
Hollywood Daddy

Ask @HollywoodDaddy

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If it's not age I think prolonged drug use has made me more brittle. That combined with people I know dying. Thanks for the reply.

The most loneliest fate for an addict is to live to an old age.
Liked by: sam pink

Is everyone fake to some extent? Is being pleasant to others when you want to say go away wrong or right? I'm having trouble figuring out how I want to be. I don't care if anyone likes me but I catch myself acting entertained or fake laughing at people's jokes just to be nice and idk seems odd.

Inauthenticity always exists, in all of us. The only thing you can do is be authentic about your inauthenticity and act accordingly.
But the scenarios you're describing seem to be a behavior pattern. Why are you acting knowingly inauthentic to appease a demographic you pretend not to care about?
I'm also confused why you're soliciting my opinion on a possible universal trait. Your query is worded in a way to garner validation for the ideology behind the behavior, or, as a trap to invalidate anything I might say based on it not being founded in facts.
The short answer is: yeah, man, everyone has the potential to be fake. What's your relationship with it and what are you doing about it, yo.
Liked by: sam pink

This is the latest tune and great little film clip that fucks with the aging heart strings. Why I post here I'm not sure... maybe cos your voice in the below beard vid kind of cracked with emotion https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rGJ9s22klE4

I have immense respect for anyone who survived the guillotine of the vietnam war, regardless of nationality or political allegiance.

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what music makes you cry or want to cry? I find, getting older, the urge to cry when listening to music happens lots more frequently. I didn't cry for years.

https://youtu.be/cv91Cxq5DjUHollywoodDaddy’s Video 138262634586 cv91Cxq5DjUHollywoodDaddy’s Video 138262634586 cv91Cxq5DjU
I've started crying more frequently recently. I don't think it necessarily has anything to do with age. Happened once I whittled away the massive amounts of anger and resignation that was masking/protecting me from the underlying hurt.

Yeah. Other people's opinions of you/me are pointless and kind of meaningless (always changing and not really truthful anyway) is what I've discovered, which ain't a big discovery. Dunno if you provided value to my life though. Impossible to gauge. You're welcome anyway.. no need to thank me.

I don't think external opinions are inherently false/misleading. It depends on the underlying context, really.
External opinions are also how a person realizes aspects of our shared reality (including the physical manifestation of their own behaviors) they aren't aware of.

I dislike how everyone in the small press literary world seem to know each other, how in interviews they talk about each other, using first names.

I feel ya, pookie. Let's be realistic though, it's a small social community. Difficult for people not to know each other.
My issue has always been the inauthentic nature of the communication/interaction. The lit people are playing the crumb game. Shallow correspondence/promotion feigning as intimacy and/or reverence in hopes of raising one's own visibility/rank.
There are genuine relationships in the community to be witnessed. To me, the energy is much different/flagrantly discernable.
Like the relationship I have with Big Dave. Honestly, I'd stab someone if that dude needed it to happen. Ride or die.
My takeaway for you is this: bitching, like achievements, needs an external source for validation. So, hey, thanks for letting me provide value to your life. You caught me at the right time.
Liked by: sam pink

Idk what the fix for all this is it's just been on my mind lately. Not even a question. Just thoughts. People are sick. I'm sick in my own way too. Thankfully I don't hurt others. I wish there was a fix for every problem.

So...why do you pity humans while acknowledging the same behavior is 'normal' in the animal kingdom and seemingly feel neutral about it? What you said appears to be more a reflection of how you feel about yourself, not necessarily others.
I think a productive way of interacting with people is to hold them accountable by their behaviors, not circumstances. We're all capable of change. It's only a matter of awareness and intention.
Are you vocalizing your awareness of others? If not, why. Why just stay silent and pity them. Seems counterproductive. I mean, if that's what you're doing.
Liked by: sam pink

I just think I feel sorry for everyone in different ways. Animals do violent sick and vile things to their own species and even children and it's seen as normal because they're animals. I think some people may not be able to control how they would be in the wild if society didn't exist.

I see...

I've started to feel sorry for people who do disgusting and violent things because I feel like these are people who can't control urges that they were born with or developed in an upsetting life. I feel that things are right or wrong but it's only because of how I was raised and society around me.


During your last moments in this life do you want to be alone or with the ones you love? Do you think trying to control the scenario like that is wrong?

I held my grandmother's hand while she died. And I've had friends die external from my presence. I can't say either way is better/worse. Maybe the former allows a person to grieve in an authentic way.
Knowing what i know, I can't feel good about putting others through either situation.
I don't think it matters though. Death exists on its own accord. When it happens, it happens. Giving power to a fantasy outcome only detracts you from being present, now and when death manifests.
If it matters, in my twenties, I fantasized a lot about dying while saving someone. Now, I like the idea of being eaten by animals. Seems like an honest way to go.
Probably gonna die slowly and horribly though, eating some flowers on the way out.

How come you answer all these questions with full heart and honesty. Like most people I feel like would flip the questions into talking about them self or give half ass answers and not give a shit

I've always taken the stance that earnestness should be returned. But real talk, I become stricken with a deep sense of existential disgust if I don't speak honestly.
Probably has something to do with something. I don't know. Doesn't seem to be normal behavior.

How did your son nearly die?

My grandmother slowly ran a red light and drove underneath a dump truck while he was in the back. They were on their way to pick me up from work. My ex-wife strapped him in the car with only a lap belt for protection. He was 5.
Grandmother died. My son lived; but lost a foot of his small intestine.
I cried a lot that week.
Liked by: Cheyenne Betzhold

What's up with people only giving a shit about a person after they're dead.

Think it has something to do with the loss of a 'safe' attachment to a 2-dimensional persona that's glorified as a demigod in a fantasy world of bullshit. People avoid the idea of death like it's a hug from a wailing burn victim. When something shines a small amount of darkness into their ocean of noise, it scares the fuck out of them, but, only temporary, because there's plenty of noise to distract/cover up the thought.
Plus, people want to flap their gums about stupid shit. They're able to connect with others through the similarity. In other words, having an opinion on something that everyone subscribes to makes them feel less alone--again, related to the fear of death.
But guess what kids, that motherfucker is coming! Y'all gone see when the time is now.

What are your thoughts on kratom being banned.

Wasn't aware it was banned. Drug morality is a joke when there's a pharmacy on every corner stocked with oxycontin, fentanyl, morphine, adderall, xanax, ambien, prozac, lexapro, celexa, etc.
Banning a substance is to protect interests, not people.

Do out enjoy any drugs or have you completely become sober?

I'm on a hiatus, right now. Saying i'm 'sober' seems like an achievement, which it isn't. My issue has always been an underlying hopelessness/anxiety/depression and drugs--mostly--a way of escaping/avoiding those unending feeling.
Most drugs don't have much of an effective use for me, anymore. I've embraced the parts of myself I was avoiding and don't feel motivated to self medicate.
I genuinely like the way weed makes me feel. It's one of the few drugs that has multifaceted uses. I'll most likely smoke some, in the near future. Will most likely eat some mushrooms too.

Why does it feel like the world is set up to destroy people and stop their potential. Do you think this purely because of money or is there some type of spiritual warfare going on like the gnostics believed?

The 'world' is a reflection of your psyche. Encourage you to pay more attention to immediate reality and stop subscribing to television/magazines/social media/news/etc. and the people propagating its 'facts'.
I think if you're going to have a conversation about 'spiritual warfare' an underlying discussion defining a 'spirit' needs to happen, otherwise, get outta my face with that shit. It's just blabber coming from a place of positionality--a way to waste time while seeming intelligent/valuable and devaluing/demoting contrary opinions.

I feel like the soul is becoming increasingly strangled with this new wave of technology and everything becoming robotic.

Soul became synonymous with strife the day language was created. We ain't getting out. Listen to your balls/labia and enjoy the motherfucking struggle.

Is suicide just taking the easy way out? I've been thinking of trying to seek out nembutal so I can peacefully escape. I'm stuck on not wanting to be something in between nothing and my dreams. I rather be nothing and homeless or something risky and far out of reach.

I think there's a huge distinction between suicidal ideation and actually committing suicide. In my opinion, the latter is cowardly. Like, I empathize with unending loneliness, hopelessness, sadness, meaninglessness, etc. but why the fuck would you give in like that. Why wouldn't you fight against the circumstances/history that made you feel like suicide is a means to an end. In other words, choose to die from exhaustion with your thumbs turned down.
If it means anything, I've battled with strong depression and hopelessness for most of my life and daydreamed about suicide more times than i want to admit. But one thing I always ask myself in those moments comes down to a simple phrase...'who is you?'

Is there anything wrong with choosing drug dealing as your career choice?

I don't believe in morality. Drug dealing really isn't that lucrative unless you're a pharmaceutical company though. In my opinion, the people you interact with makes it pretty much not worthwhile.

I've noticed I participate in empty online validation and it makes me depressed I have no friends, except my girlfriend. Why do I want friends so much to the point a thumbs up or a "like" makes me excited. Do you think i should just delete all of my social media accounts?

All humans want/need connection. Question is what are you doing to not allow it from materializing.

What are your thoughts on using ketamine to treat depression.

Using ketamine for depression seems like it's motivated from a place of addiction/self-destruction, not therapy. Like, if you're going to use a chemical to treat depression, why not indulge in the many pharmaceuticals that don't provide euphoria/complete disassociation?
No drug cures depression. They can shift/suppress energy to allow a person to work on the underlying causes of the depression though. A person still needs to put forth effort to identify/acknowledge/release/replenish the emotional pain they're holding onto.
Sometimes drugs are all you have from losing yourself. I get it. That's how opiates were for me. I didn't seek them out though. They were provided by a doctor, then abused by me.
The issue with using drugs as self-medication is you become entrenched in a cycle of victimization. Shit just gets worse, until it becomes so bad you either die or triumph out of it.
It's a free world. I'm not saying anyone shouldn't use ketamine. It's up to them. Just be authentic about the act. It most likely has nothing to do with treating depression.

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How do you know if your energy is vampiric and how can you change that?

I think it comes down to giving vs taking. If an energy is founded on a selfish, manipulative, resentful, etc. foundation, it's vampiric--it'll drain others and promote the same behavior in non-dominant people.
I firmly believe in the idea of giving away what you want to receive. So, if you want love, give love to someone. If you want to express your feelings--but can't vocalize them--give away expression (art/poetry/creativity). if you want trust, give away honesty and earnestness.
It's not a nasa formula or anything. Pretty simple. That's why the vampires have taken notice and subvert it for personal gain. Hence so much fake bullshit feigning as something genuine.
What's powerful is authenticity, strength, vulnerability, kindness, etc. These things are pure and alluring. Don't let the numerous systems built to leech their energy fool you.
It's not what you create or what's said; it's who you are that matters most.

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Liked by: sam pink


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