
Hollywood Daddy

Ask @HollywoodDaddy

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Steve Roggenbuck posted a link to Sophia Katz account of what happened, however, he left no mention of the fact that she was referring to std, who he is buddies with. Any thoughts

Steve is a politician. Almost certain the only loyalties he has is to himself. Any 'altruistic' or 'compassionate' acts/behavior/speeches--almost completely the latter--from him is a form of manipulation. Dude desperately wants to be as influential as possible for the largest demographic possible.
Strongly urge people to stop intently watching the lives of others and go on a long walk in nature, sans electronic devices.

Do a vast amount of people annoy you? Say if you're reading a book at work and someone sees you and asks what you reading and you know they've not heard of the author and you show them the title and they confirm that. People get a bit sketchy/wary with you if you read or write. I'm going for a wank.

People don't interrupt me usually. Pays to be feared and/or hated, especially while reading a book.

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What do you think of Stephen Tully Dierks? If you were forced to think about him.

I think of him as a privileged cunt raised by yuppies, very selfish, effeminate, elitist, narcissistic and passive-aggressive, constantly trying way too hard to be 'cool', someone I instinctively just don't like. He also has a face that pedophiles dream about.
Made these value judgments after observing his online behavior, most notably how spiteful his reactions are to any sort of criticism.
Have theorized the walking std isn't human but a bio-weapon engineered in a lab by self-absorbed women.
If you're asking me what do I think about the recent 'drama', feel greatly annoyed but--sadly--not by mr. pop serial.
Think it's ridiculous for a person to jeopardize their safety/self-respect for the sake of a minor victory.
Like, call me an old fashioned misogynist, but when a dude very lucidly says he wants to do drugs, fuck and sleep with you in exchange for a free place to crash in a very expensive metropolitan city, then deciding to disregard reality and go anyways, hoping the outcome will magically be something different because the idea of not going/socializing with assholes you decided to worship as celebrities is just too heart breaking ;(, then mitigating the residual feeling of self-loathing by taking no responsibility and writing a 'fictionalized' story to shift blame and, more importantly, garner attention, is, well, it's fucking bullshit, ya dig?
And, on the real, girl is lucky the walking std is so lame, because there are plenty of sadistic bulls in this world who would have permanently rearranged her body and mind if she had made the same dumb choice with them.
In the context of what I read, don't think of std as a 'sexual predator.' He's just an average lamedick using his very limited resources to get laid since his personality, creativity and comeliness are lacking. Nowhere did I read of std leveraging his position of power to force a woman into sex.
That girl acknowledged std's intentions and knowingly made a decision to still go, assumed the worst outcome during every interaction, kept sending mixed signals, never explicitly said 'i don't want to do this' until after she did it and didn't have enough self-respect or willpower to put an end to what was going on.
In other words, I think both parties involved are conceited, glib dumb shits and are responsible for their actions.
But, just to reinforce, think stephie durrrkz is a twat.

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What do you think of richard prince's Instagram appropriation? Out of touch old man or interesting project?

I don't use instagram, at all. No clue who 'dick prince' is or the circumstance of his deal. Would rather talk into my dickhole than edify myself on the subject. And, as a lifelong voyeur, think of instagram as the 'filet-o-fish' of photography.
Feel like people are becoming too invested in meaningless dumb shit, like phone apps, because the routine of their life is so banal and consumer based that meaningless dumb shit seems interesting in comparison.
Predict either the project will succeed and make lots of money or fail and lose money. Either outcome doesn't matter much. A new application exploiting ego will become prominent regardless.

who needs validation? i don't - why would you write here if you did? all are just words, on a screen, sent anonymously. i call it riffing. otherwise shit-talk. no worries. i like how you flow. i'm not seeking your approval however, which sounds like i'mn seeking your approval - lol - can't win.

Already stated why I write here.
The only competition in life is death. So, no need to worry about winning or losing in regards to interactions.
Seriously, wasn't being mean. Actually, intention was the opposite. But I know myself well enough to understand 'self-restraint' is in limited quantity.
In other news, 'pizza pizza.'

Most annoying conversation topic?

Hmm... yeah, I don't know.
Don't really converse with people. Most my interactions are very brief or have long periods of silence.
I offer sarcastic non-sequiturs in lieu of traditional conversation. 5-7% of the time someone understands my sense of humor and laughs/jokes back, which typically leads to more jokes.
Feel like most people live a trite existence and have the personality of a tivo. In other words, their conversation is a burden to endure. Joking helps me cope with reality and filter out people I subjectively deem interesting.
There are a handful I'll converse with but they've already established a certain reputation/respect and can talk about whatever they want.
For the record, almost always prefer to stay inside my mind and people watch than talk but overpopulation/current culture is making it a difficult hobby these days.
The caveat being if someone has an earnest question. But i dunno if that sort of interaction is in the 'conversation' bucket.

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Did we match on tinder?

Have an almost non-understanding of what tinder is. Know it's some sort of dating site. Just looked it up.
No, we didn't match.
a) I purposely own a burner phone that only has the capability to make phone calls and send/receive texts. Recently, the large 'send/enter' button fell off and now have to use a pen, or something similar, to text.
b) I deactivated my facebook account a while ago. Just felt insurmountable rage every time I logged in and read status after status of uninspired musings on bullshit/vain self-praise. Like, it's difficult to believe in the strength of the human spirit when nearly everyone you know/see/hear pridefully demonstrates the polar opposite.
c) Feel like using an app like tinder is what's wrong with the current generation. I mean, relying on a computer application to discover/value judge people in your vicinity because traditional methods of observation and conversation are 'too' stressful is so fucking pussy that it makes cringer from he-man seem like a kamikaze fighter pilot.
d) Using tinder reeks of 'do you like me' and my sense of self-respect would never allow it.
e) But, hey, do you like me.

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Damn, it's like a synopsis of life. But it's all visual and concrete. As Lin says, memory is like the first draft of a novel. I want to get down 1001 of these images and cement them together.

Look, this is going to sound insensitive, but, it isn't...
Please don't tell me about your life. I have my own shit going on. Not only am I uninterested, but this type of behavior resonates on a subconscious level and triggers a part of my psyche that wants to achieve complete emotional/psychological dominance over you. Like, you're being manipulative and narcissistic and my only thought in response is 'ruin this weak piece of shit.'
Please don't waste my time by asking arbitrary questions to segue into declarations of your life/problems/perspective.
Writing about my life wasn't motivated by a need for validation. I did it as a self-preserving purge because I felt an internal heaviness all the time. There's way more fucked up life events I haven't written about. The only reason why the writing was published is because people solicited me.
I'm not on ask.fm to gain an audience or satiate an egotistical hunger. My pal asked me to do this because he believed giving people an opportunity to inquire about my interpretation of reality was somehow beneficial. I don't necessarily agree. But, he's someone I respect and love, and will do shit I don't wanna do for the few I hold in that esteem.
A path is a path. There's no better/worst. Deal with your shit. Self-medicate. Cry in bed. Write it. Publish it (if you want). But don't push it on me.
I'm always available for actual conversation, which this care bear forum is not. Anybody can email me. I will respond in time. jdean33442@gmail.com If you're looking to cry to someone though, doubtful we'll get along.
Asking nicely, with a thousand cherries and a burger king crown on top, for you to, like, 'stay on topic.'

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Another: I was about six. Sat on my aunty's toilet I'd taken a shit. There was no toilet paper. So I wiped my ass on a towel. After, I went downstairs and didn't confess. The next day my nan snapped at me. (It was in a tone that implied that my aunty had told her.)

While at the 'pleasure chest' in weho today, realized that a lot of new car designs look very much like modern sex toys.

Another (dark) memory: My mom had taken an overdose. She lay unconscious on the carpet. I was sat on a chair and when the ambulance guys put her on a stretcher I could see up her nightie and there were hairs coming out her panties. My aunty saw them and she saw me see them - Awful.

Passed a transgender woman in a pink terrycloth romper while shopping at amoeba today. She was hispanic and had massive tits. Wondered how hard/soft they'd feel in my hands.

A memory: An old woman who was raped in the war (after which she never left her bedroom) stood in the window of a house that backed onto mine. She was grey, ghostly. She was looking at me as I sat on the settee watching TV. But suddenly I got up and gestured as if to say: What you lookin at!

Dan Goossen died from liver cancer today.

Busted my forehead open by repeatedly hitting myself forcibly with a cell phone. Do I get a prize?

That's what the busted forehead is, yo.

Fickle bitches?

Envisioned an old white guy in a top hat driving a lime and cream vespa, then pulling up to me and asking in a british accent, 'kind sir, might ye have fickle bitches?'
But, yeah, what other kinds are there.

how many memories do you have of your first say 5 or 6 or 7 years? i ask cos I'm trying to write down every image/memory that i can remember of my first decade. indulgent you might think. but it's fun too. also, what is/are your earliest memory/ies?

It's difficult for me to answer this. My memory used to be, eh... not photographic, but vivid. What I mean is, whatever aspect of a previous event I did remember stayed with me in full volume. Like, my memory worked in a way where trying to memorize something was fruitless but experience based learning was permanently accessible afterwards.
I'm an autodidact that leans heavily towards pragmatic thinking, so, my sense of 'logic' grows after solving a problem, like a cumulative progression of knowledge. I never get lost somewhere after being lost there once before but anything new and I'm clueless/slightly retarded until I figure it out.
I say my memory used to be like this because, as of now, it's difficult to remember what I did earlier today, and nearly impossible to remember yesterday or the day before. This is largely due to my body killing itself off.
So, I don't really remember much about my childhood now and it's worsening each day. Sometimes an old memory pops in my consciousness but it's murky and I can't remember it afterwards.
My first memory I do remember though. I think it'll stay and be the last before death. I'm unsure how old I was, pretty young, like, 3 or 4 I guess. I can't tell you what happened before or after, but the fragment itself I do recall very well. I was face down on an ottoman, flailing fists and crying/screaming 'i just want my mom' while my grandmother was trying to console me, she kept saying, 'but i'm here.' The tantrum lasted until the tears were depleted and my voice closed up and stopped working, then my grandmother gave me a bowl of cereal and I ate it, with sadness.
Remember sitting on my granny's lap and drinking sips from her beer before going to bed.
Remember my schizophrenic uncle dangerously holding me so tight that i felt physical pain, my mother trying to snatch me from him, then getting her head palmed and thrown in to a glass table.
Remember my great grandmother's house in hesperia and painting desert rocks.
Remember feeding my great grandmother's cat, suki. I actually have a picture that she painted of it.
Remember eating my great grandmother's 'slim fast' shakes and really liking them.
Another memory I remember really well was when my mother and her boyfriend took me to a grocery store, then left me there. I'm guessing she left to score dick or weed or something like that. I frantically searched the store, over and over, weeping so hard I was hyperventilating, checked the parking lot a couple times and the car wasn't there, then after a really long time, my mother appeared up and acted angry that I had 'run away' from her.
All of this is detailed in the piece I wrote that's published at lamination colony and that alt lit anthology thing.
Writing about past events is a great catharsis, I think.

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selfie does sound like a slang term for masturbating on your tummy, right?

Just seems like a lazy, abbreviated way of saying 'selfish.'

McDonalds or Burger King?

I don't eat fast food. The last time I did, they were both pretty damn gross. In N Out or Fatburger would be my choices.


Language: English