assholes towards anything outside of normalcy.

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well, if you go, this has been the best ask fm since i dunno when. thanks for the wisdom and the laughs - emotional - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8bxjNZYR64g

I think my ask.fm is just shy of 500q. There's still some time to go. I mean, unless two weeks pass without anything worthwhile to be answered. Which seems plausible.
I'm not immune to moods and emotions though. Maybe when the time comes I'll feel differently and change my mind. Right now, seems doubtful as fuck though.
And thanks for the eurodance song. lol.

what do you think of the film Magnolia?

Yeah, I ejoyed it. It made me feel.
It's hard to describe though. It made me cognizant of my loneliness. Well, maybe not that.
Most (worthwhile) movies offer a temporary mental teleportation, like, an escape hatch from your normal mind. But 'magnolia' is different. It was more of a tunnel that led to an auditorium where my loneliness was being displayed on a screen. So I guess it accentuated loneliness, rather than hiding it with a fog machine.
Other movies have accomplished the same. What was unique about 'magnolia' is that I felt hopeful about being lonely, as if I was eating home made chicken fried steak after a funeral.

I rarely change my clothes. I honk of like a groin smell and stale ciggy smoke. And I love it. It smells of solitude and poetry. I hum of stale musk. Reason I say is is cos I notice the armpit motif on numerous of your blog posts. Do you get me? I mean do you like to wallow in your own body smells?

I didn't know poetry had an aroma.
I enjoy armpit stench. Not just mine, but women's too. Not, like, 15-day-old senior citizen funk, but fresh sweat and its blossom.
People are so fucking anesthetized now. We live in a blunted parody of a fictitious antiseptic world of 2-dimensional perfection. It's gross, to me.
I mention it on my blog because it's fun relating the scent to other external scents. Like, a 'match' game, I guess. Also, I believe most 'boundaries' are psychological chains imprisoning an individual's free will. I thoroughly enjoy being a provocateur and challenging people to think differently, if only for a moment.

how come you're pissed with doing this ask thing?

Wouldn't say I'm pissed, more annoyed. I do my best to avoid trite conversation in concrete reality, yet, here I am, being bombarded by dumb shit because some people lack shame, dignity or self-reliance.
I mean, uh... why wouldn't I be fucking annoyed.
Truly appreciate the earnest, unique and interesting questions/comments/etc. Those seem to be increasingly more scarce though.
Sometimes I have to wade through a lot of retarded 'questions' which increases my annoyed mood. And it may leak into a question I do choose to answer.
I think a lot of people are unable to think beyond their own soft skin and fail to realize that not everybody is living a disaffected existence at their mom's house. Some people are constantly walking through fire while doing their best to not complain.
Like, a junk yard dog doesn't go to the park for a reason.
Feel me.

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you owe me that debt from our bet about ana carrete who snorted ket.

I have no recollection of a bet, but that doesn't mean it didn't happen. Refresh my addled mind.
Or, if this is just you being cute because something as preschool as rhyming is fun or funny to you, then, hey, enjoy that.

I will be shutting down my ask.fm once I've answered a thousand questions or two weeks pass without a question worth answering, whichever comes first. - NOOOOOOOOOO! Damn.

I'm sure you'll find another form of mindless entertainment after I'm gone.
And, coincidentally, you just helped progress toward the end.


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