
Hollywood Daddy

Ask @HollywoodDaddy

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"Religion isn't even that threatening anymore. Technology and science is." Technology and science are the ultimate expression/outgrowth of religious thought.

Which doesn't make it inherently beneficial or altruistic.
Like, if you can't recognize in our current shared reality how technology and science are being used to herd/enslave/kill people, then email me your dealer's number. Must be some dank-ass chiba chiba.

"But, like, doncha think the original response about analyzing 'respect' should be revisited if you're not even aware of how/what you failed at." there's nothing i failed, except meeting your dubious (to me) made-up expectations.

What you failed at was comprehending the solicited advice. And, if you're the person who originally responded by asking 'so you want us to torture ourselves' then it's an even more potent failure.
Making a passive-aggressive remark in response was pure whine..
And I genuinely pity anyone who believes retreating to their consciousness to gain an understanding of an abstraction is 'torture.'

"So, like, are we totes gonna snapchat already or wht." i don't snapchat, but i'd buy you a beer if i ran into you in person.

I'm a beer snob so it might be costly.

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"Saying physics trumps respect is like comparing baseballs to tits. Since you seem dense, i'll spell it out: they're unrelated." the bodies move exactly the way they move, whether there's a story about respect or not. respect is a morality-based thought. most creatures respect each other w/o it.

Respect has nothing to do with morality, at all.
Relying on physics seems very short-sided. We act physically and think abstractly. All movements by a human are a manifestation of thought.
Like, it's pretty funny, to me, how you're reacting so strongly against 'respect' without even understanding it. Which was the point of my solicited advice.
I never said anyone HAD to analyze and define respect, nor did I say it HAD to be implemented. Like, you're so programmed to not think for yourself it's ridiculous. I don't mean that with an accusatory or malicious connotation. Think most people share this trait.

"Morality is based on good vs evil. I don't believe in either." fair. to me, morality is thought questioning one's actions. to me, that seems much clearer than saying it's based on good vs evil.

Ethics and morality aren't related.

"i want to say fuck you" see, this is what religion does. it convinces people that beliefs are real things to be defended like territory - and they chase their tails around with all sorts of emotional games. all it does is create division in the human heart. me vs. you. us vs. them.

Unsure what the fuck you're talking about.
Look, person said to burn all religious texts then write 'share' on some hemp paper, which is a very immature suggestion. I mean I get the underlying sentiment and all but it was a patently flawed idea.
Other person responded by politely saying 'fuck you'. They were polite because this 'space' is owned by me.
Engaging in ass-wars with other anonymous questioners on my ask.fm is inappropriate. I'm not interested in refereeing a creation vs evolution dick waving dance battle. The 'religious' person comprehended this, which is why they asked for permission.
I concur that religion causes a lot of 'division' but once something is learned it can't be unlearned and devaluing that person's belief system and saying it should be eradicated is just as dividing to them.
The easiest way to combat religion is to promote free-thinking individuality. A notion most atheists should focus on and try to understand because, despite their arrogant self-aggrandizement, they are not.
And, news flash, I don't give a shit if it's a pencil or a pork chop bone, any one of you motherfuckers tries to take a possession from me will be met with physical and emotional hostility. That's my shit, fuck you.

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"i want to say fuck you" you sound like you're in pain. which isn't surprising if you been raised with religious beliefs. also guilt since you have to ask HD permission to say "fuck you." it sounds like you're feeling anxious/scared cuz you have a need for security? i'm tryin' to undastan.

You're projected quite a bit. There wasn't any pain in what that person wrote. And them asking for permission seemed more out of respect for me than their religion. Don't think it's against a bible--any bible-to tell someone fuck you.
Most everyone has a latent need for security/safety.

how long have you been following mixed martial arts?

Since the mid-nineties.
My granny had me watching boxing well before that.
I used to watch sumo wrestling too. Cable television was limited in channels back in 1994 but a lot more interesting.

"You've already failed." failed what? this is some kind of morality you're spewing. continue to question your actions if you like. physics trumps your "respect" every time.

Morality is based on good vs evil. I don't believe in either.
But, like, doncha think the original response about analyzing 'respect' should be revisited if you're not even aware of how/what you failed at.
Saying physics trumps respect is like comparing baseballs to tits. Since you seem dense, i'll spell it out: they're unrelated.
So, like, are we totes gonna snapchat already or wht.

what's your definition of 'respect?'

Not compromising my belief system for the sake of meaningless/frivolous gain.

Thoughts on significant age differences in relationships?

My only concern is the relationships I'm involved with. What others do is up to them.
I prefer to be around people much younger or older than me. And have felt bored by nearly everyone close to my age range since I was a young teenager.
Younger/older people have different perspectives and interests, which is something I'm constantly looking for in life.
Despite how seemingly hostile I may be about 'youngsters', I considerably enjoy their company. it's just finding ones who aren't offensively selfish/arrogant/idiotic is difficult at times; especially, on the internet--it seems.
When i was attending 'massives' a few years back, it was usually with a group of people half my age. Some were as young as 16 or 17, i think. Not 100 percent sure because I didn't pay much attention.
I love my raver children. They've granted a hope about our future that's helped me not feel like everything is fucking doomed.
Regarding intimate relationships, people love to be judgment of others, especially when it comes to sex, which, funny enough, is none of their self-righteous business.
The only time I become invested in another person's relationship is if it isn't consensual. Think teenagers are treated like precious swine in our country and it bothers me.
Our culture's mode of thought towards young people is based on restriction, because, you know, like, treating them as human beings would require actual attention/effort and who has time for that bullshit when parents are busy working lame jobs to pay middle class debt and watching 'parks and recreations.'
I don't think there's anything ethically wrong with teleiophilia or ephebophilia at its core. It's all in the motivation of the people involved.
Completely certain asserting those types of relationships as 'legally' and 'morally' wrong only encourages and perpetuates predatory behavior and inhibits positive outcomes.

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didion was a babe back in 1967. i would've. would you've?

I don't think she's not a 'babe' now.
But, as I've already mentioned several times before, I don't like most people up close. This includes women. Having sex with someone I can't stand isn't achievable, for me. Maybe if I was really high on mdma and the girl didn't talk. Would be a rare action though. Also, seems like an improbable situation.
I'd have to spend some time with the didion before answering on that particular sugarbird.
What does it matter if I would or not anyways. Why do you need my inclusion to validate your feelings. Who/what you like isn't a competition.
Like, think if you need a support group for your dick, then maybe a more interesting way of spending time would be pondering why instead of anonymously asking on a website if a chick is okay to bang or not.

how do you help the ones you love?

Loving yourself is the foundation needed to love others.
Without it, helping others isn't easily achievable. Or, maybe, not at all.
Being free of self-hate and harm is substantially more helpful than anything material-based because it allows a deeper, grounded relationship to solidify, which influences all interactions.
Ya feel me.
But, like, if you see your dad coming out of the denny's bathroom with a toilet paper tail, reach over and gingerly remove it from his dockers before anyone sees. Then give the dude a hug.
Dads need more hugs.

i want to say fuck you to that poster who suggested we burn religious texts. is that okay? nobody is burning my beautiful bible.

Yeah, of course.
Think you have as much of a right to say 'fuck you' as he/she has to suggest burning religious texts. Also, think the suggestion was one-sided and didn't take in to account the feelings of people who are religious. Like, burning another person's possessions is the anti-sharing.
Religion isn't the issue (if you believe it's problematic). Human beings are. There will always be man-made systems in place to herd others.
Some people have an immature concept of reality and possible future realities. They believe universal tranquility is achievable. It's not.
All systems--utopian, dystopian and everything between--will eventually fail. It's human nature to dominate, rebel, triumph and submit. The difference is the degree. Most humans are weak-minded followers. They just do what they're told. Like, even in times of extreme duress, most people roll over and take it. It takes a rebellious type to intervene and provide a path to follow.
There will never be true peace. We are all animals.
What's frightening, to me, is how docile the rebellious types are becoming and how technologically advanced the dominate types are achieving. Like, the sci-fi idea of humans vs robots is sort of correct, I think, except, it will be a small group of humans using robots to enslave/kill other humans.
Religion isn't even that threatening anymore. Technology and science is.
Anyways, I think any person consenting to religion has the right to. I'm only against religion forcing itself on others.
Plus, on a positive note, religion has created some beautifully kinky people. I appreciate it.

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You hit the nail on the head with your criticism of Listi. He seems utterly hell bent on knowing every authors sources of income.

I'm sure he's superb at charades.

i touched bono. did you touch bono? i touched him. did you?

No, but totally wish I could. Would love to touch his throat with my hands.

Would you be so kind as to partake in dining on lobster risotto and talking about Instagram with me?

No, but we can stand at santa monica and western and talk about loneliness, sexual deviance, drug-fueled adventures, existential despair, surviving horrifying family members, the merits of a proper bowl of pho and being liked. You can even show me pictures of your instagram as long as it isn't stupid shit.
Or just be quiet and watch life pass us by one person at a time.

what is your name

Adolf Jamal Livingood, III.
Try figuring something out instead of running to someone else. It's not difficult to sleuth my name.

damn, you read blood meridian on opiates. i have to say i'm jealous. i used to love reading on opiates but hadn't even heard of BM at that point. You should try Suttree. Child of God is funny/creepy too. McCarthy's the true rebel. He's like Sam Peckinpah. Judge is so interesting.

Well, if judge wasn't interesting, only schoolmarms and mindless mfa students would read bm.

"Advise you/everyone to spend a thousand hours analyzing and defining what 'respect' is." you want us to torture ourselves?

Everyone else, yes, but, you, no. You've already failed.
Man, remember that one episode of catdog when cat was overly upset at dog for doing something zany and mildly retarded?
Haha. Life doesn't get any better than that shit right there.
Feel bored. Wanna snapchat???

I'd like to see a reboot of Leonard part 6 with buttercup

Any movie starring him will be much appreciated by him.

lol why do you have to hate on naughton after she gave your book such a good review? http://htmlgiant.com/reviews/the-moons-jaw-2/

Is anybody actually mindful of the data being processed anymore...
If you think i'm Rauan, you're about as attentive as a shoe string.
Also, who the fuck cares if she gave someone's book a god damn 'positive' review. Like, first, it's just a bunch of ass kissing nonsense, second, how does it excuse dumb shit behavior.
Everybody is too concerned with being 'liked', it's disgusting; that stomach-hurts-so-bad-it's-time-to=puke type of gross.
Can't wait for the next horrible event or catastrophe to happen so my fellow soft-skinned americans can finally feel some genuine fear and realize being a glib cunt isn't the most important goal of existence.

advice? it's within you.

Advise you/everyone to spend a thousand hours analyzing and defining what 'respect' is.

What do you think of Empath Lit?

Had to look up what this is.
Completely impossible to take a person's asserted 'empathy' as genuine when they're clearly engaging in angry/hostile acts to placate residual feelings from previous, unrelated trauma.
Also nearly impossible to take a man dressing up as a woman seriously in regards to calling out 'misogyny' in male writers. Not because they're wrong, but, because, despite their own slanted view, they haven't, and never will, experience life truly as a woman has. Engaging in such accusations/essays/rabble rousing seems to be more about fueling their fantasy of being a complete woman and less about being a woman who's endured that shit.
That narcissistic whore 'buttercup' wrote a really long, boring as fuck 'essay' about 'rape' because he wanted attention. Dude has used his race card the same way in the past. Why do you guys keep falling for this shit.
Where's greg sherl on their 'tumblr'???
Am I missing something about Steven Trull? How is he a predator or whatever. The only thing I remember anyone calling him out on was his 'fuck list'. I mean, if there's been genuine accusations, then by all means, vocalize them, but, feeling offended about a stupid list of people he wants to fuck or get fucked by shouldn't result in the dude being labeled as a predator, and, in my eyes, the real predator would be the person recklessly labeling him as such. That stupid list was about garnering attention in a provocative way.
Completely impossible to take a person's anti-objectification rhetoric seriously when they objectify themselves. Either objectification is completely wrong or it's okay for everyone. This bullshit 'he's a woman hater for objectifying me but i'm objectifying myself to lure this man i'm attracted to' psychology is fucking nuts.
Completely certain alexandra naughton should either get over steven trull or come out and say what she has to say. Girl stinks like high school hate. It's really ugly and obvious.

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we can burn all the world's religious texts to ashes and take a fresh clean piece of hemp paper and in big letters just write the only religion anyone truly needs to know: SHARE.

Eh. Something learned can't be unlearned.
In other words, the memory of water never forgets a used tampon, regardless of the technologically superior filtration and treatment process its subjected to
And, sharing isn't a learned habit. A person inherently has empathy/compassion for another person or they don't. It's a rare trait.
But I like your dream. Don't stop believing in it.


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