
Hollywood Daddy

Ask @HollywoodDaddy

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tony o'neil is in the uk. he's doing a reading in a nearby bookshop. i dunno if to go.

Firmly recommend going. Tony is a good dude and an affable villain. He has a presence that most readers don't.

you read any Roberto Bolaño? what did you think?

Nope. Everybody clamoring/hating about pops bolano has turned me off of the dude.
Think i'll read him in, like, 5-10 years.

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ah fuck. thought you'd died.

Not dead yet. Sometimes daddy needs alone time or to hang with other daddies, otherwise, he'll go fucking insane.

what you do for the payola

Previously, I worked the cubicle fields as a systems engineer for fortune 500 plantations. Now I'm just a slave to the failed american health system.

What do you think of the diana dragonetti brand?

Diana is just more stereotypical flip flapping about gender issues for the sake of attention and acceptance. If you remove his/her rhetoric and examine the residual ideas and prose, it's not memorable or interesting, at all.
People like drama though, so, there's always a market for that sort of repetitive shit. Especially if the person is exotic or unique, which s/he is constantly asserting to be.
Not my particular cocktail but if others enjoy its flavor, then, hey, why not.

damn, i am the kissing feet dude...that was a very real answer. i was actually in a shitty relationship with that girl, who in retrospect didn't appreciate me very much and was kind of insensitive to me. thanks for your honesty, made me feel better. we ended it recently and i feel better

There's nothing wrong with being the kissing feet dude if it's your kick. Suggest finding a woman into that dynamic though, one who will dominate you in a caring way. It'll get your rocks off a lot more, I think.
If you were just groveling because she was an uncaring cunt and didn't want to be alone, then suggest spending some time figuring out why you hold yourself in such low esteem. Nobody should be ass kissing to stay in a relationship and doing so is indicative of a person who thinks they can't do better than a diseased love affair.

do you fancy paring up to become new Hillside Stranglers? We'll be poets roaming LA looking for supple throats to crush. we could create carnage. people say serial killers are banal. i find them romantic.

I don't 'fancy' anything since i'm not a british poof. I'm already a solitary poet roaming the streets of los angeles. Why would I need you to join me. Prefer to be alone inside my head rather than compromise for lesser company.
And the only 'supple throats' I want to 'crush' are consensual ones. It's a lot more interesting and boner-inducing to inflict damage on someone who grants permission. Not going to explain why. Should be patent if you possess basic cognitive function.
Hmm... maybe I should explain it then.
What fucking people say serial killers are banal. Seriously, have you been huffing nail polish remover recently.
You find the *idea* of serial killers romantic Which springs from exploitative news, television and film stories.
Want to congratulate you on 'outshining' that other dude's moronic shit. Internet high-five.

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Hello. I got daddy issues. I can tell immediately that you like me.

Having 'daddy issues' isn't a shameful thing. Good job on revealing your shitty opinion on women while desperately casting an almost new but trite insult.
What does it matter though. You're 'anonymous.'

what's it like having a cock-size conversation with your mother? did you say pops was bigger than you or smaller?

You're a big fan of 'modern family', huh.

tell me about your relationship with your mother. you are an only child i can see.

No, lil freud, I wasn't. My relationship has been detailed in online writing. At least put forth some fucking effort if you're going to insult someone. This is so unimaginative and lame that it makes me feel hopeless about the human race.

you notty sucky enoughy of the mommy titty when you baby so now you got issue.

Pretty sure I didn't suck any tit milk, at all. As far as issues go, you're the dumb fag who's anonymously writing retarded passive-aggressive remarks to satiate some egotistical hurt. Hey, good job on being bitchmade.

do you know of Timothy Willis Sanders? what do you think to his stuff?

I know of him. Have never felt any urgency to read his writing. It could be the greatest prose for all I know.
Feel distrustful of any man rocking three names.

seems i mostly live in the past or the future and never the moment. do you?

No. I'm completely unattached to nostalgia. It's a dangerous practice to engage in. I've never thought much about the future. Every day since age 10 has been spent thinking 'there's a good possibility i'm dying today', which has made it very easy to stay in the 'now.'
Sometimes I create false futures as a means of coping with the crushing shit reality i'm in. Like, daydreaming about dying a good death or scenes to movies that I direct in my mindspace. But for the most part, i'm firmly here.

whats sam pinks email?

It's humorous that you think i'd give out my boy's email address like costco food samples. I don't know you from a sucker fish.


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